WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two more street robberies

8:09 PM: In the past hour, a woman reported to police that her purse was stolen while she was at a bus stop in West Seattle. Exactly where, we’re not sure, as the call was first reported as California/Willow in Morgan Junction, but then the victim called police from the 7-11 in The Junction, and officers told dispatch the robbery happened at a bus stop “on Alaska.” We do know that the robber(s) were reported to have gotten away in a white 2020 Hyundai Elantra that matched up with a vehicle reported stolen somewhere outside the city. And a similar car, with two people wearing face coverings, was reportedly spotted at the California/Andover mini-mart a short time ago, so the robbers may still be in the area.

8:39 PM: Police are now talking with another woman who reported a street robbery, not far from California/Andover, with items taken including her grocery bag. So far the only descriptions mentioned are an “older white sedan” with three people in ski masks.

43 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two more street robberies"

  • loo October 22, 2023 (8:52 pm)

    I feel like I’ve been reading about a lot of purse snatchings and street robberies. Any advice for the general public to keep safe out there? Any list of resources or tips? I’m guessing no headphones, maybe hide your bag/purse inside your jacket? What else?

    • Private Citizen October 22, 2023 (9:22 pm)

      Nope, what most don’t realize is Seattle is still relatively safe. Advancements in technology is allowing us to get more real-time information about crime. Population is up to a little over 3.5 million, we can’t expect everyone to be perfect citizens. Let’s say if this was to happen back in 2014, you would’ve never knew this occurred thus causing no concerns and you’ll probably go about your day the same.For general safety concerns, COMMON SENSE. Stay in well lit & high traffic areas past dusk if you choose to explore this wonderful city during those hours. 

      • Lp October 22, 2023 (11:46 pm)

        The population is over 3.5M where?? 

        • KD October 23, 2023 (12:40 am)

          Seriously!! It’s not even 1 million yet within the city limits – Private Citizen; where are the other 2.5 million hidden?!! 

        • David October 23, 2023 (8:12 am)

          That number sounds like the KING-Pierce-Snohomish county population 

      • Jon October 23, 2023 (12:45 am)

        The population of Seattle is about 700,000 people It’s nowhere near 3.5 million I don’t know where you got that metric.

      • D October 23, 2023 (1:02 am)

        https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/fyiguy-ofm.jpg?d=1129×2048This chart from The Seattle Times via the Washington Office of Financial Management would probably be more accurate reporting of Seattle’s population- 779,200 for 2023, and King County population of 2.35million. Article:https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/data/seattle-still-growing-fast-new-wa-stats-show/There are certainly more advancements in technology since 2014, and it is true that if we didn’t hear about it, we likely wouldn’t have considered it, but; this blog, West Seattleites willing to share tips and warnings, and police scanners have been around since then and this is certainly a trend that outpaces the population increase. Similarly, I am sure that the amount of cars smashed into business’s is not just something the blog has missed all these years and just now got wind of. It is always wise to consider your safety before you go out. There are reasonable ideas listed in this thread, the wisest seem to be to do your best to do your traveling in daylight and to have someone with you. These aren’t always possible.  And not all attacks come during the dark to a lone person. Being aware that these attacks are possible, is the biggest step towards actively paying attention to your surroundings and responding quickly to witnessing behavior that is outside of a normal pattern (a car that’s circled the block already, a car driving with headlights turned off, a slow creeping car, clinched fists etc.). These might be nothing, but they could be attack indicators. If you’re paying attention you might buy yourself some time to make proactive choice to: step into someone’s yard, cross the street, make yourself better seen by the public or conceal your location. If these are new considerations for anyone, it would certainly throw off your peaceful evening walk in the beginning, but if you practice these things, they will stop consuming your thinking, and can become a low to medium level attention because you’ll better trust that you’ve woken up your protective instincts. Not every attack can be avoided, but there are things you can do to make yourself a harder target and more unlikely victim. 

      • CarDriver October 23, 2023 (6:10 am)

        Private citizen. Please reread WSB’s coverage of all these incidents. They HAVE happened in daytime and/or will lit/high traffic areas. The victims of these crimes will certainly disagree with your “relatively safe” claim.

