month : 04/2018 306 results

West Seattle scene: Drummer under the bridge

ORIGINAL REPORT, SATURDAY MORNING: Some days back, we got a couple texts about someone with a full drum set, set up out in the parking area along Spokane Street under the West Seattle Bridge. We went by and saw the drums … but the drummer was nowhere in sight. Then we discovered via Twitter that Byron of had spotted the drummer one recent evening and recorded him. Byron gave us permission to use his video; he doesn’t know the mystery drummer’s backstory either. Do you?

ADDED MONDAY MORNING: Over the weekend, the “mystery drummer” identified himself in comments as Dakota Duran. In a followup chat by text during a break from his local grocery-store job, he told us that his band is Mad Culture, based in Admiral, and he drums under the bridge a few times a week so he doesn’t bother his neighbors.

So much to do on your West Seattle Saturday!

(Golden-Crowned Kinglet, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)

A soggy start to our Saturday – but there’s lots to do, so don’t let the rain keep you home!

SANISLO ELEMENTARY DONATION DRIVE: Got clothing and other household items you can donate for a good cause? Sanislo Elementary is raising money by trying to fill a truck with donations and taking it to Value Village, 8 am-2 pm – drive or ride up and drop off, as previewed here. (1812 SW Myrtle)

DISASTER DRILL AT 3 HUBS: This time, the drill scenario is something that isn’t too unimaginable, as previewed here: A power outage and cellular outage. You’re invited to observe and/or participate- 8:30 am-noon at three West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs, Pigeon Point (20th/Genesee), High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW), and Fauntleroy (9140 California SW).

WSHS-SEALTH POSTSEASON BASEBALL GAME: 10 am at Southwest Athletic Complex, you’re invited to cheer as Chief Sealth International High School and West Seattle High School face off in postseason baseball. (2801 SW Thistle)

BOOK SALE: Annual Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) book sale in Adams Hall. Find some great reading material for great prices, 10 am-2 pm. (3940 41st SW)

DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY: 10 am-2 pm, drop off unwanted/unneeded/expired prescription medication at the Southwest Precinct. (2300 SW Webster)

INTERNATIONAL TABLETOP DAY: Go play at Meeples Games, with special events 10 am-6 pm. Bring nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank. (3727 California SW)

ROCK AND GEM SHOW: Day 1 of the West Seattle Rock Club‘s annual show, 10 am-5 pm at the Masonic Center in The Junction. (4736 40th SW)

BENEFIT PLANT SALE: 11 am-3 pm in Arbor Heights, raising money to fight lung disease. (3703 SW 107th)

GREEN HOME TOUR: Four West Seattle stops on the first day of this tour, 11 am-5 pm.

MODERN HOME TOUR: One of the stops on the Green Home Tour is also part of today’s Modern Home Tour, the only West Seattle stop. 11 am-5 pm.

ARTIST WORKSHOP: The West Seattle Art Walk invites all local artists to a noon-4 pm workshop at Inner Alchemy in Sunrise Heights. (7354 35th SW)

‘LET’S TALK RACE’: DNDA‘s conversation/workshop series continues with “Understanding Islam,” 1 pm-6 pm at Neighborhood House High Point. Free, with child care and dinner included. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

COMMUNITY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: Leslie Harris, who represents West Seattle/South Park on the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors and serves as its president, will be at Delridge Library, 3-5 pm. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

‘THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH’: 5:30-8:30 pm benefit for Denny-Sealth Performing Arts. Dinner, beverages, student performances and more. At Fauntleroy UCC. (9140 California SW)

SOLD OUT! ‘I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE’: 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hall, the classic Broadway musical, presented by the Seattle Jewish Theater Company – details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)

STAND UP FOR HEALING LAUGHTER: Benefit comedy show at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 8 pm, benefiting Room Circus Medical Clowning. Details in our calendar listing. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

WEST END GIRLS: The monthly “drag extravaganza” at The Skylark starts at 8 pm – see the lineup in our calendar listing. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

LOTS MORE – preview it all on our complete calendar.

HEAD TAX: Where the proposal stands and what happens next

(WSB photo from April 19th WS Chamber-convened ‘head tax’ discussion)

One week ago today, four City Councilmembers, including West Seattle/South Park’s Lisa Herbold and WS-residing/citywide-representing Lorena González, officially unveiled their proposal for the so-called “head tax,” a business tax to raise money they say would be used mostly to build housing for people who are homeless. That was one day after Herbold and González had made their case to a gathering convened by the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce (WSB coverage here).

