West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 man charged in 4 car-theft cases

(May 24th photo by David Rosen from SlickPix Photography)
A followup this afternoon on car-theft cases, including the one that yielded the May 24th photo above, as well as the one discussed in this recent comment thread. Charges have just been filed against Ronald E. Thompson, a Gatewood resident who turns 20 on Monday. He is charged with three counts of auto theft and one count of possession of a stolen vehicle, all happening over the past month and a half, starting with one theft in Queen Anne on April 16th. We just obtained the documents from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. The vehicle stolen in QA was found in West Seattle, while the other three were stolen from, and found in WS – the one in the photo was taken from, and found in, the 5400 block of 46th SW. A Lexus stolen in the 6000 block of 44th on May 30th is the one in which Thompson was found two days later, when police arrested him in Gatewood, a few blocks from his house. After the arrest, the charging papers say, Thompson told police about “an assault rifle” at his home; police found a Sturm-Ruger Mini-14 .223-caliber rifle loaded with 21 rounds of ammunition; he told them he’d bought the rifle, but it was listed as stolen in a King County burglary. Thompson remains in jail and is scheduled to answer the charges June 14th; the documents say he not only has a juvenile record, but also is still awaiting trial on a different auto theft case, in which “he told police that he stole a vehicle from West Seattle and drove it to Bothell, where he was trying to sell a laptop computer.”

13 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 man charged in 4 car-theft cases"

  • JanS June 4, 2010 (4:13 pm)

    sounds like a fine, upstanding guy..the Regional Justice Center sounds like a really good home for him.

  • alki resident June 4, 2010 (4:15 pm)

    ahhh yes,good ole Ron from school.Yep,not surprised ,always the trouble maker.

  • pam June 4, 2010 (4:30 pm)

    oh…..Ron, Ron, Ron…… please don’t be the same Ron I knew. That makes me sad if this is the route he’s gone. (with obvious disdain for the crimes and pain for the victims I feel sad for the little boy he was)

  • alki resident June 4, 2010 (4:33 pm)

    His dad had tried everything to help him over the yrs but now that hes an adult he doesnt have that backup plan.Hes screwed himself good this time.

  • marty June 4, 2010 (4:45 pm)

    Skyelar wanna-be.

  • Bob Loblaw June 4, 2010 (4:45 pm)

    Sounds like somebody needs to buy him a bus pass.

  • Mike June 4, 2010 (7:39 pm)

    Glad they caught up with him and have him in custody

  • bridge to somewhere June 4, 2010 (8:45 pm)

    Enjoy your new life at the RJC!

  • LMA June 6, 2010 (6:57 am)

    I hard that there is
    no internet,
    no cellphones,
    no Comcast,
    no going to shows ,
    no going to family reunion there
    cant even go to a move to a new release
    no prim rib stakes
    no traveling to country’s …….
    no thanks I would not what to sign up with that plan
    If you do the crime you do the time …….
    yup no thanks

  • Dean June 6, 2010 (5:53 pm)

    Give me a break people, this thug will do so little time you won’t even believe it. His road will end only in death. You watch, he will just learn to be a better and better thug until he kills someone and hopefully meets the same fate.

    Here is how sentencing SHOULD look:

    Property crimes – 20$ or more in value:
    > 10 years – 1st offense ages 16 and up (NO time off for “good behavior”)

    > 20 years – 2nd offense ages 16 and up (NO time off for “good behavior”)

    > LIFE with NO PAROLE – 3rd offense ages 16 and up (NO time off for “good behavior”)
    Crime involving persons as immediate victims whether injured or threatened with injury:

    > 10 years minimum 1st offense ages 16 and up (NO time off for “good behavior”)

    > 20 years minimum 2nd offense ages 16 and up (NO time off for “good behavior”)

    > LIFE with NO PAROLE 3rd offense ages 16 and up (NO time off for “good behavior”)
    Crimes involving the death of the victim:

    > Automatic death sentence for perps 18yo or over.

    > Automatic life w/no parole for perps 18yo-14yo.

    > Automatic 20 years minimum for perps 10-14yo.

    For ANY and ALL crimes:
    Following release from prison, all convicts shall be placed on a watch list and subjected to periodic unannounced questioning by police.
    Also, all family members of convicted perp (immediate – siblings, and parents) must be fined a significant $ amount (TBD by judge) for each crime the perp is convicted of committing against non-related victims.
    If we were to pass these MANDATORY sentencing standards and make “associating with criminals” a first offense property crime as per the above standard (10years automatic) you could sit back and WATCH the crime rates plummet.

  • Dunno June 7, 2010 (10:14 am)

    Enjoy your police state Dean. You would love living in North Korea. I don’t disagree with stiff sentencing.
    How much experience do you have with a problem child? What do you know about mental illness.
    Why don’t you adopt a problem child or two or three and make a real difference.

    In my book God will make the final judgement.

  • HolyKow June 7, 2010 (10:38 am)

    So if this guys does not time, be advised on this little tid-bit.

    Sturm-Ruger Mini14’s come from the factory with either a 5 or 20 round clip.

    The police reported this rifle was found with 21 rounds in the rifle.

    For those of you that do not know, this guy had one chambered for quick action plus a full clip behind it. You can empty that clip in a fairly tight group in about 12 seconds or less for more ‘spray’.

    This is not just a joyrider. This was a business and he was serious about it.

    Here’s hoping that he is not with us in our fine neighborhood for a long long time.


  • Baba June 7, 2010 (1:49 pm)

    Gotta give this guy some credit. He is no idiot.

    It ain’t easy to steal Lexus…

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