      • WW Resident October 23, 2023 (7:22 am)

        Well private citizen, common sense would also tell you that the WSB has been around for quite awhile now (10+ years?) and the amount of crime we’re reading about now is far more than before. So your”advanced technology” rationalization doesn’t work, because we’ve been getting pretty much instant news in our WS neighborhood for years. 

      • pendantry over point October 23, 2023 (11:59 am)

        @private citizen – You’re right even though your detail is off. This is 4 incidents in a small area, which suggests it is a small number of actors involved (1?). No need to call in the national guard. Someone representing 0.0001% of our population thinks it is cool to steal purses. Definitely scary, everyone should be alert and careful. Let’s not use this as a reason to, say, elect a stooge shill to represent us in city council. His policies would do nothing to prevent or remedy this. If police were available to respond to crime and pursue perpetrators instead of attending to household and streetside non-emergencies, we could rest easier. 

    • Rhonda October 22, 2023 (9:30 pm)

      These punks are looking for easy targets: older, solitary females with purses, bags, jewelry, etc. That’s why we aren’t hearing reports of large men being robbed of their wallets. Headphones in public are ALWAYS a bad idea, not just for violent attacks but for traffic awareness, too. Your ears are one of your best defenses. It may be a good idea to keep only lipstick, Kleenex, granola bars, etc, in a purse and cash, cards, ID, and keys in pockets until these crooks are behind bars.

    • Mellow Kitty October 23, 2023 (6:28 am)

      1. Don’t carry a shoulder bag. They’re very easy to snatch. Wear a crossbody strap. Keep you bag on the side closest to the buildings and shrubs. 2. Don’t make yourself look like a target. In my case I carry a huge, ugly, crossbody strap satchel. All the fittings are military grade steel. I got it at an army surplus store. 3. Carry pepper spray. If you have to, hold it in your hand as you walk & let people see you have it at the ready. Make it obvious you are not an easy target.  4. Walk in pairs if possible.  5. Be aware of your surroundings. Stay safe out there, neighbors! 

    • Jenny October 23, 2023 (9:06 am)

      carry pepper spray in your hand if you are alone and be prepared to use it

  • Lp October 22, 2023 (9:12 pm)

    Not far from the ATM where the woman was carjacked about a month ago.. 

  • Karen B October 22, 2023 (9:16 pm)

    We (just west of Camp Long) heard what sounded like a small explosion, random firework (by someone who dozed off during the game?), or a possible gunshot, around 8:40. Checked WSB to see this. story. Not sure if it was related. Hope  that those victims involved are (or will be) okay!  Also hope that we as a community, and part of this bigger city,  can bring change. It feels totally unacceptable to have this sort of stuff happening during what some of us might call early evening or  “prime time. ”   While I am super careful if I need to venture out in the “wee hours” – I feel strongly that all of us “good people” should be able to venture out whenever we need to do so – without fear of being carjacked, robbed or otherwise shaken down! 

    • Nick October 22, 2023 (9:35 pm)

      Yep we heard it too. Saw a flash as well, thought maybe a transformer explosion.

    • WSB October 22, 2023 (9:41 pm)

      According to 911 dispatch, it was fireworks being set off in the 5600 block of 32nd SW.

    • Rhonda October 22, 2023 (10:08 pm)

      Candidate Saka knocked on our door today. We told him the rising violent crime is our number-1 concern. He said that’s the top issue he’s hearing on the peninsula. He told us “help is on the way”.

    • Orb October 22, 2023 (10:32 pm)

      Yes this is unacceptable. Some of these are happening in broad daylight. As a liberal I am fed up with the crime happening with these brazen criminals essentially going unpunished. Seeing daily shoplifting, having neighbors and friends assaulted and robbed, and having a dead body at my bus stop all in the last 6 weeks has been infuriating and depressing. So fed up with nothing being done to better the problems here. 

