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CSO control at Lowman Beach, or? New info from the county

June 17, 2010 11:45 am
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Though (as reported Tuesday) the county didn’t publicly announce the first meeting of the Citizens Advisory Group it has assembled for the review of how/where to control Combined Sewer Overflows from the Murray Pump Station at Lowman Beach Park – they promised to get out more advance info in the future, and we just received the first installment from King County Wastewater Treatment Division’s Annie Kolb-Nelson, regarding the next CAG meeting, a reminder of this Saturday’s all-day “technical information session” (with optional tours), and more:Read More

West Seattle Trader Joe’s followup: Design explained; what’s next

New information this morning on West Seattle’s now-confirmed future Trader Joe’s (here’s our Wednesday story): We’ve just spoken with Associates West Real Estate‘s John Wunder, to whom property owner Steve Huling referred us for additional information following our conversation yesterday. One big question we asked him: While the preliminary city filing first noted here in April mentioned only “minor exterior improvements,” some seeing the project rendering above thought it looked like much more than that. No, he says, it really is “minor exterior (work)” – once you see what part of the building is involved:

We just went over to take that photo after Wunder explained that the rendering depicts what’s planned for the east/northeast corner of the building, where there’s currently a service entry to the garage, next to the showroom. “If you look closely at the rendering, you’ll see the same lines, so the entry is going to go right at the point of the building,” Wunder explained. (A wider shot would show Fauntleroy off the left side. Note that this also is kitty-corner to the under-construction Link.) He also said that while, as DPD‘s Bryan Stevens confirmed to WSB yesterday morning, the formal permit application for the 14,000+-square-foot store has not been filed yet, that should happen shortly. Wunder said, “We don’t anticipate problems; the preliminary meeting went well.”

West Seattle Thursday: Council committee; SSCC; Alki; whales!

(Photo taken by Eric along the Beach Drive shore)
Tonight, find out more about the biggest whales in Northwest waters during the Whale Trail-presented talk with Cascadia Research and People for Puget Sound, 7 pm at the Duwamish Longhouse (here’s our recent preview) … Last night, city councilmember Sally Clark visited the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council (story in the works) – tonight, councilmembers Bruce Harrell, Mike O’Brien and Richard Conlin are here – for a three-part event at Chief Sealth/Boren: At 5 pm, an information fair with city staffers sharing details about programs to help people with utility, housing, food and child care; at 6 pm, the Public Utilities/Neighborhoods and Energy/Technology/Civil Rights committees discuss trends in those areas; at 7 pm, public comment. … Also tonight at 7, the Alki Community Council meets at Alki UCC Church, with the agenda including a King County Water Taxi rep (here’s our report on last week’s Water Taxi Town Hall) … The South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) commencement is at 7:30 tonight at Brockey Center … Italian winemakers, and South African wines, are in the plan for a Thursday night tasting at Bin 41 (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, 5:30-8 pm … There’s even more on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar!

Father’s Day Eve is Guys’ Night Out, benefiting WestSide Baby

June 17, 2010 5:08 am
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Father’s Day is coming up this weekend – and the night before, a new event will raise money for local families! Nancy Woodland of WestSide Baby explains:

Two great guys are holding a fantastic fundraiser for WestSide Baby this weekend and you should be there! Early this year two of our favorite supporters approached us with the idea to hold a Guys Night fundraiser. WestSide Baby provides essential items to local children in need and we think men care about this need too! Because our biggest event of the year is an afternoon Tea, we jumped on the idea to share WestSide Baby’s mission and impact with men in our community who care about kids. Providing adequate diapers and safe carseats and portable cribs should matter to everyone.

