West Seattle, Washington
03 Monday
Thanks to Kevin Freitas for that photo of lightning seen to the east from his home near The Mount; he published more photos here. We’ve heard some thunder this past half-hour, and you might have notice thunderheads like this late in the day:
Jim Edwards photographed that formation looking east from Shorewood. Rosalie Miller caught pink clouds, looking south from Lincoln Park:
And to the west, the sunset was a spectacle. Thanks to everyone who sent photos – this one is by David Hutchinson:
All this followed another hot day – but the Heat Advisory alert expired as scheduled at 8 pm, and now we’re on to simply “warm” weather, though it’ll still be about 10 degrees above the normal mid-May highs in the upper 60s.
That’s the video JC sent, showing the aftermath of a Friday night gunfire incident that we didn’t get details about until today. JC and neighbors just moved into new townhomes in the 5000 block of Delridge Way SW a month ago. Here’s what happened:
On Friday 5/12 at 5:40 pm, one of our units was shot at. I believe the police said there were 7 gunshots, and judging by how many walls they went through, I’ve been told it was likely something stronger than a ‘handgun.’ I’ve attached a video showing the bullet holes going through multiple walls. I was home and heard everything. I heard some loud yelling and audible anger and banging around from the person before the gunshots went off. I did not see the shooter.
No one was hit/hurt. Whether related or not, JC says they’ve been having trouble in their alley with an “abandoned RV” and with someone who has followed/harassed a neighbor. (They’ve reported the RV via Find It Fix It.) The gunfire incident number, if you have any information, is 23-129839.
As previewed, today is the first day of King County Elections‘ Filing Week – five days for candidates to officially get onto the August ballot (or November if two or fewer file for an office). Online filing is open around the clock through 4 pm Friday; KCE is posting twice-daily updates here. For the three local offices whose incumbents aren’t running again, here’s who’s filed so far:
City Council District 1 – Stephen Brown, Jean Iannelli Craciun, Rob Saka
County Council District 8 – Teresa Mosqueda
School Board District 6 – Rosie McCarter
If you’re interested in running for one of these (or other offices up for election this fall), here’s how.
Two days after Saturday evening’s deadly shooting near Alki’s Whale Tail Park, a few updates:
-No arrests yet, according to Seattle Police. (They say the arrest of a teenager with a gun during the investigation was not related; that 15-year-old was booked into the Youth Services Center for unlawful gun possession.)
-No other information to release beyond what they said Saturday.
-The victim’s identity has not yet been released by the King County Medical Examiner’s Office.
-As we noted earlier today, Parks is planning to close Alki Beach Park (and Golden Gardens) early again this summer. Here’s the announcement sent out since our inquiry:
Seattle Parks and Recreation will enact a second-phase pilot shortening the hours at Golden Gardens and Alki Beach during the 2023 summer months from 4 A.M.-10:30 P.M. from May 26-September 4. And a return to 4 A.M. – 11:30 P.M after September 5th.
The shortened hours will assist in addressing dangerous and/or illegal behavior typical of summer evening uses at these two parks in response to public input and nearby community complaints. This program is a pilot and will be reviewed at a Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners meeting after the Summer to help determine the best operating hours for the public. This review will be informed by public comments from the questionnaire below, public comment given at the Board meeting, and data collected throughout the pilot period.
During the Summer 2023 Season, Seattle Parks and Recreation staff, assisted by Seattle Police Department staff, will begin closing down these two beach locations starting at 10:00 P.M.
Public input can be provided here.
Additionally, designated fire pits will be available for beach fires this summer beginning Saturday (of Memorial Day weekend).
(The announcement seems to have some date discrepancies so we’re checking back with Parks on those.) This will be the third summer of early closings; they followed the same Memorial Day to Labor Daywindow last year; in 2021, Parks made the change after two major incidents in June of that year, the shooting that killed Tilorae Shepherd and the chaotic social-media-organized gathering that drew thousands.
5:10 PM: Parks’ announcement has the correct dates now.
3:32 PM: If you are headed toward the West Seattle low bridge or Harbor Island, note that westbound Spokane Street is reported to be blocked at East Marginal Way right now for an emergency response. A bicyclist is reported to have been “sideswiped” by a semi-truck driver. Medics have told dispatch that the rider is “alert and conscious.”
3:51 PM: SDOT traffic control says the scene has cleared. We’ll follow up with SFD on the rider’s condition.
6:22 PM: SFD’s response to our inquiry: “Crews treated a 37-year-old male who is in stable condition. Paramedics transported him to Harborview. Reported as a bicyclist collision into a moving semi-truck towing a trailer.”
Congratulations to an area soccer team that just won a state championship and is headed for regionals. James Craig sent the report and photos:
HSA Select G04/05 are GU19 Division 1 CHAMPIONS of the Washington Youth Soccer Presidents Cup!!
The ladies from HSA Select (team made up of high-school players living in West Seattle/Burien areas) blasted through the State Presidents Cup winning six straight games on the way. Throughout the tournament they scored 16 goals, and only allowed one against. The championship game was on Sunday (May 14), where they soundly defeated the Whatcom Rangers 4-0.