  • 1994 October 22, 2023 (9:27 pm)

    I would say keep your phone in a pocket, try to avoid carrying a purse or bag but rather put your money/cards in a pocket. Keep aware of who is around you or approaching….kind of hard if they pull up next to you in a car,  jump out, demand or take your things and take off….I sure hope these up to no goods are caught! And face some consequences from terrorizing people. If they are unlucky they may meet a potential victim who has a consequence for them. Risky behavior results in risky outcomes.

  • J. K. October 22, 2023 (9:57 pm)

    You all may want to check in with your local state legislator because they are considering a bill that will drastically reduce sentences on most, if not all, felony crimes. FYI. 

  • Insertname October 22, 2023 (10:24 pm)

    Different day, same story: Robberies committed by a group of 3-4 cowards in a stolen vehicle. It just doesn’t end. 

  • Sue H October 22, 2023 (11:13 pm)

    It is at a point where I do not even want to leave my home anymore after dark, even to take my garbage out to the dumpster. And I don’t feel much safer during the day either after a lot of these reports. As a person using a cane and oxygen I feel even more vulnerable than I ever did before. As an immunocompromised person I’ve already felt isolated enough during the pandemic, and this is pushing me almost to agoraphobia. I grew up in New York City and honestly never felt this unsafe. These crimes are never going to stop as long as there are zero consequences.

  • Alki Jack October 22, 2023 (11:45 pm)

    This is crazy, as word is spreading many women are now afraid to carry a purse and with good reason. Everyone feels they need to be on the lookout for strange activity. All these thugs now carrying guns and threatening people with them. Plus they are specifically taking advantage of older citizens and women.The Seattle Police department needs to get involved. Perhaps have female officers carrying purses and have other officers ready to pounce like they do in New York City. 

  • AB October 23, 2023 (12:25 am)

    I had my purse stolen off my lap last night in Green Lake. Young man jumped out of a white Hyundai Elantra, that pulled up to the curb, and grabbed my purse off my lap while I sat at a sidewalk table at a restaurant. He then jumped back in the passenger side of the car and took off. Thieves headed to West Seattle/White Center to start spending on my credit cards. The getaway car, that white Hyundai Elantra, was stolen. Sounds like possibly the same gang of people in this incident as well.  

    • TJ October 23, 2023 (10:52 am)

      I’m sorry that happened to you. That was so brazen of those thieves. Did you make a police report? Your information may help the police connect the cases.

  • Cindy October 23, 2023 (5:40 am)

    Why should I have to make the changes? If I want to listen to music or text someone while walking from my home to the grocery store in West Seattle I should be able to safely do so. I don’t want to live somewhere where I have to have my head on a swivel to stay safe.

    • Mark B October 23, 2023 (11:17 am)

      I get where you’re coming from, but not using headphones or texting is wise from a non-crime safety standpoint too. I run on the mixed use path on Harbor/Alki all the time and want to be aware of my surroundings – including scooter riders and cyclists approaching from behind. 

  • Kt October 23, 2023 (6:44 am)

    Makes me want to get a bunch of us older ladies waking around as decoys  carrying old purses filled with dog poop!  

  • Seattlite October 23, 2023 (6:56 am)

    FYI:  West Seattle is not the only target of these purse snatching criminals.  In the Ballard area, teens attending junior high and high school are being attacked and robbed by armed gangs.  Ballard area parents must demand that these schools provide before and after school adult escorts to keep students safe.Seattle still has an ongoing police officer shortage that cannot meet the demands of the prolific crime going on in WS and greater Seattle.  Hopefully, SPD will be able to attend local meetings and teach citizens about situational awareness.

  • Neighbor October 23, 2023 (8:09 am)

    Do these reports still offer height, race/skin complexion, gender of the suspects? I have noticed they are often missing, and it can be helpful.Perhaps the ski masks made it difficult on this occasion.

    • WSB October 23, 2023 (10:52 am)

      If there are descriptions mentioned, I include them, however fragmentary. What I wrote above is all I have.