Guys’ Night Out will be at the White Center Eagles HQ, 10452 15th SW (map), Saturday 5 pm-10 pm. Click ahead for full details:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Report roundup, early Thursday edition

The new Seattle Police some-reports-available-online system currently has reports that are as new as just two nights ago. So in this roundup, we have seven burglaries, one attempted robbery, and we also have the report from last week’s incident in which shots were fired in Westwood just before officers found a beaten-up victim – read on for all of the above:Read More

Extension recommended for Seattle Public Schools’ superintendent

The official vote isn’t until July 7th, but after their meeting tonight, the Seattle School Board has before it a recommendation to extend Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson‘s contract to 2013, after a mostly positive performance review. That’s according to reports from tonight’s board meeting – here’s what our partners at the Seattle Times wrote, and here’s a more detailed (and opinionated) take from saveseattleschools.blogspot.com. Read the full performance evaluation here, and the extension recommendation here. The board is recommending, however, no raise and no bonus.

Another grocery (TJ’s) on the west side – what about east side?

1st report from tonight’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting: In the wake of today’s Trader Joe’s West Seattle confirmation, a semi-sore subject was inevitable: When is the east side of West Seattle going to get a grocery store? It wasn’t all lament – there’s news ahead from the King County Food and Fitness Initiative. But first, the numbers. With TJ’s, there will be three grocery stores in Admiral (temporarily 2 when Safeway closes for construction in September), three in The Junction (not counting the still-not-officially-dead Whole Foods, which tells us they may have something to say at month’s end), one in Morgan Junction, one in Westwood Village, one on Roxbury. As some at tonight’s meeting noted, there may be hope down the road if the Boren site is ever redeveloped (right now Seattle Public Schools is keeping it as emergency backup). But for now, Delridge Neighborhood District Coordinator Ron Angeles suggested that pragmatically, the best short-term tactic is working for better east-west transportation in West Seattle so that Delridge residents can get to the stores. Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association executive director Derek Birnie mentioned ideas some parts of the country are trying, like satellite stores, where big groceries in one part of a town send a truck a day to smaller stores.

(WSB photo of Super 24 mural from August 2009)
And then there’s the work KCFFI is doing – working to bring healthy food to Delridge on a smaller, immediate scale – Youngstown Cultural Arts Center‘s Randy Engstrom announced a date is set for the “night market” at the first Healthy Corner Store, Super 24, coming up July 10th – there will be farmers selling fresh food, plus entertainment. We’re waiting for official word on the hours. There’ll also be a weekly fresh-produce-market day at the store too starting as soon as next week. More details on these when we get them from Randy. 2:53 PM UPDATE: As promised: The weekly produce market at Super 24, starting up about the same time as the “night market,” will be Fridays 9 am-5 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 6 pm. Also on Saturdays, the Delridge Fresh Food Spot Team (DNDA staff and volunteers) will be at the Super 24 from 10 am-2 pm providing food samples as well as healthy-food info and kids’ activities.

West Seattle’s newest landmark: North Admiral’s ‘Bloss House’

(Photo courtesy Historic Seattle)
The city Landmarks Preservation Board has just voted 8-2 to grant city-landmark status to the North Admiral bungalow known as the “Bloss House” (4055 SW Holgate). It was revealed that the home’s longtime (but not original) owner Ruth Ward, who was too ill to attend the meeting at which the nomination was accepted back in April, died five days later (here’s her obituary). “She was just hanging on (to see that happen),” suggested Eugenia Woo of Historic Seattle, which prepared the nomination paperwork. (One of its leaders read a century-old poem, “Bungal-Ode,” bringing smiles around the room – read it here – in explaining the significance of bungalows in general.) The house is in the process of being purchased – pending some legal issues – by a couple who lives next door, who spoke at the hearing (photo right), hoping that the landmark designation wouldn’t get in the way of them making badly needed repairs; they intend to use it as a rental. (They were assured the board would collaborate with them.) It was proposed for landmark status not because of something remarkable about its history or its owners past/present – but rather because it was a rare still-standing example of largely unaltered Craftsman construction and trim. (West Seattle architectural historian Brooke Best also noted during the public-comment period that even though WS is not a place of “high style,” she feels more of its historic architecture should be recognized formally in this way.) First word of the landmark proposal came in early April (here’s our original story).

