Online church services and other notes for your West Seattle Sunday

Good morning. Thanks to Jim Borrow for the skyline photo from Tuesday. On to our Sunday list of what is/isn’t happening – our third Sunday spotlighting churches that have taken their services online:

ADMIRAL UCC: The video service for today is posted online here.

ALKI UCC: 10 am online service, via Zoominfo and link on lower right of this page.

ALL SOULS SEATTLE (WSB sponsor): Daily online worship here

ARBOR HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CHURCH: Livestreaming here at 10 am.

BETHANY COMMUNITY CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, 7 pm.

EASTRIDGE CHURCH: Livestreaming here at 9 and 11 am.

FAUNTLEROY UCC: Livestreaming here at 10 am.

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF WEST SEATTLE: Today’s online liturgy is here.

GRACE CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 10:30 am.

HALLOWS CHURCH: Livestreaming at 10 am here.

HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming in English at 8:30 am, en EspaƱol at 10 am, here.

HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming Mass at 9:30 am here.

HOPE LUTHERAN: Today’s recorded service and children’s sstory are viewable here.

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming Mass here at 10 am.

PEACE LUTHERAN: Watch here for the pastor’s message for today.

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Livestreaming here at 10:15 am, or view later on the church website.

TIBBETTS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (WSB sponsor): The video service for today is viewable here.

TRINITY CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 10 am.

WEST SEATTLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: The video service for today is viewable here.

WEST SEATTLE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE: Livestreaming here, 11 am.

WEST SIDE PRESBYTERIAN Plans are explained here, including livestreams at 8:30 and 10 am today.


Any other churches to add? Please email us – – thank you!

Also today:

FERRY SCHEDULE CUTS: The Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route is among those affected, starting today, as previewed here.

WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Open 11 am-4 pm – need a tool to fix or improve something? (4408 Delridge Way SW)

FREE COMMUNITY DINNER TO GO: High Point Community Dinner Church will serve to-go meals at 5 pm at Walt Hundley Playfield, as previewed here. (34th/Myrtle)

What’s NOT happening:

CANCELED: West Seattle Farmers’ Market (as announced). Here’s this list of how to get the vendors’ products even while it’s on hiatus.

2 Replies to "Online church services and other notes for your West Seattle Sunday"

  • Craig Gorc March 29, 2020 (10:20 am)

    Thank you for posting this.
    Can you please update the link to

    Pastor Craig, Eastridge Church, West Seattle.

  • sgs March 29, 2020 (1:53 pm)

    This has been fabulous.   Have been able to “invite” people to church who wouldn’t normally make it.  My sister in Germany joined me for services today! 

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