DEVELOPMENT: Demolition time for former school/arts/etc. building in West Seattle Junction (updated)

2:40 PM WEDNESDAY: That’s the former West Seattle Christian Church preschool building, more recently an arts center and clothing bank, on the southwest corner of 42nd SW and SW Genesee, and if you want to take one last look at it, your time is running out. Multiple sources tell WSB it’s set for demolition starting tomorrow (a no-parking zone has been in effect around the building since yesterday). It’s been a year and a half since we first reported on the redevelopment plan for this site, which was upzoned to a 55-foot maximum by HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability.

(Architect’s rendering)

It’s expected to include 72 “small efficiency dwelling units” – microapartments – and 5 live-work units, with 36 offstreet-parking places.

10:53 AM THURSDAY: We went by to check, and indeed, demolition is under way:

23 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: Demolition time for former school/arts/etc. building in West Seattle Junction (updated)"

  • WS resident January 27, 2021 (3:03 pm)

    I have fond memories of going to preschool and 5th and 6th grades in this building back in the 80’s at West Seattle Christian School.

  • 4thGenWestSide January 27, 2021 (3:39 pm)

    I’ve always loved the architecture of this building.  it’s a shame, but understandable. Highest and best use always wins. 

  • Roxanne Yearout January 27, 2021 (4:49 pm)

    It’s a shame. The building’s mid-century modern architecture is quite distinct and should be saved. The last thing we need here is more apartments! Especially cheap micro units!

    • NewWS Guy January 27, 2021 (6:55 pm)

      Affordable housing for all residents is a must have, and the demolition is only a shame in the eyes of the privileged class, the 1% living in WS.

      • SeattleArtDesignStudio January 27, 2021 (10:23 pm)

        I sincerely doubt there are any of the “1%” living in West Seattle.  One can wish for affordable housing and still lament the destruction of architecturally interesting buildings. 

        • Sbone January 28, 2021 (5:45 am)

          The top one percent of household net worth begins at approximately $10,000,000.

        • Rick January 28, 2021 (8:50 am)

          Yeah, but shaming is so much fun. And superior.

          • wscommuter January 28, 2021 (1:45 pm)

            @Rick, for the win.

        • AD January 28, 2021 (10:17 am)

          Plenty of the 1% living in WS. A household income of $421K  is all it takes to qualify. Two mid-level software engineers, a doctor or two, a dentist or two. There are 8 $2million+ houses currently for sale in WS. Good bet that almost all potential buyers are in the 1% by wealth or income. Heck, many purchasers of $1.5 million homes qualify as 1% based on income.

      • 99 per cents is almost $1 January 28, 2021 (10:40 pm)

        1% of what? 2% is way better with Raisin Bran. But for granola I like whole. Which I think is actually closer to 4%.  Old buildings giving way to new, like blades of grass fresh in the morning dew. If I were the cow with the richest milk in the field id only eat 4- leaf clovers too.

  • Josh January 27, 2021 (6:48 pm)

    Going to be a traffic nightmare, with holy rosary church/school Hope Lutheran school and high school
    Not a great idea

  • Clinker January 27, 2021 (7:40 pm)

    Wish it had some ground floor retail, but  it’ll be much more vibrant than it’s current derilict state.

  • HRS teacher January 27, 2021 (8:11 pm)

    I as well will miss this unique building and it’s a shame to see it go. I’ve always admired it. 

  • TJ January 27, 2021 (8:14 pm)

    Privileged…the term has lost any meaning now as it has been used to try and shame people for anything they have, no matter how hard they have worked for it. In this case the “1% living in West Seattle”, whatever that means.

    • Lagartija Nick January 28, 2021 (9:42 am)

      You of all people should understand what privilege is, you’re still walking around a free man after repeatedly and publicly bragging about how you don’t pay your taxes.

  • Formerseattleresident January 27, 2021 (8:27 pm)

    Such a sadness. So many memories here. I went to school here from preschool all they way until 8th grade. Gonna be sad driving by now and not seeing my childhood. Its sad to Seattle just crammed with apartments. So many people. I used to love to visit Seattle, now I dread it.

  • LPM January 28, 2021 (9:37 am)

    This area is overcrowded.  With these apartments, any parking in the neighborhood that the teachers used will be taken.  The traffic during the mornings and afternoons is a nightmare already and add 70+ units who will most likely own some sort of transportation, will only bog down the area more.  What a disaster.  Not to mention the amazing architecture of the current building being destroyed.  West Seattle is mot the same.  Been here since 1995 and yet West Seattle is brand new.  No character.

  • Buddy January 28, 2021 (9:40 am)

    Make way for more progress and over priced mini apartments 

  • 2cents January 28, 2021 (9:49 am)

    Any word from the church on what they are doing with proceeds from the development of these properties?

  • Karen January 28, 2021 (10:14 am)

    Our children and grandchildren got a solid start from the caring teachers at West Seattle Christian preschool.   So grateful!

  • 22blades January 28, 2021 (10:29 am)

    I really liked this Mid Century Modern building. Looks like another bland “Multi-Use” building built on the cheap to replace it by some Private Equity joint from Dallas or something…

  • WS Realtor January 28, 2021 (2:04 pm)

    I too will miss this building where my kids went to preschool and then later, youth group.  The building became unusable from a safety standpoint and therefore unrentable and costly to maintain.  I imagine the church will use the proceeds to continue “doing good in the neighborhood”.  West Seattle Christian Church is on the forefront of supporting our community, including WS Foodbank, White Center Foodbank, WS Helpline, Junction Association, WS Senior Center as well as countless individuals in need.  Oh, and they’ll probably be paying their bills, too.  Lets welcome our new neighbors who will call this new building home…..its gonna be cozy.  

  • Shawna January 28, 2021 (8:10 pm)

    I am sad to see this. I went to preschool there in the 70’s😓

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