day : 01/02/2020 11 results


From Emily:

Our car was “broken” into sometime Friday night/Saturday morning between midnight and 10 AM on 47th Ave between Hudson and Dawson. I put the word broken in quotation marks because there were no signs of forced entry and I can’t be 100% sure I didn’t accidentally leave the car unlocked. The contents of the glove compartment and the center console were strewn about the front seats, but nothing appeared to be missing. We’re happy no windows were smashed, but a good reminder to be mindful of what we leave in the car.

UPDATE: Emergency response after driver hits person, house on Pigeon Point

(Photo tweeted by @PDXMark)

9:02 PM: A “rescue extrication” response is headed to the 3800 block of 22nd SW (north of Andover) on Pigeon Point. More to come.

9:04 PM: Per scanner, a driver coming down a steep driveway hit a woman, and then the car hit a house. The response is being downsized – no extrication needed. No major injury reported so far.

9:11 PM: SFD says no one in the house was hurt; initial assessment radioed by crews is that damage appears minor.

9:28 PM: Our crew says the vehicle hit the house’s front door and verifies no major injuries.

Battery-electric articulated buses on the way for Metro

(King County photo)

With so many bus riders in West Seattle, this might be of interest if you didn’t catch it in regional coverage: Metro has up to 120 more battery-electric buses on the way. King County announced the purchase plan this past week. Highlights from the full announcement:

The initial agreement is to buy 40 battery-electric buses, to be delivered in 2021, and to order 80 more, from New Flyer of America, Inc. Those first 40 buses will be 60-foot articulated buses that cost $1.3 million each. The planned order after that, for delivery in 2022, will be for 20 more 60-foot articulated buses and 60 40-foot buses costing $925,000 each. At least $20 million of the cost will be covered by grant funding.

These buses, Metro says, meet the specifications King County laid out three years ago – able to travel about 140 miles on one charge. (The 11 battery-electric buses that Metro has now can only go 23 miles before they need a 10-minute charge.) The announcement also notes that Metro “initially pursued a different manufacturer for the purchase of 73 buses in 2017, however, that manufacturer does not currently have a 60-foot-long option.” If you’re wondering about charging capability, Metro is starting with a “temporary interim bus base” due to be complete this fall, with a charging system for 100 buses to be phased in starting next year; a permanent South Annex Base (in Tukwila) is in the works too. As for which routss will get those first new battery-electric buses next year – we asked; Metro says it hasn’t decided.

Crash victim seeking witnesses

February 1, 2020 7:47 pm
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A reader request:

At Alki Elementary School, did you witness a gold Lexus drive by 59th Ave SW and contact the open door of a parked black Subaru while a parent was buckling kids into a car seat on Tuesday, January 21 at the end of the school day? If so, please call 888-242-0888 referencing claim #3498350. A non-biased witness is needed.

The crash victim is OK, and says the driver initially took off but then came back, so they have identification and insurance info – they’re just looking for witnesses.


Thanks to Kersti Muul for the photo of tonight’s sunset, which started yellow-gold and ended with a pink flourish. The forecast has calmed down, but it’s on the way to a cooldown – tonight’s low is expected to drop into the 30s, and we’re entering a few days with a chance of a little snow here and there. But no big rain again before mid-week. P.S. Only five weeks until we spring forward and sunsets are suddenly after 7 pm!

CONGRATULATIONS! Local college-bound student gets top PLU scholarship

Congratulations to Thea Pulido, featured here back in 2012 as Hi-Yu Junior Court Queen, making news again for academic achievement as she gets ready for college. The announcement is from Pacific Lutheran University:

Thea Pulido, a student at West Seattle High School, has been named a Pacific Lutheran University President’s Scholar and awarded the prestigious $33,000 per year President’s Scholarship — with the opportunity to compete for more. ‘

Thea was one of 103 students selected for this top academic and leadership scholarship offered by PLU.
Over 500 incoming first-year students who met the high eligibility standards applied. President’s Scholars are selected based on academic achievement, service and leadership, as well as the potential to effect positive change and leadership in both the academic and co-curricular life of PLU. This year’s President’s Scholarship recipients scored on average a 1306 SAT test score, 30 ACT test score, and have a 3.98 GPA.

These top students have been invited to interview on the PLU campus in February to compete for the next level of PLU Presidential Scholarships — one of 10 $38,000 per year Harstad Founder’s Scholarships or one of five full-tuition Regents’ Scholarships.

THINK SPRING: Looking ahead to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2020

Did you see it? The sun made a brief appearance at midday today. And if you look closely – now that it’s February – some buds and shoots are starting to appear. All this got us thinking about spring, and we have two dates to mention regarding West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, the one event we coordinate each year after taking it over from its founders starting in 2008:

THE DATE: Saturday, May 9, 2020 – exactly 14 weeks from today
REGISTRATION: It’ll start on April 1st, exactly 2 months from today

If you’re new – WSCGSD isn’t one big sale – it’s one day with hundreds of sales, all sizes, all over the peninsula – not the only Community Garage Sale Day in the city, but the biggest one. Registered sales get on the map and the list; we promote it far and wide. More as we get closer, of course.

