WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another catalytic-converter theft

Sent to us via text this weekend:

Just wanted our neighbors and community to know that our 2006 Toyota Highlander’s catalytic converter was stolen some time between last Sunday, Jan. 9th and Friday, Jan. 14th. We don’t use the car much as my son takes the Metro to school and I’m within walking distance to my job. We live within a few blocks of Lafayette Elementary.

Not sure what people can do to deter this from happening to their car. Nonetheless, I thought people might want and need to know to be a bit more aware.

Deterrence advice is on this National Insurance Crime Bureau webpage, along with national stats showing how catalytic-converter theft grew dramatically between 2019 and 2020.

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another catalytic-converter theft"

  • WS Res January 16, 2022 (3:38 pm)

    Get a cat shield installed at The Muffler Shoppe in White Center. Under $200. It will save you a lot of worry and potentially a LOT of money.

    • phoenix January 16, 2022 (7:26 pm)

      Thank you for the information. I’ll definitely be looking into getting one installed. 

  • audifans January 16, 2022 (3:59 pm)

    I guess at this stage of the game, you are lucky you didn’t get a gun pulled on you…. or bear spray. These creeps play hard ball

  • Mj January 16, 2022 (5:40 pm)

    Both the thieves and buyers need to be held accountable.  Making the offending parties pay restitution would be a good start.

  • Concerned Neighbor January 17, 2022 (12:08 pm)

    As MJ said, “hold the buyers accountable too”.  If there isn’t a market to sell them to, the thieves’ interest will cease.  

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