day : 17/12/2024 14 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Hit-run victim sought; pet attacked; stolen car found in unusual spot

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

HIT-RUN VICTIM SOUGHT: Sent late tonight by Jojo (who redacted the plate):

Hoping to find the young man hit by a car today near Westwood village at around 5:30 pm. We saw the car that hit him take off. We followed the car and got pictures and the license plate number. We came back around the block to check on the victim but he must’ve got on one of the busses there. We saw that he was limping and hope he’s ok. We did make a police report and hope the victim will call them and tell them what happened.

PET ATTACKED: Ilana says this happened “Monday morning at about 8:00 am on the corner of California Ave and Lander (across from the Admiral Safeway)”:

I was walking my dog and a guy waiting at the bus stop on California and Lander steped in front of me and kicked my dogI I had seen him and deliberately tried to move out of his way but he just moved in front of me. I seriously lost it on him (sorry to everyone around for all of the profanity) and called the police to file a report. A woman at the bus stop told me he randomly did the same to her dog a few days ago. When he got on the #50 bus, my husband picked me up and we followed the bus until it stopped and I jumped on the bus and got this picture of the guy.

The bus driver also called the police but to my knowledge he was not apprehended.

Police report # is 24-352555.

STOLEN CAR FOUND: This one caught our ear early Tuesday as a stolen car was found abandoned in the middle of an intersection atop a hill (39th/Thistle). Witnesses saw the apparent driver walking away northbound on 39th. Police determined the car, a 2007 Mazda 3, had been reported stolen from a Gatewood home less than a mile north, and that the alleged thief was related to the car’s owner. They got the car back but the suspect hadn’t been found/arrested by the time we obtained the report narrative.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Wind Advisory alert; early-morning outage on Puget Ridge

8:34 PM: Check to be sure you have everything charged up – as of the top of the hour, we’re under a Wind Advisory alert, until 4 am: “South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected.” Wind out of the south has been the culprit in many local power outages, so you’ll want to be ready.

1:40 AM: A little over two hours left in the advisory period, and – for once – no major wind so far.

5:30 AM: The advisory has been extended until 7 am, Meantime, there’s a 300+-customer power outage centered on Puget Ridge.

TONIGHT’S LIGHTS: From the block by the bridge

These are reader-contributed daylight photos, but the sight’s a delight at night, at this house and others along the 4000 block stub of Fauntleroy Way SW that parallels the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge [vicinity map].

Multiple houses on the block are well-lit, many with characters and/or animations.

It’s one week until Christmas Eve – we’ll continue showing decorated homes nightly (balconies too if you’ve seen festively decked ones) – please send photos and/or locations to – and scroll through this archive to see what we’ve shown already – thank you!

VIDEO: Game on! at West Seattle Arcade’s new Alki Beach annex, Gary’s Place

The second of two ceremonial ribboncuttings late today at Gary’s Place, the new sibling to West Seattle Arcade, was in tribute to its namesake, Gary Cichy. The plaque co-proprietor Elyssa Cichy (Gary’s daughter-in-law) held has a permanent spot on the wall by the bar in the back:

Elyssa explains that Gary’s Place – which is all ages, but minors must be accompanied by adults – complements West Seattle Arcade with features that customers asked for: More classic games, pinball, pizza, beer, and snacks, for example. Here’s the menu:

In the back you’ll also find those classic games including these (and co-proprietor Matt Cichy told us they’re on the hunt for others):

Along the front east wall, nine pinball games, with movie and TV themes from “Jaws” to “X-Files“:

If you feel like moving while you play, how about “Dance Dance Revolution“?

Tonight is technically a “soft-opening” in tandem with the ribboncutting organized by the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce (a welcome event for the Alki business district after two unrelated recent sudden shutdowns). Thursday (December 19) is the official opening night. Gary’s Place hours are noon-11 pm Mondays-Thursdays, noon until midnight Fridays, 11 am to midnight Saturdays, 11 am to 11 pm Sundays, at 2820 Alki SW.