The Bloss House is now the third new city landmark in West Seattle designated in less than a year – the Seaview Building at The Kenney [WSB coverage here] and The Sanctuary at Admiral, formerly Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist [WSB coverage here] are the previous two. Landmark designation brings some tax benefits but also some responsibilities and restrictions, depending on what part of the structure is designated; in this case it’s the exterior and part of the interior. (That part of the deal will be worked out later, in an agreement containing “controls and incentives.”)

Video: West Seattle High School Class of 2010 graduation

For the second consecutive day, hundreds of local teenagers are at Memorial Stadium downtown to celebrate the completion of their high-school education – and the start of the next phase. Tonight, it’s West Seattle High School Class of 2010. ADDED 7:49 PM: The ~275 grads are off to the long-planned-for-and-fundraised-for Grad Night – and we’re adding more photos and video. First, decorated caps:

Here’s principal Bruce Bivins, who is headed for a new job in California – he and other faculty members wore yellow roses:

(added 9:46 pm – clip from his speech)

In the crowd – signs to cheer the grads on:

But overall, a night for big smiles.

And after the turning of the tassels:

Student graduation speakers included student-body president Lisa Broadstone, co-class president Mariah Doll, and A.J. Franklin. The Class of 2010 motto: “Believe in the promise of tomorrow, but live this day to the fullest.”

From WS Runner: Mizuno Bus now, Alki Beach 5K kickoff Sat.

June 16, 2010 4:12 pm
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Two notes from West Seattle Runner, the new running store at Charlestown/California. Right now until about 7 pm, WSR’s Lori McConnell tells us, the Mizuno Bus is there, for shoe fittings and analysis, plus giveaways. Then next Saturday, Northwest Hope and Healing‘s Alki Beach 5K has its official kickoff – or should we say runoff? – with an in-store registration party at West Seattle Runner, 10 am-3 pm, including prize drawings, free coffee, chair massages and training tips – here’s the flyer. This year’s Alki Beach 5K is August 29th.

Steve Huling on Trader Joe’s confirmation: “It’s going to be super”

(Future long-awaited West Seattle Trader Joe’s)
We’ve just spoken to Steve Huling, owner of the property that this morning has been confirmed as a new Trader Joe’s – the one we told you in late April was worth watching, after a notation appeared on the city DPD website – and he says he’s finally able to talk about the project, since the company this morning officially confirmed it: “Now that it’s out, I can finally start talking about it! They’re going to create a lot of new activity in the area. I think this is a great deal for the community.” First, here’s the news release from the company:

Trader Joe’s, a unique, neighborhood grocery store with foods and beverages from the exotic to the basic, has signed a lease to open a new West Seattle store located at 4545 Fauntleroy Way SW. The store is scheduled to open in 2011 and is approximately 14,200 square feet in size.

Trader Joe’s was originally named in recognition of its distinct grocery buying process, because they search the world for great values and distinctive products. Crew members (store employees) consider themselves “traders on the culinary seas.” Crewmembers sport brightly colored Hawaiian-themed shirts, adding to the light-hearted air of the store.

Many area residents after the store opens can expect to receive a copy of the Trader Joe’s “Fearless Flyer” in their mailboxes. The Fearless Flyer is a somewhat irreverent description of a timely selection of Trader Joe’s products. It’s been called a cross between Consumer Reports and Mad Magazine. Each edition highlights a selection of Trader Joe’s products that the company buyers believe are worthy of customer interest, including comfort foods and items that are organic or have other special attributes.

Trader Joe’s carries an extensive array of domestic and imported foods and beverages including fresh baked artisan breads, Arabica bean coffees, international frozen entrées, 100% juices, fresh crop nuts, deli items, and vitamins and supplements, as well as the basics, like milk and eggs – all at honest, low prices.

Trader Joe’s is truly a grocery store unlike any other. Trader Joe’s is a “store of stories,” meaning every item in the store has its own virtues — high quality ingredients, great flavor or simply an extraordinary price — many items often feature all of those qualities. Another significant point of difference, all of Trader Joe’s prices are everyday prices. Trader Joe’s doesn’t have “sales” for a few days, only to hike the prices back up again. Their prices change only when their costs change — there are no fancy promotions, discount cards or couponing wars.