WEST SEATTLE ART: Frances Smersh’s exhibit reception at The Mount

February 1, 2020 1:34 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

Friday night, despite the downpour, a crowd of well-wishers turned out for Frances Smersh‘s exhibit reception at Providence Mount St. Vincent. Friday also happened to be her birthday! ‘

Frances, co-founder of Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in The Junction with husband John Smersh, has been painting prolifically even as she lives with young-onset Alzheimer’s. Years ago, she volunteered as an art instructor at the Mount, so it was a “welcome back” event of sorts too.

As noted in this Click! website update about Frances and the show, you can see it in the second-floor gallery at The Mount (4831 35th SW) through February 15th, and then the paintings will be relocated to the fifth-floor gallery for another month. The Mount says you’re welcome to visit 8 am-8 pm, 7 days a week.

FORESTS’ FUTURE: A few questions for you

A storm like the one that moved through last night reminds us about the fragility of some of our greenspaces. So it’s a good day to note that your thoughts about King County’s forests are being sought in a survey. Here’s the announcement:

Our spectacular forests store carbon, cool streams, and provide recreational opportunities. As we work with communities to develop a 30-year plan to expand forest cover and improve forest health, we’re conducting a public survey.

What is most important to you? Should we prioritize the role of our forests in confronting climate change? Or planting trees to improve air quality? Or promoting healthy forests in King County Parks? Or enhancing wildlife habitat? Or something else?

What are the most important actions King County can take with partners over the next 30 years? Should we focus on improving the health of existing forests or preserving additional forestland? Should we plant trees in areas where there is lower tree cover or should we plant more trees near rivers and streams?

We invite you to take a few minutes to take the brief survey to share your ideas for how we ensure that future generations continue to benefit from healthy, vibrant forests.

Highlights for February’s first West Seattle Saturday

(Photo by David Hutchinson)

Welcome to February. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, highlights for the hours ahead:

7035 DELRIDGE WAY SW SITE TOUR: 10-11 am, interested community members are invited to visit this future 9-townhouse redevelopment site as part of the Early Outreach for Design Review process. (7035 Delridge Way SW)

PROBIOTICS WITH FIREFLY KITCHENS @ WHOLE FOODS: 12:30 pm-2 pm, visit Whole Foods Market-West Seattle (WSB sponsor) in The Junction to meet Firefly KitchensJulie O’Brien and “learn how probiotics can enhance your life and your game-day snacking.” (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW)

HAPPY HOUR JAZZ: Jennifer Mellish performs 4-6:30 pm for free Happy Hour Jazz at the Pacific Room (WSB sponsor) on Alki. (2808 Alki SW)

WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIES: 6:30 pm doors, 7 pm screening, for “Food for Change,” this month’s West Seattle Meaningful Movies presentation, hosted by Delridge Grocery Co-op at Neighborhood House High Point, as previewed here. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

JANET & THE CURMUDGEONS: Guitar/bass/vocal trio at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. No cover. All ages. (5612 California SW)

HAMMERED FEST: AKA “spawn of Gloria,” as explained here. 7 pm at The Skylark. $8 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

KLEZMER & MORE: At Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm, Malke and the Boychiks, with Varda:

Malke and the Boychiks features Kim and Nancy Goldov, Peter Lippman, and Theodora Teodosiadis. Employing fiddle, drums, piano, trumpet, and vocals they specialize in rousing freylekhs, bulgars, and terkishers, from the American heyday of Klezmer before World War II.

Varda is the creation of folk musicians Marit Olivia and Mae Kessler, who hail from Olympia and Portland. In this, their latest project together, they craft captivating duets of Klezmer music and traditional Scandinavian tunes.

Ticket info is in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)

‘THE REVOLUTIONISTS’: Comedy at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm curtain. Check here for tickets. (4711 California SW)

THERE’S MORE! See our complete calendar here.

Another West Seattle power outage: 4,200+ customers at peak

12:35 AM: Thanks for the reports. Another power outage – so far we have reports from High Point and Sunrise Heights. Here in Upper Fauntleroy, just a flicker. Sounds like a tree might be to blame – we heard a dispatcher mention Sylvan/Myrtle, just east of High Point, and another texter mentions earlier tree trouble there too.

12:39 AM: This is now on the City Light map – more than 4,000 homes/businesses – screengrab added above.

1:22 AM: Just got a few texts saying power is restored in High Point. The map lags a bit, so we’ll see within 15 minutes or so if everyone else is back too.

1:39 AM: The map shows about two-thirds of the original outage zone is still out – now down to 2,700+ customers:

2:02 AM: Now down to just under 1,000 customers out:

2:37 AM: And now, 714 still out.

6:57 AM: Map shows that since then, everyone has been reconnected.