West Seattle businesses 3258 results

For the first time since Spanky’s went out …

… there’s a sign on Cali prominently advertising “adult” merchandise.


We noticed the new “adult DVDs” addition to the sign at the Short Stop market on the north edge of Morgan Junction several days ago and felt a little hinky about it, but then thought, nah, we’re just prudes. A day later, we got reader e-mail voicing concern, and we decided it’s worth raising the question here. The reader wrote, in part:

It’s lit up and elevated up on a big pole, which is unfortunate for the neighborhood. What’s next, strip clubs? Now when my family comes to visit, I’ll have to tell them “Take a right at the Adult DVD store.” 

Now, in fairness, this sign is not exactly next to a school or day-care center. Chuck & Sally’s Tavern is the second building to the north, Beveridge Place Pub is the next one south. But it is next to the site of a future park, and smack in the middle of a neighborhood in transition — with a big condo conversion and future townhomes also steps away. So what do you think? “Unfortunate,” as the reader wrote? Or no big deal?

Bye-bye, Box

starnailsbeautybox.jpgNoticed this week that 3256 Cali is for sale, the site best known for its little brick business duplex with the timeless Beauty Box sign on the south wall; appears its owner died earlier this year. Before we got around to mentioning the listing here, reader e-mail tipped us that the Beauty Box shop is closing next month; big sign in the window verifies it, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS/EVERYTHING FOR SALE. No development application filed for the site yet so far as we can tell from the city database.

Barber’s back

August 14, 2007 4:00 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle people

A couple weeks ago, we mentioned the note on the door of Rick’s Barber Shop. Rick himself posted a comment today to say he’s reopening tomorrow; since the original post has long since fallen off the home page, we wanted to spotlight it here:

Thanks ya’ll. This is Rick and I’ll be back as of August 15th. Sorry about the short notice, had friend stick a note in the window. A little vague but not sure of my return date until I return. Lots of legal and family (ill parents) matters so I’ll probably be scootin’ out again, this time with a better note in the window. Thanks for the health concerns. Just gettin’ old I guess but not as old as the folks – Rick

Sunday sunset, and more

We didn’t go to Westwood Village tonight in search of our semi-traditional Sunday sunset photo, much less infobits, but we found both …


The WV infobits: #1, West Seattle bestselling author Terry Brooks is coming back to the WV Barnes & Noble, August 28th @ 6:30 pm, almost a year after his last stop there; #2, the Pet Pros store in the old laundromat spot next to QFC is now open.

Coffee closure


Thanks to the WSB reader who sent e-mail to call to our attention the fact that, not long after its sale, Carosello Coffee (former Coffee Shoppe, former Casablanca) on 35th north of Holden is closed. Handwritten sign on its door says NEW OWNERSHIP, WILL REOPEN SOON. The business next door (also recently sold) has already changed from Koze to Northwest Montessori (which used to be on the grounds of the former Calvary Lutheran Church at 35th/Cloverdale, now Life Church Ministries, the congregation, previously known as Gatewood Baptist before selling its Cali/Othello building to developers who resold it to Seattle International Church … whew, sounds like a soap-opera recap).

South Morgan Junction on the move

July 31, 2007 4:31 pm
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 |   Development | Gatewood | West Seattle businesses

If you’re looking for someplace to move a business, south of Morgan Junction is where you might want to be. In fact, space is available at the current home of Authentic Home, which is moving later this year to the north edge of The Junction (4151 Cali, former home of Emerald City Locksmith). Below the photo, some other changes in the same business area south of Morgan Junction, which covers two blocks north of Caffe Ladro:


In this block, the Tail Wag has rebranded itself as Stella Ruffington’s; in the block north of the photo, Chill is open, offering massages and “modern apothecary” (its website isn’t built out yet but the flyers at its storefront promise an intriguing mix of aromatherapy). All this within a stone’s throw of development/housing action we’ve reported on previously, including the SeventyOne apartments-turned-condos, the Housing Authority purchase of Riviera West, and the big clump of townhouses on former Gatewood Baptist church land across from the ex-GB/now Seattle International Church itself.

Wondering about Divina?

July 30, 2007 1:19 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

Several people have written us wondering what’s up with Divina, north of The Junction, since it looks rather empty from the outside. We stopped to check out the sign on the door; it promises they’ll be “back in August” with more “new, fun” stuff.

Gone fishing or just gone?

Sign on Rick’s Barber Shop along Cali south of The Junction says “barber shop closed until further notice.” Voice-mail greeting says the same thing. Don’t know how long it’s been there; we just happened to be walking through the between-junctions (TweenJun? nah, let’s not go there) area for the first time in a while & saw it.

Legend(s)ary no more

Alongside the bus stop on 35th, just south of Avalon, the Legends sign is down, the new Redline sign is up.


New name for the motel you love to hate

The ex-Travelodge on Alaska just west of 35th, where the sign had been under a blue bag for months, is now suddenly redubbed SEATTLE WEST INN & SUITES. (We know you won’t believe it without a picture, but it’s such a dark & stormy night, ours didn’t come out.)