So how does Trader Joe’s offer unique groceries at prices everyone can afford? By offering more than 1000 items under the Trader Joe’s private label, which includes Trader Darwin’s vitamins (For the Survival of the Fittest), Trader José’s salsas, Trader Giotto’s marinara sauces, in addition to specially purchased items.

Also, Trader Joe’s buys differently than other grocers – they purchase from manufacturers, not through distributors. They’ll take a brand name product, take out the preservatives and artificial colors and ingredients, and put it under their Trader Joe’s label to sell it at a real discount.

Trader Joe’s introduces approximately a dozen new items every week, heightening the store’s adventurous appeal. Our buyers travel around the world searching out unique products at great values. In order for an item to be sold in a Trader Joe’s store, it must pass the scrutiny of a discerning tasting panel. Thousands of items are tasted each year to find products that both appeal to the culinary adventurer and microwave aficionado.

Huling tells us it’s been tough to keep quiet until the company confirmed it publicly. He adds, “Since this has been announced, we’re hopeful there’ll be some additional activity in the area – I think this whole area (the Triangle) is getting ready to bust open. It’s nice, it’s a great community, and it’s nice to see all the growth and it sounds like it’s going to be done in a very respectful way.”

As for how soon construction will start – earlier this morning, we had spoken with Bryan Stevens at DPD. The construction permit has not yet been applied for – the “initial information collected” designation that remains on the DPD page means simply that conversations have been had, but no paperwork has been filed. ADDED 5:07 PM: This is the rendering provided by Trader Joe’s.

We spoke with the project architect before seeing it today and hope to speak with him again tomorrow to find out more about exactly where on the lot this is going, since the DPD notation was “minor exterior remodel,” and this would certainly go beyond that.

Why a police officer might turn up at your door, with questions

In the Seattle Police Southwest and North Precincts, a “pilot program” is under way to talk one-on-one with residents about crime and safety issues in their neighborhoods – by sending police officers door-to-door with a survey of sorts. We learned about this from a West Seattleite who messaged us about it via Facebook after an officer showed up at her door to ask some questions. Our request to precinct staff for more information drew a callback from Capt. Joe Kessler, who explained:Read More

West Seattle Wednesday: WSHS graduation; Clark @ Delridge; more

(Tuesday photo of crows and eagle mixing it up, by Christopher Boffoli)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, which includes several events of WS note that are happening downtown – West Seattle High School‘s Class of 2010 graduates at 5 pm tonight, Memorial Stadium @ Seattle Center (followed by Grad Night) … The city Landmarks Preservation Board considers whether to designate West Seattle’s “Bloss House as a city landmark, 3:30 pm at the Municipal Tower downtown (public comment is welcome at the meeting) … City Councilmember Sally Clark is the guest at the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting at 7 tonight, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, following the Strategic Delridge meeting at 6 (tonight’s topic: “create or maximize places and events where diverse groups can come together to build trust and reciprocity”) … If you’re interested in the seawall component of the Alaskan Way Viaduct project, WSDOT has a public hearing as part of its environmental review, 5:30 pm at Bell Harbor Conference Center on the downtown waterfront (after a 4 pm open house) … The Seattle School Board‘s last meeting of the school year is at 6 pm at district HQ in SODO (agenda here), preceded by a 5:30 pm rally led by a group opposed to renewing Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson‘s contract (which is on tonight’s board agenda) … Even more, on the calendar!