FERRY ALERT: 1 more day without ‘bonus boat’ on Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route

December 17, 2024 6:00 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

The Triangle Route has been without the third “bonus boat,” the one that is used to catch up between regular sailings, since Monday, when M/V Sealth had to move to the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route after M/V Tillikum needed emergency repairs. The Tillikum is fixed so WSF will send it this way to be the “bonus boat” as of Thursday (December 19), lasting about two weeks. Then Tillikum goes out of service for maintenance; WSF hopes to be able to use another boat TBA as the “bonus boat” then. WSF says it hopes that “this plan minimizes disruptions and allows for reliable service the next few weeks.” Tillikum has almost the same capacity as Sealth – 87 vehicles compared to 90.

Three more West Seattle park restrooms to stay open this winter

(WSB photo from September: Newly winterized restroom building at Walt Hundley Playfield)

More news from Seattle Parks: This year’s list of winterized park-facilities restrooms is out, and they’ve added three more in West Seattle. Open this winter for the first time, Parks says, will be:


That’s in addition to 13 others on the list. Parks says it’s still “working to make all 129 public restrooms [around its system] available for year-round use by the end of 2028.”

UPDATE: Seattle Fire ‘rescue extrication’ response after rail-car incident on Harbor Island

2:35 PM: A big Seattle Fire response is arriving in the 3200 block of 16th SW on Harbor Island for a “rescue extrication” response related to an apparent industrial incident. Three people are reported hurt, at least one seriously; those who were trapped were “dug out” by co-workers, responders told dispatch, so they’ll be downsizing the response. They say they’re in a “gravel yard by the old mill.”

2:50 PM: Medics have reported via radio that the three injured workers were “in a rail car unloading freight when 100-pound bags of grain collapsed on them.” All are reported to be conscious and all will be taken to the hospital – a 22-year-old man by SFD medic unit, 24- and 40-year-old men by AMR ambulances.

COUNTDOWN: 2 weeks to New Year’s Eve! Here’s the plan for West Seattle’s only NYE parade

December 17, 2024 1:59 pm
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 |   Highland Park | Holidays | West Seattle news

(WSB photo, 2022 paraders gathered at Highland Park Corner Store)

West Seattle’s only New Year’s Eve parade is back this year, two weeks from tonight, on the streets of Highland Park. This isn’t a parade you watch (well, you CAN), but rather a parade to join in – the Not-So-Silent-Night Parade, walking through neighborhoods to say goodbye to 2024 and hello to 2025, early enough in the evening that you can bring the whole family, and be done in time to go to parties. Highland Park Improvement Club is presenting it and has sent the full plan, including a call for volunteers if you can help (whether or not you plan to join the parade):

Celebrate the arrival of the New Year with friends and neighbors with an all-ages, family-friendly march through Highland Park. An annual event since 2009 (with the exception of the COVID shutdown), the Not-So-Silent-Night Parade is a community celebration to ring in the new year. All ages welcome.

5:30- 6 pm: Assemble at the Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW)

The store will be open for mingling, snacks and libations.

6 pm: Parade begins

Bring your personal noise or music makers and festive lighting, and help ring in 2025 as we parade down to the Riverview Playfields for a ceremonial goodbye to the old and welcome to the new!

Interested in volunteering to help with this event?

We need:

Hospitality table hosts and cookie makers
Parade safety monitors
Luminaria set-up help
Love to dress it up? Help lead the walk!

Contact if interested!

Tips & Info

We parade via sidewalks primarily on quiet side streets

The route is approximately one mile, with some moderate hills. Folks are welcome to join in at any point.

This is an all-weather event! Light up your umbrella, wear your snow boots, come bundled up for whatever the season brings us.

Don’t feel up to walking? Onlookers are welcome to wave and cheer us on – or meet the marchers at the end of our route to join the ceremony and hospitality table by the Playfields.

Route ends at SW Webster and 11th Ave SW

Pets may want to stay home — it can get loud!

