(Clickable online map of sales is here … printable/downloadable map is here) … nonprofit/benefit/school sales listed here)
More than 500 sales are happening around West Seattle – and a bit beyond – as West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024 gets going! We started off by taking our own advice: At the very least, if you’re not having a sale today, walk to the nearest one! So our photo above shows your hosts Mandy and Robert at Sale #452 (8420 California SW) in Upper Fauntleroy. We’ll be roaming, and adding photos that sellers and shoppers send; find the sales all mapped here (click on any item in the list on the right side of the page, or any marker, to open its infobubble. The printable/downloadable guide is linked on that page too. Official sale hours are now through 3 pm. … A different style of furniture at Sale #64 (2932 Walnut), which texted this photo:
If you’re sending a photo, please be sure to include the sale #; thank you! … Plant sales are always a hot ticket on WSCGSD. This photo is from Julie & Steve at Sale #420 (7558 44th Ave SW), who promise, “Lots of plants, including natives!”
You’ll be singing “Jingle Bells” at Sale #291 (5415 35th SW) – Katie sent pics of tables at her sale including this one with holiday décor:
9:49 AM: This might be the only sale with a sale – Sale #214, “Crazy Bob’s on (3243) 56th Ave SW, west of Schmitz Park, has hoisted the sail on the sale. We’ve got a boat load of kites. Literally.”
In Morgan Junction, <strong>Thunder Road Guitars (Sale #411, 6400 California SW, also a WSB sponsor) throws a huge WSCGSD sale every year – our photographer shows us the line out the door:
This year’s list of participating businesses is here … Toward the south end of the map, Sale #507 (10750 18th SW, White Center) is bustling:
Sale #415 sent the next pic – that’s Scout Troop 284’s benefit bake sale at Fauntleroy Way and Holly Place:
10:26 AM: Matt at Sale #113 (3227 45th Ave SW) sent the next pic and notes, “Camera equipment, audio, and vintage watches on sale today”:
Elyse at Sale #444 (5643 47th Ave SW) says they’re open until 5 today and again 9-5 on Sunday:
Plus, “unicorn lemonade”!
Two benefit sales are next to each other – at 3000 California SW, West Seattle High School‘s Care Coordinator Stacy Fernandez is hosting Sale #189 for the program she leads:
And at 3050 California SW (St. John the Baptist lot), the WSHS Volleyball Team – fresh off their first trip to state in 40+ years – is raising money at Sale #221:
The next photo is from Tim at Sale #510 (10819 34th SW), who says it includes one big item that wasn’t in his listing: “Everything in the pic is for sale. Even the 1965 Ford Thunderbird!”
11:07 AM: If you’re looking to hit multiple sales in one stop, the map can point you at a variety of opportunities. We found multiple sellers at California/Raymond (including Sales #390 and #401) – sellers include local entrepreneurs Justin (Sound & Fog) and James (Filigree & Shadow, WSB sponsor):
And sisters Michele and Debby (who came down from Victoria to help out):
Just in from Sale #11 (8115 12th Ave SW) – Charlotte the corgi! whose people note, “we have women’s clothing, dog stuff, kitchen gadgets, lots of decor, holiday decorations and more!! Almost everything priced 25-50¢!!”
Got kid shopper(s) with you? Go see Sale #367 (3736 SW Monroe), run by kids (with parent supervision), including a mini-arcade with prizes!
Among the condo and apartment buildings participating today, The Dakota at 4116 California SW, home to Sale #88, which sent this photo:
That’s just north of the sale-rich zone along California on the block between Genesee and Oregon. …. Meantime, Sale #282 has “treats and drinks” and is raising money for Highline Premier Girls 2013 soccer, corner of SW Hinds St/35th Ave SW:
Here’s an exuberant welcome from Sale #341 (7300 31st SW), with toys, books, and a kid-size bike:
12:06 PM: We’re now in the second half of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Another of the participating businesses is The Skylark at 3803 Delridge Way SW (Sale #38) – here’s some of the eclectic offerings there:
Handmade woodworking items by There Is a Season are in the spotlight at Sale #417 (3950 SW Othello):
Back at the north end of the peninsula, Bill sent a pic from Sale #235 (1911 46th Ave SW):
Over on Pigeon Point, we found Willy kicking back at Sale #32 (3841 20th SW):
In the photo below, Nick‘s assistant at Sale #496 (10221 38th), who notes, “Toys, Furniture, House Plants, Kitchen Appliances, Tools, $2 Book Bin!”
Need glassware, decanters, corkscrews? Lauren says Sale #468 (4408 SW Rose) has all that:
1:03 PM: Two-thirds of the way into this year’s WSCGSD, still lots of fun stuff happening out there. Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW, Sale #351) is hosting what they’re hoping will be an annual record show and sale to benefit the historic venue:
You can listen to records while you’re there, thanks to DJ performances – here’s DJ Ricci:
Ready to grow? This year’s Sale #1, Wanderlust Nursery at 7527 19th SW, is a mail-order nursery not usually open to the public, but for WSCGSD they are – until 5 pm: “We have plants for all interests: natives and citrus, fruiting and herbs, trees to groundcovers, indoor or shade! Gift your loved ones some handmade soap, nuts for woodcarvers and crafts, jewelry or trinkets.”
From Julie at Sale #111 (4845 48th SW): “We still have tons of stuff in Seaview on 48th! Same with our neighbors on 47th and 46th. Come by and say Hi!”
Handmade stoneware pottery awaits you at Sale #103 (4111 47th Ave SW) – the photo is from Wendy:
1:48 PM: Another of today’s multi-seller spots is The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way, Sale #435):
Thanks to Sale #236 at California/Walker for displaying the “official” sign (it’s a file we send to all the registered sellers):
Need a couch? Sale #2 (1264 SW Othello) sent the pic: “We’ve still got lots of great stuff! House plants, couch, drums, etc., etc.”
2:07 PM: Final official hour of WSCGSD. Our most recent stop was Sale #295 (8427 30th Ave SW), a multi-household fundraiser for the West Seattle Timebank:
If you’re on the north end of the peninsula, an incentive from Sale #82 at 4220 SW Hill: “Free water and snacks for anyone who stops by! Make us an offer.”
Back in the south, Sale #326 at 9331 32nd SW is laden with ceramics and glassware:
Sent from Sale #372 (7153 35th SW), which reports: “We have men and women’s clothing, luggage, gaming peripherals, and a free tire!”
Some sales might be in the mood for end-of-day deals. Robert at Sale #135 (3434 48th Ave SW, the only sale with a haiku-style listing) emailed to say, “Having a great day! Lots of items (except tools) will be 1/2 price after 1 pm!”
Again, the map is here … some sales are staying open past 3 pm, but otherwise, that’s when the symbolic closing bell of WSCGSD sounds.
3:01 PM: Thanks to everyone who participated by selling, shopping, browsing! If you’re not ready to stop shopping yet, five sales’ listings say they’re open until 4 pm – 306, 396, 406, 448, and 477 – and five say they’re open until 5 pm: 1, 198, 289, 314, and 483.