Spokane Street Viaduct project: The next big traffic alert

(WSB photo from last month, showing where the top of the new ramp will be ‘fused’ to the old roadway)
SDOT mentioned it during the “media tour” we covered on the new 4th Avenue offramp in May – and now, they’re sending out a reminder: When they are ready to connect that new ramp from the eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct to the existing roadway, they will have to close the right-hand eastbound lane for up to six weeks – meaning a traffic bottleneck between 99 and I-5. (On the bright side, they had said in May that it could last up to EIGHT weeks.) Read on for the advance warning SDOT sent around Tuesday night:Read More

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Car prowls down, & more

We’re at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, where Sgt. Jeff Durden has just presented the crime-trends update. So far this month – car prowls are down dramatically – 30 in the first 13 days of June, compared to 123 for all of last month, and 126 the month before that. Sgt. Durden wondered if that might be in part thanks to a June 1st arrest that was reported here three days later – that of now-20-year-old Ronald Thompson, charged initially with 4 car thefts (we are checking to see if any more charges have been added in the case). We’ve also just heard more details about two cases we reported here briefly last night – the robbery at the South Seattle Market at 35th/Morgan, and a burglary arrest elsewhere in West Seattle yesterday. ADDED 11:49 PM: Click ahead for details (including, added at 1:35 am, toplines from City Attorney Pete Holmes’ guest appearance):Read More

Video: Chief Sealth International High School’s 2010 graduation

ORIGINAL 5:18 PM REPORT: We’re at Memorial Stadium downtown for the second of West Seattle’s three major high-school graduations this month – Chief Sealth International High School. Bright sunshine over the stadium, grads decked out in their light-blue and white gowns. They’ve just been congratulated by Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson. A few more notes to come as the ceremony proceeds (West Seattle High School graduates at the same time, same place, tomorrow). 5:31 PM: Staff speaker Peter Junkerman just told the grads that the move to temporary quarters at Boren two years ago proved “a school is more than a building.” (Sealth moves into its renovated permanent campus this fall.) He also has noted that the class earned $2.2 million in scholarships, between the nearly 200 grads. However – “The truth today is that, we celebrate you, and we worry about you. … Tomorrow is a new beginning. It’s the first day of the rest of your life. … (Today) is an ending, and a beginning.”

5:47 PM: School Board member Steve Sundquist is quoting Stephen Colbert, urging the grads to reject cynicism (as Colbert did in a speech), and President Obama. And he has just officially accepted the class of 2010. 6:04 PM: Diplomas are under way! Looks like this will end on time, by 6:30. Video and more photos later. ADDED 8:14 PM: After the alma mater, the grads did a “flash mob”-style dance to a medley – here’s two minutes of it:

LATE-NIGHT ADDITIONS: A quick look at the cheering crowd as grads get their diplomas:

Student speakers included student body president Mohamed Mohamed and senator Alexis Sullivan, along with Chantel Hunt and, with a style that drew cheers, Roxie Torres:

SW Genesee paving update: Two more blocks added

We first reported last week on the paving project between 47th and 49th on SW Genesee (map) – thanks to a WSB’er tip. The work was to be done today but got postponed because rain (which hasn’t shown up) was forecast. Now there’s word from SDOT they’re adding a couple more blocks:

Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) paving crews have been resurfacing SW Genesee Street from 47th Avenue SW to 49th Avenue SW. They recently completed grinding the old asphalt surface on these two blocks.

Today the crews have been given the “go ahead” to add two additional blocks of Genesee Street to the project, from 49th Avenue SW to 51st Avenue SW. The crews now plan to grind the old surface off of the additional blocks Wednesday (tomorrow), Thursday, and possibly also on Friday. They plan to lay the new asphalt, weather permitting, on Monday and Tuesday, June 21 and 22. One lane of traffic in each direction will remain open.

Genesee Street was not on SDOT’s original list of paving for 2010, but cost savings by the department from other paving projects have enabled SDOT to pave the street this year.