Hours expanding at Southwest Teen Life Center, with two major changes

(WSB file photo, Southwest Teen Life Center)

Seattle Parks and Recreation has announced expanded hours starting tomorrow at three Teen Life Centers, including Southwest (2801 SW Thistle, in the same complex as Southwest Pool and the Southwest Customer Service Center). Parks says in its announcement:

Expanded operating hours will mean more secure and supervised spaces for teens, young adults, and elders to engage in intergenerational activities. This pilot program will also utilize signature events to engage youth in meaningful projects and activities. Additionally, it seeks to build partnerships with local businesses and organizations, creating career pathway opportunities for young people and strengthening community connections.

The new hours at Southwest TLC will be 2:30 pm-8 pm Mondays-Thursdays, 3 pm-midnight Fridays, noon-7 pm Saturdays. We compared that to current hours; the major changes are the addition of Mondays and the change from nighttime operation to daytime operation on Saturdays.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Truck backup on westbound West Seattle low bridge

A look reader asked about a backup on the westbound low bridge. Earlier today, in the 6 am hour, it had mechanical trouble, but that’s not what’s happening right now – there’s a long backup of trucks, as shown on both the west- and east-facing cameras. No ships in at T-5 according to VesselFinder, so that’s not the cause; we’re checking to see if there’s any other unusual circumstance.

UPDATE: The terminal operator is having “network issues,” according to the NW Seaport Alliance.

Half-price Christmas trees, Village Green bazaar, holiday meat market, Toastmasters party, more for your West Seattle Tuesday

December 17, 2024 10:15 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Holiday fusion? Photo sent by Lorrie)

Here’s today’s list – highlights of what’s happening today/tonight, mostly from our Event Calendar, where you can preview what’s happening days, weeks, even months ahead, and our West Seattle Holiday Guide:

FAUNTLEROY CHURCH FESTIVAL OF TREES: Again today, you can go see the decorated trees in the Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW), until noon, and “vote” for your favorite(s) with nonperishable food donations. If you miss it today, they’re open for viewing 9 am-noon Mondays-Thursdays through the end of the month, plus one hour before the church’s holiday concerts this weekend (see the Holiday Guide).

SHOP AT THUNDER ROAD GUITARS: Extended hours until Christmas – open 10 am to 6 pm today. (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor)

POSTCARDS 4 DEMOCRACY: Long-distance advocacy via handwritten postcards sent to voters in other states – the work continues post-election – drop in 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), all welcome.

VILLAGE GREEN BAZAAR: Still have holiday shopping to do? 11 am-4 pm, all welcome to shop today’s bazaar at Village Green West Seattle (2615 SW Barton)!

HOLIDAY ROOM SELFIES: Drop-in DIY photo ops with a holiday backdrop at Curious Kidstuff (4740 California SW), noon – 5 pm.

CHESS CLUB: Tuesdays 1:30-3 pm, at the Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon). All levels welcome. (Questions? Email

HALF-PRICE TREES & MORE: If you intend to get a tree but haven’t done it yet, this might be your day – it’s the final day of the season at the Holy Rosary School Tree Lot, with a half-price sale:

Everything is 50% off. Small selection of trees, many wreaths, and garland remain. Portion of the proceeds benefit 2 local organizations, West Seattle Food Bank and Hickman House, with the remaining proceeds to the school. Located on the playground behind Holy Rosary School, open 4 pm-8 pm, or when we sell out.

Main entrance is off Dakota east of 42nd SW.

LADY JAYE MEAT MARKET: 4-8 pm, butcher-shop specials (wagyu beef!) and fresh-cooked/baked treats – details in our calendar listing. (4523 California SW)

DROP-IN WINE TASTING: 5-7 pm Tuesdays at Walter’s Wine Shop (4811 California SW) – $10 fee, $5 off with bottle purchases.

DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Long-running weekly sign-waving demonstration on the corners at 16th/Holden. 5-6 pm. Signs available if you don’t bring your own.

NORTHSTAR CLOSEOUT POP-UP: Added days! 5-7 pm tonight at 7138 30th SW, longtime Pike Place Market merchant selling sheepskin items in closeout pop-up.

WEST SEATTLE RUNNER TRACK RUN: 6:15 meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for the free weekly track run.


