WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire evidence; license plate and bike found

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

EVIDENCE OF GUNFIRE: Numerous reports of possible gunfire came in last night in the 10 pm hour, but officers didn’t find any evidence when checking a few possible areas, nor did any injuries or damage surface. However, according to a dispatch around quarter till 10 this morning, someone found shell casings near 29th/Brandon, one of the possible locations mentioned last night.

MISSING A LICENSE PLATE? Reported by a reader in High Point:

This morning I saw a license plate dumped at the intersection of SW Juneau St and 31st Ave SW (High Point). Washington State, CKH0909.

MISSING A BICYCLE? A reader in Westwood found this bicycle abandoned in an alley:

If you recognize it, email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – and we’ll connect you.

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