West Seattle businesses 3235 results

Packing up

A reader e-mailed us with word that Retroactive Kids is leaving its space north of Morgan Junction and moving to Columbia City; the store’s site and blog (with construction pix from the new space) confirm it. Perhaps no surprise, since the three-business building it’s in has been for sale for a while.

Fruit and vegetable fans, rejoice!

February 25, 2007 2:00 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

The WS Farmers’ Market is on hiatus till April, but there’s still somewhere to load up on great produce for cheap — we just noticed Tony’s is back from its winter break! Sample of today’s prices — 69 cents per huge head of garlic, less than a buck for a head of lettuce (half the current grocery store price).

Another sign of change

fitnesssign.jpgYou might have noticed this sign that just went up in The Junction, over Matador. Seems to be a personal-training franchise, according to this press release (the company’s own site isn’t working at the moment.)

Sounds too good to be true

February 22, 2007 7:26 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle online

Maybe this is how all car salesperson “help wanted” ads read. But the “no experience” part could probably be subtitled, “especially not if you have HB on your resume.”

Your favorite Junction shop?

Quiet night, weather’s turned miserable again, nothing in WS seems to be making news right about now. So how about a little discussion? Tell us about your favorite shop (non-food/beverage, please, we’ve talked about all THAT enough for a while) in The Junction. We’ll start — Pegasus Book Exchange. You can take in books to sell, and you get credit applicable to part of the price of anything there you want to buy, same day or even years into the future. So what’s your fave? Leave a comment!

Driven to anger

Yes, we know new owners have taken over Huling. But the fallout from the recent scandal continues, in little ways as well as big, such as this blogger deciding to finally write, in furious detail, about a previous experience at the dealership.

Coming, going, building

February 11, 2007 12:44 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle restaurants | Westwood

-As a couple people wrote to tell us, a “retirement sale” is now under way at Leslie’s, just south of Spiro’s.

-The construction site at Westwood Village now has a banner up promising GIANNONI’S PIZZA (different from the website spelling but we still can’t figure out who’s behind it), COMING SOON, PIZZA BY THE SLICE.

-Lots of signs of progress as Garlic Jim’s Pizza in The Junction gets ready to open next month, including a NOW HIRING sign.

-Just up the block from there, facade work is under way at the ex-Bobby’s Hobbies, future (apparently) bakery.

-Today’s supposed to be the last day for Hollywood Video at 41st & Alaska (mixed-use megaproject coming soon).

The Huling scandal just gets uglier

Yet more details in a long investigative Times article today, suggesting criminal and unethical activity among employees at Huling went far beyond the infamous case that broke wide open last month. (Last part of the story says the new owners “will not try to undo the sale” but are accelerating the sign-changing process, though we haven’t seen anything new since what we posted two weeks ago.)

Who you gonna call?

February 6, 2007 7:47 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

Not the owner of a business that’s moved out, if you are interested in its old space, apparently. Got e-mail from Emerald City Locksmith, which (as we mentioned last week) has left its JuNo — sorry, we mean, north-of-Junction-location. The e-mailer claims to be getting besieged by calls and respectfully asks everyone to please stop, so (he?) can finish working on the move to a new Harbor Ave location. If you’re interested in the space, the e-mail goes on to say, Landlord Management Inc. is who to call, NOT ECL.

If you can stand one more word about pizza

February 1, 2007 9:25 pm
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 |   Seen around town | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle restaurants

Construction appears to be starting at the Gionnoni’s Pizza (STILL don’t know who they are)/Taco Del Mar site at Westwood Village. Noticed tonight that a fence is up (where a tree lot stood weeks ago), with a construction trailer and Honey Bucket on hand too.

Open space in JuNo

If we can have NoMo and SOA, why not JuNo — north of The Junction? Anyway, an e-mail tip alerted us to empty storefronts we hadn’t previously noted. Emerald City Locksmith is gone, but window postings promise they’ll unlock a new location on Harbor Ave in March; Fringe salon is just plain gone, with FOR LEASE signs outside the space (which has had other names), as well as a land-use alert (townhouses, of course) dating back to last August.

New grand-opening date @ ex-Cat’s Eye Cafe

The folks behind the Four Aims Center, at the site of the ex-Cat’s Eye Cafe just north of Lincoln Park, just sent word their grand-opening party is now set for Feb. 11.

Huling? Huling who?

The car lots’ new owners seem to have accelerated their signage program in the past few days … first the electronic signboard at Alaska/Fauntleroy, now these banners:


Friday morning headlines

-A gushy Seattle Times writeup on the “pay by touch” technology that’s in its fifth year at Morgan Junction Thriftway confirms our November suspicions that it remains the only store in Seattle using PBT. Nothing personal against the Thriftway, which we adore, but we still don’t get why anyone would link their finances to their fingerprints. If you use it, we’d love to hear from you; we still have never seen, or heard from, anyone who has.

-The whole viaduct-vote thing still has our heads a-spinning. OK, so never mind what the Gov said the other day, now we’re going to have a vote? All just complicated political positioning, we suppose. So how ’bout they throw The Third Option and even The Retrofit on the ballot too, while everyone’s changing their minds every five minutes? Or are we supposed to be happy and relieved now that at least we get some kind of vote?

