day : 05/07/2007 5 results

Teeing up for a good cause

July 5, 2007 5:08 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | WS & Sports

Learned a few new things while looking around for more of what WS people are up to online: A software enterprise involved in some cool concerns is located at Luna Park, and it’s got a sponsorship deal going with a charity golf tournament later this month.

From Ovio, to oysters

Some WSB readers have mentioned hearing the next restaurant in the ex-Ovio/ex-Guppy’s/ex-pizza etc. space on the southern edge of The Junction would have something to do with oysters … now the state liquor-license application files seem to confirm that, with paperwork reported this week for “Ama Ama Oyster Bar” going into that very space.

Fiery 4th in WS

We’ve received reports of several overnight fires blamed on fireworks around WS, but the one in the High Point vicinity was by far the biggest. News coverage includes this P-I article, an update from the Times, and a KIRO update with links to video. We’re glad to hear nobody was hurt, but honestly, this is why personal fireworks are banned in cities like ours. Fun, sure; dangerous and damaging, unquestionably, no matter how hard you try to keep it safe.

Reminder: Admiral closure tonight

July 5, 2007 9:31 am
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 |   Transportation

The city now says Admiral will only have to close for one full night as part of the latest phase of the repaving process: 7 pm tonight till 6 am Friday, it will be closed between Olga and 41st. More in the city’s latest project update here.

Book blog

July 5, 2007 8:01 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle businesses | WS culture/arts

Just recently found Square One’s site; possibly of interest to our fellow WS book fans. (And on its regular site, the store is offering Harry Potter pre-sales through July 20, with a cut of the proceeds going to WestSide Baby.)