West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
That’s the main West Seattle Water Taxi vessel M/V Doc Maynard, arriving at Seacrest this evening, its first Saturday in service since October 19, 2019. Pandemic precautions precluded its 7-day-a-week schedule last year. But this year, it’s back. That means the free shuttles to/from The Junction, Admiral, and Alki are back, too.
The shuttle schedules are here and here. Spring/summer Water Taxi service has a few changes from past years, though – for example, outside the regular Friday/Saturday night schedule, no special late-night runs for stadium sports. Other changes are detailed here; the full schedule, including weekday middays, is here.
Here’s where the pandemic stands tonight, 14 months in:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the cumulative totals from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard:
*95,878 people have tested positive, 408 more than yesterday’s total
*1,503 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total
*5,664 people have been hospitalized, 19 more than yesterday’s total
*1,024,410 people have been tested, 1,318 more than yesterday’s total
ONE WEEK AGO: Last Saturday, those numbers were 93.510/1,493/5,569/1,008,219.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 146.1 million people have tested positive, and more than 3,096,000 people have died; U.S. deaths exceed 571,000. Most cases: U.S., India, Brazil, France, Russia (same as last week). See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.
J & J VACCINE GETS WESTERN STATES’ CLEARANCE: One day after the feds “un-paused” the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, our state and its partners in the Western States review group cleared resumption of its use. About those potential effects, a rare blood-clot syndrome called TTS, the state’s announcement says, “On Friday, the CDC said a total of 15 cases of TTS have been reported, which includes the original six cases. All the cases occurred in women between the ages of 18 and 59, occurring six to 15 days after vaccination. DOH is not aware of any cases in Washington.” That’s 15 cases out of 8 million shots given nationwide, the state notes.
J & J VACCINE AVAILABILITY: At the Westwood Village Rite Aid.
OTHER WAYS TO CHECK FOR VACCINE: Here’s our ongoing list:
*Here’s how to sign up for the aforementioned city notification list – go here.
*Reminder that if you’re 60+ you can just walk up to the West Seattle hub (2801 SW Thistle) 9 am-4 pm Mondays-Saturdays and get vaccinated – the “Good Neighbor” who brings you, regardless of their age, can too.
*Health-care providers (particularly bigger ones like UW Medicine (one reader specifically recommends Valley Medical Center), Franciscan, Swedish, Kaiser Permanente, Neighborcare, etc.)
*covidwa.com (volunteer-run aggregator) – you can also follow its tweets for instant notifications
*The state’s Vaccine Locator (as mentioned above)
*The CDC’s Vaccine Finder
*Pharmacies big and small – Safeway, Rite Aid, QFC, Pharmaca, Costco
*Sea Mar clinics
And if travel time is not a barrier – reader recommendation: Try this lookup for potential appointments within a few hours’ drive.
FOOD DRIVE TOMORROW: Another chance to help a Yakima Valley community without leaving West Seattle.
GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? westseattleblog@gmail.com or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!
Kim Medica has just opened The Brocante Beach House at 2622 Alki Avenue SW, in the former Alki Beach Miniatures (now online) spot next to Alki Surf Shop. If you’re not familiar with “brocante” – it’s a vintage-decor style (try this definition). Along with what’s in the photo, you can browse Brocante Beach House’s Instagram feed to get a feel for what Kim’s shop offers. She plans to be open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays for starters, likely noon-5 pm, possibly opening earlier. (Thanks to Sandy for the tip!)
Thanks to Collin for the photo and report about a crash “blocking right lane of Olson Place SW and Cambridge st. going uphill toward White Center. Police and incident (response) on scene. Ironically took down the speed limit radar sign; we live on this road and continue to see speed as the contributing factor in this zone, especially with elevated traffic levels due to bridge closure.”
Puget Park got some TLC on this soggy Saturday – and you can help next time. The photos and report are from Matthew J. Clark (thank you!):
Amidst the towering cedars, hemlock, and alder, with a slight drizzle, a small group of volunteers worked in Puget Park today clearing brush and invasive species to make way for a new trail. The Forest Steward for Puget Park, Christine Clark (below right), led the group as they methodically worked through the process of clipping, digging, pulling, and cutting debris.
The goal of today’s work is to reroute the existing trail to avoid a muddy section. Clark was happily surprised by the turnout. “I was worried that the little bit of rain would scare people away from showing up.” But eight volunteers did show up, and the group made quick work of clearing over 140’ of new trail.
The trail improvements in Puget Park have been on going for the last 4-5 years. Through volunteer work, partnerships with Green Seattle and guidance by Seattle Parks, the trail has taken shape to be a draw for the neighborhood and the broader West Seattle Community affording a great path for walking and running.
The Puget Park trail connects with trails between Pathfinder K-8 to the north and Highland Park to the south. You can easily stitch together an 8-mile round-trip walk in the woods and never cross a road.