The G04/05s have now qualified for the Far West Regionals in Boise, June 16-20, representing Washington State as the Girls U19 Presidents Cup entry.
The Legislature says Washington State Ferries needs to generate a certain amount of revenue. Now the Washington State Transportation Commission, which sets fares, has to decide how to raise fares to meet the requirement The WSTC has opened a survey with questions for you; you can answer them here. Its results will be used to shape a fare proposal that’ll be made public next month.
Another sign it’s almost summer – the West Seattle Junction Association‘s flower baskets arrived today! As we first reported back in January, WSJA is using a new grower this year – Van Wingerden Greenhouses – and though this year’s 93 flower baskets are bigger, they need less water.
Again this year, WSJA offered flower-basket “adoption” to help cover the costs; WSB is among the dozens of businesses and individuals who pitched in. P.S. The Junction’s biggest event of the year, West Seattle Summer Fest, is now just two months away – Friday through Sunday, July 14-16.
Another stolen work truck – this one, reported by Tom:
My 2005 white F-250, single cab, hydraulic lift gate, with company logo (oval blue “Rainier”) on both doors, was stolen from 44th and Genesee between last night (Sunday 5/15) and early this morning before 6 am. Please keep an eye out. It is hard to miss. I suspect the logo was the first thing to go, though. It’s an older model and a little beat up, with large dents on the panels.
License plate # is B77776V. Police report # 23-132478.
(Wisteria in bloom, photographed in West Seattle by Jerry Simmons)
Here’s the list for the rest of today/tonight – all indoors, if you’re looking to stay cool! – mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
BABY STORY TIME: Noon-12:30 pm at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).
MONDAY MOVIE: 1 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon), “Terry’s Greatest Movies You’ve Never Heard Of,” today featuring “Double or Nothing.” Free popcorn! Contact SCWS to register in advance.
CRAFTING AND CREATIVITY NIGHT: 6-10 pm at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW), info here.
OPEN MIC: Weekly BedHead Open Mic at West Seattle Church of the Nazarene (4201 SW Juneau), 6:30 pm – info in our calendar listing.
D&D: Open D&D starts at 6:30 pm at Meeples Games (3727 California SW), all welcome, even first-time players. $5.
COMEDY NIGHT: “Routine Killers” monthly show at Otter on the Rocks (4210 SW Admiral Way), 7 pm, ticket link and lineup in our calendar listing.
FAUNTLEROY MEDITATION: Free weekly Zen sitting/meditation event at the chapel at Fauntleroy UCC (9140 California SW), 7 pm-8:30 pm.
ALKI MEDITATION: Free twice-monthly Dharma Community meditation, 7-8:30 pm at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds).
PLAY TRIVIA! Three options on Monday nights for playing trivia – 7 and 8 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge (4505 39th SW); 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7:30 pm at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)
YOGA AND SOUND BATH: 7 pm at Sacred Growing Space (7358 35th SW), $35.
MONDAY MUSIC: Live music with The Westside Trio, 8 pm at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW), 21+, no cover.
Have a West Seattle/White Center event to add to our calendar ? Please send info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
For more than a decade, Westside School (WSB sponsor) has participated in the Salmon in the Schools program, learning about salmon’s life cycle while raising fry to release into Fauntleroy Creek. Now the students’ lessons have also hatched an art project – celebrated at the school this past Friday.
Among those on hand for the occasion, local Salmon in the Schools volunteers Judy Pickens and Phil Sweetland. Judy told us, “To engage the community in this project, the teachers recruited a crew of granddads living at Horizon House to cut the dozens of wooden blanks for 2nd and 3nd graders to paint. Horizon House is a retirement community on First Hill, with a well-equipped woodshop for residents.” She shared a photo of the students working on the fish before the installation:
Cathy Walton is the lead salmon teacher at Westside. The students presented a song for the occasion, which was intended to thank their helpers, along with gift bags and mementos:
2nd and 3rd-grade students also read salmon-themed poems.
The celebration happened during salmon-release season at Fauntleroy Creek, which continues through the end of the month.
6:03 AM: Good morning. It’s Monday, May 15th.
We’re still under a Heat Advisory alert until 8 pm tonight. Today’s forecast: Sunny, mid-80s., possible pm thunderstorms. Sunrise was at 5:32 am; sunset will be at 8:40 pm.
Metro – Regular schedule, but trip cancellations are still happening.
Water Taxi – Continuing the spring/summer schedule, including later runs Friday and Saturday nights.
Washington State Ferries‘ Triangle Route continues on the 2-boat schedule but with the chance of sailing cancellations on short notice, so check here for alerts/updates and see Vessel Watch for boats’ locations.
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Henderson), cameras are also up at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Orchard, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
Low Bridge – east-end vicinity:
1st Ave. S. Bridge – another route across the river:
Highway 99: – the northbound side at Lander.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed to see if the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities). Thank you!