Table Topics, Fellowship & Merrymaking!

Come celebrate the season with West Seattle Toastmasters at our holiday gathering! Everyone is welcome to join the festivities. Bring a Table Topics question to share, and wear your favorite holiday sweater.
We’ll dive into friendly conversations and enjoy a lively round (or two) of Table Topics fun! Food and drinks will be self-pay.

When: Tuesday, December 17, 6:30–8 p.m.
Where: Whisky West, 6451 California Ave. SW, Seattle

MAKE POTTERY: Weekly 6:30-9 pm “girls’ night” at pottery studio The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), sign up in advance to work on your project(s).

BINGO AT THE SKYLARK: Play – free! – Tuesday night Belle of the Balls Bingo hosted by Cookie Couture, 7 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

TRIVIA X 5: Five trivia options for Tuesday night – 7 pm trivia with Amelia at Future Primitive‘s Beer Bar on Alki (2536 Alki SW) … The Beer Junction (4711 California SW) has Sporcle Pub Quiz with David at 7 and 8 pm … 7 pm at Ounces (3803 Delridge Way SW), free and hosted by Beat the Geek Trivia; 7 pm at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle (6459 California SW), hosted by Geeks Who Drink; 7:10 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).

WEST SEATTLE DHARMA: Monthly 7 pm meditation at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW).

Hosting an event, seasonal or otherwise? Tell your West Seattle neighbors via our event calendar and/or Holiday Guide – just email info to – thank you!

WHALES: Orca-watching in the rain

(Added: Photo by Robin Sinner)

Another day for whale-watching with umbrellas, rain hats, and binoculars – Kersti Muul reports that Southern Resident Killer Whales are headed northbound along west-facing West Seattle, Brace Point at last report.

Remembering Dean H. Boender, 1939-2024

Family and friends are remembering Dean Boender and sharing this remembrance with his community:

Dean H. Boender
April 12, 1939 – December 14, 2024

Dean was born in Wenatchee, WA, to Dorotha Francis Compton and Jacob Dickson Boender. His family moved to West Seattle when he was in elementary school. Dean went on to graduate from West Seattle High School, where he met many lifelong friends. After that, he attended the University of Washington, where he proudly rowed Crew. Dean left the UW short of graduating to go to work for his good friend Jim Sweeney at Alki Lumber, a job he proudly held for 60 years.

Dean’s favorite places to visit were the Big Island of Hawaii, Sun Valley, Idaho, and Lake Chelan. He loved all things Washington Huskies, especially attending football games, both home and away.

Dean is survived by his 2 daughters, Melissa and Stephanie Boender.

A “celebration of life” will be planned at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to “The Mount” (Providence Mount St. Vincent) or Providence Hospice. We are very grateful for the thoughtful care that they gave our Dad.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to


6:01 AM: Good morning! Welcome to Tuesday, December 17th.


On this final Tuesday of fall, rain is expected, with a high in the low 50s. Today’s sunrise/sunset are unchanged from Monday – 7:52 am and 4:18 pm.


Last week before winter break – Seattle Public Schools dismiss one hour early on Friday (December 20).


Water Taxi today Regular service today.

Washington State Ferries today – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route with M/V Issaquah and M/V Cathlamet, plus M/V Sealth as the “ghost boat.” Check here for last-minute changes.

Metro buses todayRegular schedule.


*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project continues; the south half of the bridge is closed, with one lane each way on the north side. This will change on Thursday, SDOT has announced:

We’ll be transitioning into our third phase of traffic control on December 19. The two center lanes on Admiral Way SW will be closed during this phase, with one lane in each direction open for people driving. As part of this transition, the temporary crosswalk at Admiral Way SW and 39th Ave SW will be removed.

Meantime, Fairmount Avenue remains closed beneath the bridge.

*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon. SDOT recently provided an update, with word of a lane shift.

*Beach Drive gas-pipeline work continues into January, PSE tells us – here’s our update.


High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:

Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:

Low Bridge – Looking west:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

See trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/water? Please text or call our hotline (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!