What are the next steps for the Puget Park trail? Clark says they’ll work on drainage along the new path, then add a top layer of gravel. There will be work parties throughout the summer.
Check with the Green Seattle website for future volunteer opportunities. “You don’t need any experience or tools,” Clark say. “Just show up and we’ll help you learn the ropes. It is so much fun meeting new people from around the neighborhood and from around the community.”
The next event on the schedule for the greater Duwamish Greenbelt, which Puget Park is a part of, will be on Sunday, May 2nd. This will be a fun trail-cleanup work party. The group will meet up at 14th Ave SW and SW Holly.
3:32 PM: If you’re headed out any time soon, be aware that emergency crews are responding to a two-car crzsh on the NB 1st Avenue South Bridge. Minor injuries, per dispatch.
4:13 PM: WSDOT’s camera shows the scene has cleared.
1:35 PM: Looking for vaccine? We just got a phone call from the Westwood Village Rite Aid, which has Johnson & Johnson vaccine that needs to be used soon, and they asked us to help them get the word out. As reported in our pandemic roundup last night, the FDA has “un-paused” use of this one-shot vaccine after investigating what health authorities call “very rare” side effects. If you’re interested in getting this one-shot vaccine, call Rite Aid at 206-938-4253 and check with the pharmacy about availability. They’re open 8 am-9 pm.
4:09 PM: The state, meantime, announced this afternoon that the J & J vaccine has cleared the extra Western States safety review.
Two more teardown-to-townhouse projects are now in the city’s “early-design outreach” phase – meaning they’re required to let the neighborhood know they’re planned. Both are on blocks with other redevelopment projects:
6021 42ND SW: This proposal [map] is for three townhouse units facing 42nd SW and two behind them, replacing a 102-year-old house.
Online documents say one offstreet-parking spot per unit is planned, and that the project will go through Streamlined Design Review (explained here), meaning no public meetings, though there will be a comment period. Contact information is in this city-website post. (Added: Thanks to the commenter who points out this house was damaged by fire half a year ago.)
2612 45TH SW: Though the city-website post has two different descriptions about the project’s scope, we checked other online documents and they show 7 townhouse units with 6 offstreet-parking spaces, replacing a 108-year-old house:
This site [map] also is planned for Streamlined Design Review.
Service clubs/fraternal orders continue their work in the 21st century, quietly but steadily. In West Seattle, they include the Eagles, Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, and Masons. But West Seattle doesn’t have an Elks lodge. The nearest one is in Burien, and it’s having a membership-drive event to which they’re inviting neighbors including you. Here’s the announcement we received:
Burien Elks lodge is opening its doors to the public for a membership drive. This event will be held on Saturday, May 1st, doors open at 7:00 pm. Cost is $15 per person or $25 per couple; there will be live music by Soulstice, light hors d’oeuvres served, and beverages available for cash-only purchase. This event is open to the public and members with proper Covid protocol.
The Burien Elks Lodge is one of nearly 2,000 nationwide lodges that are part of the BPO Elks of the USA. B.P.O.Elks is a fraternal order with over a million members and a 151-year history of charitable giving, including millions in scholarships, an inspiration to youth, a friend to veterans, and more. The Burien Lodge alone has given over $2.5 million back to the community in charitable giving.
This event will allow both our current members to bring in non-members, and those in our community who have no associated
connection with the lodge, to come in and view the lodge, meet members, and hear about all the wonderful things that come from being an Elks member.
Tickets are available online. The lodge is at 14006 1st Avenue South.
Weekend’s here! The Saturday list:
WEST SEATTLE WATER TAXI STARTS WEEKEND SERVICE: First weekend service in a year and a half! The WSWT is now on a 7-day-a-week schedule; see it here.
DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY: As previewed here, bring your unwanted/unneeded medication(s) to the Southwest Precinct parking lot (2300 SW Webster), 10 am-2 pm.
INDEPENDENT BOOKSTORE DAY: 10 am-6 pm, Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW) is part of the nationwide celebration. Our calendar listing has details on what’s planned.
FAMILY MUSIC FUNFEST: Last online concert in the family-music series benefiting South Seattle College Co-op Preschools – 10 am, Eli Rosenblatt. Our preview includes the ticket link.
ART POP-UP SHOP: Linda McClamrock invites you to come shop at her pop-up (5532 SW Lander Pl.), 10 am-5 pm.
LEARN ABOUT POLLINATORS: DNDA‘s Wetland Workshop, online at 10:30 am, will teach you about pollinators, free! Info’s here, including how to RSVP.
FOOD DRIVE: Noon-4 pm, food drive for mutual-aid org Washmasks at C & P Coffee (5612 California; WSB sponsor). Our preview includes the list of items they’re requesting.
TASTING ROOM: 1-6 pm, stop by Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) for tasting, and/or wine by the glass, and/or bottle purchases.
Anything we’re missing for today/tonight? Please text us – 206-293-6302 – thank you!