Seattle City Council pledges $15 million for new South Park Bridge

(King County rendering of future replacement South Park Bridge)
The Seattle City Council says it’s ready to back words with action in expressing support for a new South Park Bridge – with the current one shutting down forever two weeks from tomorrow. They’ve just pledged $15 million. Read on for the announcement (and, added 1:49 pm – a response to our question, not addressed in news release, of “where’s the money coming from?”):Read More

Seattle Public Library announces the sort-of-annual closure week

Once again this year because of budget cuts, the Seattle Public Library system will shut down for a week at summer’s end. They’ve just sent out an announcement saying the dates are August 30th-September 5th, right before Labor Day, so they won’t reopen till Tuesday 9/7. Read on for the full details:Read More

Seen on the hill: SW Charlestown’s ‘annual’ graffiti vandalism

Out of the WSB inbox, from Kent:

Just reporting that the annual “school is out” graffiti has begun on Charlestown hill (and 47th). This year’s tasteless art includes a blue Swastika as well as obnoxiously large white lettering and it doesn’t end there. I really wish there was a way to thwart this! Maybe putting out the word that while we are proud of our graduates, maybe they might consider that we have to look at this graffiti in front of our homes every day now for the next few years (until it wears off). The city refuses to remove or cover it and it just invites other vandals.

We’re checking with SDOT regarding the latter contention.

ADDED 5:44 PM: From Rick Sheridan at SDOT:

SDOT does remove graffiti on streets, and takes hate, sexist, and racist graffiti seriously. Our goal is to respond to offensive graffiti on public property as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours. SDOT will work to remove the swastika from the roadway on Wednesday, June 16.

We will also assess at that time whether the other painted elements need to be addressed. SDOT recognizes that this is a standing tradition for students, one that is not typically the subject of complaints.

CSO control @ Lowman Beach? New data; new group; Sat. session

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

In the most contentious public meetings so far about the prospect of a big project in the Lowman Beach Park area to reduce “combined sewer overflows” (CSO) at Murray Pump Station (left) – with three options currently under official county consideration, including one that would dig up much of the park – there were repeated calls for the county to make public all the technical information it used to settle on those alternatives while ruling out others.

Though the county project manager’s first response to that demand during April’s Morgan Community Association meeting was to suggest that residents file a public-disclosure request to force the county to give up the data, some information now appears to be coming out without quite that much of an additional fight.

With a “technical information meeting” looming this Saturday in West Seattle, documents are beginning to appear on a Technical Information page that’s part of the Puget Sound CSO Control Projects website – you can see the first round of links here.

This wasn’t announced to news media – nor was the creation of a new group to participate in the feedback process – but they’re both part of the newest developments in this ongoing controversy, as was a discussion we covered at last week’s city Parks Board meeting:

Read More

From West Seattle Nursery: GreenLife deadline; Sunday ‘Beerfest’

June 15, 2010 11:50 am
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Two notes from West Seattle Nursery – First, today is the deadline to apply to be part of GreenLife at West Seattle Summer Fest, coming up in The Junction July 9-10-11. We first wrote about GreenLife last month; you can get an application form here. NOTE #2: If you’ll be out and about on Father’s Day afternoon this Sunday, how about beer and hot dogs at WS Nursery? They’ve just announced another Beerfest, with beer from White Center’s Big Al Brewing. 1-4 pm. Bring food donations for the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks.

Education concerns: Film on Friday, and other events this week

One week from today, it’s the last day of school for thousands of local kids. But for those concerned about education and where it’s going, the school year’s ending with a bang, not a whimper. Two things to mention. First, the clip above is from a documentary called “Race to Nowhere,” which will be screened at West Seattle High School at 6 pm this Friday night, with the director Vicki Abeles on hand for a discussion at 7:30. The gist, as you’ll hear in the trailer: “Our kids are pressured to perform – but not to learn.” More details here. (The screening is co-sponsored by the Washington Education Association.)

Second – the final Seattle School Board meeting of the school year is tomorrow night, 6 pm at district HQ in SODO. Here’s the agenda; one of the items is introduction of the report regarding evaluating Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson, extending her contract and reviewing her pay. That’s why a group calling itself the “Seattle Shadow School Board” is organizing a protest outside district HQ before the meeting; it’s also been distributing information about the “no-confidence votes” that some local public-school employees (including groups at Schmitz Park and Sanislo elementaries) have taken in recent weeks (WSB reports here and here), and circulating an online petition.

Third – if you have anything you want to bring up with West Seattle’s school board rep, Steve Sundquist‘s final community chat of the school year is 11 am this Saturday, at the High Point library branch.