If you haven’t already read it, the proposed legislation is here; the resolution establishing how the money would be spent is here; a proposal with specifics for the first five years is here.

Three days after the proposal went public, there was an at-times-contentious three-hour public hearing at City Hall on Monday night:

On Wednesday, the council’s Finance and Neighborhoods Committee discussed the proposal, including a plan for how the money would be spent:

On Thursday, Councilmember González sent a survey to “business leaders.” One West Seattle recipient forwarded it to us anonymously. In the e-mail, González addresses the recipients, “In an effort to create an additional tool to engage with you regarding the proposed Employee Hours Tax/Payroll Tax, the Council has developed an online survey which allows business owners to give direct feedback to the Council and express any specific concerns.” Going through the survey, we note that it asks for opinions about housing and homelessness before asking for opinions on the potential head tax and the payroll tax that is proposed to follow it in three years. The survey is here.

Today in her weekly update, Councilmember Herbold went through a copious amount of backstory on the tax proposal and explanation why she supports it. If you aren’t already on her mailing list, you can read it on the city website. She wrote in part:

… The structural cause of homelessness in high cost cities like Seattle is that there is a growing unmet need for more affordable housing created when new workers, earning new high wage jobs, and low-income workers are in competition for limited housing. Lower income workers lose out and the result is that the explosive growth and rising rents that Seattle is experiencing has increased homelessness even as we, each year, exit more than 3,000 people out of homelessness and into permanent housing. A progressive tax on businesses most benefiting from this growth is our best option because we already rely heavily upon regressive property and sales taxes that hit everyone equally. …

Along with Herbold and González, the tax proposal is co-sponsored by Councilmembers Teresa Mosqueda (citywide) and Mike O’Brien (northwest Seattle’s District 6).

The next scheduled official discussion is back before the Finance and Neighborhoods Committee at noon Wednesday (May 2nd), with “issue identification” to be included; then the committee is scheduled to vote on it a week later, at 2 pm May 9th, including consideration of any amendments. If that schedule is kept, the full council would vote at 2 pm on Monday, May 14th. All three of those meetings would have public-comment periods; you also can reach councilmembers via e-mail or phone – contact info is here.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Green Subaru Legacy stolen; 2 car prowls in 1 night

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch. First, another stolen Subaru:

STOLEN LEGACY: The photo is from a reader who reports, “Our 1996 green Subaru Legacy sedan was stolen from in front of 3008 Alki Ave SW sometime between 4 pm Thursday and 915 am Friday morning. License is BAL5609. Seattle Police have been advised.” Call 911 if you see it.

ONE NIGHT, TWO CAR PROWLS: The video clips are from early Thursday morning, from Charlie‘s camera in upper Luna Park:

Charlie adds, “Both just checked if our cars were locked and moved on. I have a sneaking suspicion that the first prowler is the same person who we recorded several months ago.”

TRAFFIC ALERT: 18th/Orchard closure continuing

An alert from SDOT late today that the 18th/Orchard closure on Puget Ridge as part of the Sanislo Elementary Safe Routes to School project will continue through and beyond the weekend:

This week, our crews have started demolition and grading work on the roadway along SW Orchard St in preparation for curb construction. We also completed storm drain installation in this stretch of the project site. Because our crews are moving quicker than anticipated, we took advantage of the nice weather this week and began paving the area. This work required a full closure at the intersection of SW Orchard St and 18th Ave SW. The closure was effective as of this past Wednesday, 4/25 and will remain in place 24/7 until next Friday, 5/4. We had envisioned that we may be able to keep one lane northbound open for drivers to access SW Myrtle St, however, we learned that it would not be wide enough for cars to get through safely and thus require full closure of the intersection.

Our crews have placed street closure and detour signs to provide drivers advance notice of the intersection closure and detour. Our detour for travelers going eastbound on SW Orchard St is down Dumar Way SW and then north onto 16th Ave SW. We have a “Street Closed, Local Access Only” sign at SW Orchard St as it splits into Dumar Way SW to inform drivers that it is for residents access only. We also added reflective barrels and blinking lights at SW Orchard St and 18th Ave SW to help light up the street closure and detour signs. We hope this will help drivers better and more safely navigate around the intersection.

Backstory on the project is here.

15 days to 14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with 330+ sales!

