From north to south on West Marginal Way: 2 project notes

West Seattle’s easternmost arterial has two items of note today – not related aside from the street they share:

3601 WEST MARGINAL WAY ‘URBAN FARM’: Last month, while the state was taking applications from prospective recreational-marijuana businesses, we mentioned that two applicants were seeking to produce marijuana in a building at 3601 West Marginal Way, alongside the West Seattle Bridge.

(King County Assessor photo)
There are now two permit applications in with the Department of Planning and Developmentone filed in December to “change use of a portion of existing floor and mezzanine from heavy manufacturing to urban farm in existing commercial building,” one filed this week for an interior wall. The state has not yet announced its final licensing decisions.

7116 WEST MARGINAL WAY DECISION NEAR: Four months after the homeless encampment cleared out, this partly-city-owned site’s future might become clearer next week. We just checked with Food Lifeline to see if its proposal to build a regional center there for its hunger-relief work was still in play; the organization tells WSB this is one of two sites it has been reviewing and that its board is expected to make a decision this month about which to pursue.

3 Replies to "From north to south on West Marginal Way: 2 project notes"

  • mark47n January 9, 2014 (1:44 pm)

    Well…since it was remodeled that building has been completely vacant…Not much else to say about that.

  • MSW January 9, 2014 (11:23 pm)

    Great…more places for pot heads to go and buy stuff. I thought smoking is bad for you.

  • Wes C. Addle January 10, 2014 (5:09 am)

    It’s a production facility and not a retail store. Also can we get rid of this “Pot Head” label. Not everyone that drinks is a “Drunk” so why is everyone that enjoys Pot a “Pot Head”?
    Hopefully in a few years that term will wind down.

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