West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
You can make your opinions about the viaduct measures, and other transportation issues (including future tax votes), known via this new “opinionnaire.” (!)
Check this out. Now our heads really are spinning (along with our wheels).
Yet more details in a long investigative Times article today, suggesting criminal and unethical activity among employees at Huling went far beyond the infamous case that broke wide open last month. (Last part of the story says the new owners “will not try to undo the sale” but are accelerating the sign-changing process, though we haven’t seen anything new since what we posted two weeks ago.)
Promise we won’t waste your time by mentioning this every day it continues. But since it does seem confusing and some have asked … the Metroblogging Seattle “best blog” poll is an NCAA spoof. They named “regional brackets” that have nothing to do with the physical locations of the blogs they chose to put in their polls — so that’s why West Seattle Blog wound up in the “Ballard Regional” (after winning the “City Beat Qualifier”). To vote (continuing six more days), go here and click the little circle next to our blog’s name in the box titled “Ballard Matchup 1.” OK, thanks again, and now on to bigger things.
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