Latest sign of change

The old Neilsen Florist building on the north edge of The Junction is one step closer to transformation into Shadowland: The neon just came off the old sign (photo below), and a knowledgeable source tells us it was offered to the Neilsen family. (This is just down the block from Shoofly Pie Company, which opens this Saturday, if your calendar’s not already marked!)


Westwood Village additions in progress

Next to QFC, the Pet Pros store-to-be (ex-laundromat) has a “help wanted” sign posted out front; on the south edge of WV, the suspense (?) is finally over regarding which of the new spaces next to Sally’s will be Giannoni’s Pizza and which will be Taco Del Mar:


Teeing up for a good cause

July 5, 2007 5:08 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | WS & Sports

Learned a few new things while looking around for more of what WS people are up to online: A software enterprise involved in some cool concerns is located at Luna Park, and it’s got a sponsorship deal going with a charity golf tournament later this month.

Book blog

July 5, 2007 8:01 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle businesses | WS culture/arts

Just recently found Square One’s site; possibly of interest to our fellow WS book fans. (And on its regular site, the store is offering Harry Potter pre-sales through July 20, with a cut of the proceeds going to WestSide Baby.)

Pro-Charlestown picketing today

heartchaztown1.jpgCan the Charlestown Cafe stay in its longtime home, or will the property owner continue the process of booting it so a big-box store can move in? Today’s the day Charlestown supporters plan to make some noise with a picketing demonstration along Cali in front of the restaurant. Lots of info, and downloadable sign art (example at left), at Our Town West Seattle. (P.S. to demonstration attendees: If you take picketing pix and post them to your own site or a gallery site like Flickr, please leave a comment here afterward, with a link; we’ll be away from the computer much of the day and unable to post anything you send us directly.)

Picketers, prepare

This Saturday, 11 am-2 pm, is the big pro-Charlestown Cafe picketing rally (backstory here). So that participants can prepare, a selection of sign suggestions has just been uploaded to the Our Town West Seattle group (join it and you can download them too, while getting full details on the latest developments) — here are four of them; the last is our fave:


It’s dog-eat-dog out there

Proprietor Cliff Mark of Next to Nature in The Junction has posted a comment that you might not see, since it’s on a post that’s a couple pages into the site, but we thought it was worth a spotlight here:

First, a big thank you to all those who in the face of increasing numbers of pet supply stores opening in WS, have chosen to continue to grant us at Next to Nature the privilege of serving your pet-related needs. We greatly appreciate your support and hope that we will continue to satisfy you with our service, selection and value.  As my wife, Bea, and I have known since 1994, WS is truly a GREAT place to live and work. BTW, to help make your continued support a little easier, we have recently expanded our hours of operation from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Mondays through Saturday. We are still open 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sundays.  Again, thanks to all those who are keeping all West Seattle-based businesses thriving.  If anyone has any comments or suggestions for us at NTN please send them along to info@next-to-nature.com

More change

June 22, 2007 6:29 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

Just got this note about more reported change east of The Junction:

West Seattle Furnace has been in West Seattle since 1946 and Dick Leidholm has retired and sold his building at 4619 37th Ave SW.

The office manager – myself, Diana Charles Abels – has gone to Cascade Oil Company and one of my service techs Bill M has gone to Cascade Oil also. So, if you need help with your Furnace, A/C or fuel deliveries, please contact me at 206-323-6050.

City archive photo of West Seattle Furnace, on this page.

What’s next for Ovio space

June 20, 2007 4:31 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

The Times quotes Ovio’s outgoing owners as saying another restaurant will definitely take over the space. City files show a construction permit application for “seating and bar alterations at existing restaurant,” dated this past Monday, and lists the applicant as Robert Coburn. That’s where our intel trail goes cold, for now. (Anyone else?)

Progress for the other WS megaproject

Four days after the 41st/42nd/Alaska megaproject (with QFC) cleared a city hurdle, the Fauntleroy Place megaproject just a couple blocks to the east (with Whole Foods) has cleared one too. The company in charge of the project, Blue Star Management, says city council members unanimously approved the “alley vacation” today, and explains the alley’s future: “The alley running north to south from SW Oregon Street to SW Alaska Street between 40th Ave SW and 39th Ave SW will be relocated into an L-shaped alley, running from SW Oregon Street south and then exiting west at about three-quarters block on to 40th Ave SW, instead of continuing toward SW Alaska Street.” Blue Star reiterates that it hopes to start construction early next year; below is the latest rendering of what Fauntleroy Place is supposed to look like.


3 scenes from a non-sunny Sunday

Late-afternoon outdoor wedding just west of the Alki Bathhouse:


Mid-afternoon, still low-enough tide to see this inscription on the water side of the Alki bulkhead/staircases … we know what 1851 refers to; was 1925 when these were put in? (have to go dig out our West Side Story)


Early afternoon, ample free parking behind Junction businesses on the east side of Cali, even as the lots on the west side overflowed (with drivers circling in frustration):


Job cuts in West Seattle

We must admit we didn’t know this manufacturing business was here in WS (in the business-but-not-retail zone east of The Junction) till this story just turned up about 90 people losing their jobs there.