-Thanks to the reader who tipped us to the effervescent Elliott Bay Brewery feature on the Seattle Weekly site. (We’re not much for beer but we like their burgers too!)

No business like shoe business

January 13, 2007 12:16 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle online

Nice writeup for Clementine on nwsource.com. Glad people who love the finer things in life have more places to shop in WS, with Clementine, Divina, and others now on the scene. (Although, apropos to one point in the Clementine article, our personal “freak-out price point for shoes” is $25 … it’s Payless or barefoot for us, baby!)

New year, new WS businesses

January 11, 2007 6:25 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | WS beverages

-Back in September, we discovered that the former Cat’s Eye Cafe north of Lincoln Park would be transformed into the Four Aims Center. One of its owners — who  mentions having been an original Cat’s Eye owner — just wrote us to say they’re finally in the home stretch with city signoff and so forth, and planning the grand opening Feb. 4.

-Several people have written to make sure we know about a milestone for  something else we caught wind of last year, the new West Seattle microbrewery Schooner Exact (named after the Denny Party’s ship). Its licensing process is just wrapping up and its creations will debut Jan. 20 (a week from this Saturday) at Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction — its founders say everyone’s invited.

New owners on the move

January 9, 2007 8:29 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses

We got a note wondering about a huge new FOR LEASE sign right behind Safeway @ Jefferson Square. Still haven’t uncovered exactly what’s for lease but we did get a reply from a rep for the center’s new owners, saying there IS open space and reminding us all that the center does have new owners — we don’t remember much local press about it, but Pan Pacific Properties, which bought Jefferson Square two years ago, was purchased a few months back by Kimco Realty, which runs these types of “grocery-anchored” shopping centers around the country (and outside the U.S. as well). Will this mean some change? Keep an eye out. But don’t forget, the center ownership doesn’t actually include the land under Jefferson Square – that’s leased out by Seattle Public Schools.

Another huge change for Fauntleroy/Alaska intersection

First the Fauntleroy Place plan … now this: After 60 years in the car biz in West Seattle, the Huling family’s getting out of it, per the P-I. You can read more here about the Spokane-based car company that’s taking over.

Another potential new job for your new year

January 3, 2007 6:37 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

If the DNDA gig we mentioned recently isn’t quite your thing, how about the job that’s open for the West Seattle Junction Association? As we mentioned in the WSYIR, things are a-jumpin’ in The Junction, so it’s bound to be fun.

Holiday? What holiday?

December 25, 2006 5:14 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle businesses

Just out for a Christmas night drive … saw a few places with people inside; on Alki, Celtic Swell and Pepperdock — in The Junction, we’d already heard about Poggie’s plans from Slog — and besides the convenience stores you’d expect to see open (including indies like Juneau St. Market), both Rite Aid branches are open.

Seen around WS on Christmas Eve-Eve

-First, the non-merry note: After just 6 months, looks like Al’s Cafe & Espresso on Cali Ave north of Morgan Junction is out. We thought it seemed odd this morning to see it closed this morning when we stopped by during prime coffee time to check on its Christmas hours; drove past this evening, suddenly the sign’s gone from its window, and a light inside shows the place pretty much stripped bare. Tough location, with so much so close right at the Fauntleroy/Cali crossroads.

-Now, the holiday cheer: One more light display to recommend — 56th & Alki, Santa in the front yard on a brightly lit replica of construction equipment (with a sign for a construction company cleverly placed beneath it). And at 42nd & Raymond, we passed a parked pickup truck with HONK IF YOU LOVE SANTA written big and bold in the rear window.

-Just ’cause the power’s back doesn’t mean City Light crews’ work is done … saw a truck in action after 8 pm tonight, back at the scene of The Tree That Blocked Fauntleroy.

Catching up

We apologize for, while tracking the events of West Seattle Unplugged ’06, slacking on one of our favorite things to do, keeping an eye on storefronts and permit databases to see who’s coming/going/changing around here. Two recent discoveries: The 2-story building at Westwood Village, north of Barnes/Noble, is apparently getting a “day spa”; and looks like we’ll soon have another location for coffee — 4800 Delridge, where the city permit info says they’re putting up a sign saying BUBBLES (any relation to Bubbles on Alki, whose site offers “business opportunities”?).

Not exactly the calm after the storm

December 22, 2006 6:19 pm
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 |   December 2006 windstorm | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle parks | West Seattle politics

We were going to say that driving around WS tonight was “normal” — no major lights out, etc. — for the first time in more than a week, but the pre-Christmas craziness is making up for it. Crowds galore. Good for our local businesses, at least.

In post-storm notes … got e-mail from the office of local County Councilmember Dow Constantine (while Seattle City Councilmembers aren’t elected by district, King County Councilmembers are), saying he’s pushing for a “formal council review of the local response to (the) windstorm.” As for the city, haven’t seen anything yet about the outcome of today’s “briefing.” The video is now posted on the Seattle Channel site (with an ironic disclaimer about “diminished” audio quality because of an “unforeseen technical problem”).

Today’s storm-aftermath photo: proof some of the fallen trees in Lincoln Park are being cleared away; we spotted this pile in the central LP parking lot.
