COUNTDOWN: 8 weeks until 2024 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

Eight weeks from today, right about now, we’ll be wrapping up this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024 – and registration starts soon. WSCGSD will be on Saturday, May 11, this year – always the second Saturday in May, with registration opening April 1. Watch WSB that day for the announcement and link. If you’re new, WSCGSD – coordinated by WSB since 2008, three years after it began – is one day with many sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula, in garages and yards and schools and courtyards and community rooms and parking lots and businesses and driveways and … (Here’s WSB coverage of last year’s WSCGSD, with a sample.) We provide a map/guide to all the sales, available a week before WSCGSD so shoppers can start planning. To recap those dates to remember – Monday, April 1, registration begins; Saturday, May 11, sale day! Official hours are 9 am-3 pm; some sellers start earlier and some wrap up later.

1 Reply to "COUNTDOWN: 8 weeks until 2024 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!"

  • Gatewood resident March 16, 2024 (8:18 pm)

    I’ve done the sale for years and have usually been the only house on my block to do so. This year, several neighbors want to join in so wondering if there is a group registration for a block sale or does everyone just registered individually? Thanks to the Blog for keeping up this wonderful community tradition!

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