  • WSDUDEMAN October 23, 2023 (8:30 am)

    It’s telling that none of our elected officials are actively calling for increased penalties for such crimes.They are mostly just offering generic platitudes about ‘community safety’. The general apathy on crime, or in some ‘Stranger’ cases, downright dismissal of people’s concerns of crime in Seattle is unreal. 

    • elephant in the room October 23, 2023 (12:28 pm)

      Said it before and it bears repeating… The root cause of the crime explosion is being ignored because Seattle landlords and big businesses want to avoid the tax burden. Police are Seattle’s janitorial staff right now because we consciously avoid funding a productive alternative. No cops for crime? Of course there’s more crime. Here’s how it works: more housing, fewer homeless. Fewer homeless, more time for cops. More time for cops, less crime. Less crime, everyone is happy again. 

  • Alki Jack October 23, 2023 (9:35 am)

    KT, your comment put a smile on my face. I love the basic idea, but these creeps might push you down hard or punch you before taking your purse. But you are right Porch Pirates and Purse Snatchers should both get what they deserve…Dog Poop! This is something law enforcement should be handling.

  • batgurrl October 23, 2023 (11:38 am)

    Get the gel form of mace.  It is easier to hit your target and won’t blow back at you.  I carry it when I hike and if I go out after dark.The one I have is pink and it is very visible when i have it in my hand.But in the end one must be vigilant where ever you are.  Watch for cars/trucks/electric scooters who might run you over or a bear in the  bushes while hiking.  Not wearing earbuds and listening to the wide world sure helps with knowing what is happening.  Plus putting down technology outside is a wonderful thing.  You hear the birds, the wind and others talking to you.Stay safe all.

  • LALA October 23, 2023 (11:39 am)

    my mom had her purse snatch yesterday at fred meyers in burien around 1pm and it was a white hyundai with 2 guys in it. I had her phone location so i could see their movements briefly and they move fast, went from burien to kent station to auburn walmart. I’m assuming its the same guys from the 8pm snatching. 

    • AK October 23, 2023 (1:57 pm)

      Yes, sounds just like it! The purchases they made on my stolen phone were in those same general locations – South Park, Burien, Auburn. Did she report it to the police?

  • AK October 23, 2023 (1:55 pm)

    I was the second victim mentioned here. I was walking home with my grocery bag (a reusable bag, so I guess they thought it was a purse). I was not wearing headphones and I am not “older” – I am 38. Wearing a cross body bag would not have made any difference here. We’re not talking about someone grabbing my bag and running off. We’re talking about a car of 3 people pulling up next to me with the door open, faces covered in ski masks, jumping out and pointing a gun at me. In the end they took my phone and made me give them the passcode so they could use my Apple pay, Amazon, Uber Eats etc. This did happen in an alleyway – because my house’s entrance is on the alleyway – and in the dark (~8 pm) – but other victims have been hit in the daylight and in public places.I get that our overall crime rate is still pretty good here in West Seattle, but this has me feeling shaken and scared.We’ve tried to follow up with the police to share information with them that might help catch the muggers (e.g. find my phone location), but we haven’t been able to get through to them on the phone number they left us. It really makes you feel powerless.

  • Resident October 23, 2023 (8:15 pm)

    When we as citizens of Seattle and out leaders start taking these “little” crimes like car theft, no license plates on a car, and robberies at gunpoint serious and punishable by time in jail and not a slap on the wrist then maybe these things will be much less frequent. Allowing crooks to roam around in stolen cars and unlicensed cars is a recipe for disaster. Stop enabling these bad actors.

  • Echo October 23, 2023 (8:44 pm)

    @WSB – besides the description of the vehicle and “ski masks” and “white sedan” was the description of “clothes, height, ethnicity, age” shared at all on the scanner? I get that SPD doesn’t blog those things, but they 100% broadcast them when searching.

    • WSB October 23, 2023 (10:00 pm)

      Whatever information we hear, we include, including descriptions. Unfortunately, SPD does an increasing amount of communication screen to screen. Sometimes that’s why info is missing, Other times, it’s because that’s all the victim gave them (e.g. “two unknown-race males in ski masks”).

Sorry, comment time is over.