April 27, 2018 6:03 pm
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

Just two weeks from tomorrow, it’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – a tradition dating back to 2005 (we’ve been coordinating it since 2008). Registration is now closed and more than 330 sales are signed up for May 12th – all sizes, all neighborhoods, all kinds of stuff, and we’ll be featuring some previews starting tomorrow while working on the map/list! If you are registered, please watch the e-mail address you used, because if we have a question for you while readying the listings for the map, we’ll be contacting you in the next day or two. (If you have a question for us: map/list will be available here and at as promised a week in advance (that’s Saturday, May 5th).

VIDEO: RPZ in Junction-area residential neighborhoods? SDOT updates JuNO

The blue-outlined areas of that map are what SDOT is considering for a Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) in West Seattle Junction-area neighborhoods. That’s the upshot of an update that two SDOT reps presented last night to the Junction Neighborhood Organization (JuNO), which had asked the city to study whether parking usage on the residential blocks in The Junction might warrant one – though the eligible areas shown above do not include all the blocks originally requested for study. Creating an PZ requires more than 20 blockfaces where parking use surpasses 75 percent, with 35 percent of it non-resident usage, and that’s what SDOT found in the areas outlined in blue on the map.

SDOT says the RPZ – which would offer permits for sale to residents (no differentiation between owners/renters, longtime residents/new arrivals) – could potentially be proposed for Mondays-Saturdays, 7 am-6 pm, with two-hour limits for parking without a permit. Here’s the full slide deck presented by SDOT’s Jonathan Williams and Ruth Harper:

You can also see the slide deck here (PDF) on the SDOT website. If you weren’t able to go to the meeting but want to hear all the details of what the SDOT team told JuNO, and Q&A with those in attendance, we recorded video:

Next steps for the potential RPZ: More community outreach, and a potential official proposal before the end of the year. Again, this originated with a community request,, ad the SDOT reps made it clear that there would be a public hearing before implementation, and in at least one other neighborhood, that part of the process killed an PRZ proposal. You can find more background on the SDOT website here. (Side note 1: This isn’t the first time an RPZ has been suggested in Junction residential neighborhoods – under different leadership and membership, it was suggested a decade ago. Side note 2: West Seattle currently has only one RPZ, in Fauntleroy neighborhoods near the ferry terminal, affecting only 2 am-5 pm.)

ABOUT COMMERCIAL-AREA PARKING: As you’ll see toward the start of the video, Harper and Williams also recapped what the West Seattle Junction Association merchants were told two months ago (WSB coverage here) – The Junction still doesn’t need metered street parking, but there may be some time-limit changes proposed later this year.

P.S. JuNO also got a light-rail update from Sound Transit last night, and we’ll cover that in a separate report.

Change at the top for city’s Department of Neighborhoods

Since taking office five months ago, Mayor Durkan has made many who’s-staying-and-who’s-going announcements, but hadn’t said whether she would keep Kathy Nyland as director of the Department of Neighborhoods. Though Nyland – appointed almost exactly three years ago by then-Mayor Ed Murray – had a background in neighborhood-group leadership, she drew some fire for championing Murray’s plan to cut the city’s ties with neighborhood-district councils. This afternoon, Durkan announced that she’s moving Nyland out of DoN:

Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced that Andrés Mantilla will serve as Interim Director of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, effective May 16, 2018. Mantilla currently serves in the Mayor’s Office as the Director of External Relations and Outreach. Kathy Nyland will continue working in the Durkan administration as a senior advisor at Seattle Parks and Recreation focused on community and neighborhood outreach.

“From day one, I committed to bringing City Hall directly to neighborhoods, and the Department of Neighborhoods plays a critical role in building strong partnerships directly where people live and work. Kathy has worked tirelessly to help communities across Seattle have a strong voice in their government, and her leadership has helped to foster more coordinated, citywide outreach on Seattle’s most urgent challenges. We will build on her important work to bring more equitable engagement to our neighborhoods,” said Mayor Durkan. “As we address growing disparities and make our City more affordable, Andrés will be instrumental in elevating the voices of community members throughout Seattle. His commitment to equity and communities of color will elevate the work of our City.”

Mantilla has deep roots in communities across the City. Prior to his role in the Mayor’s Office, Mantilla worked on community and small business outreach at the Department of Neighborhoods and Office of Economic Development as well as on the Community Outreach Team for Mayor Greg Nickels.

(WSB photo of Andres Mantilla: 2011, when he visited WS as a representative of the Department of Economic Development)

SATURDAY TRAFFIC ALERT: West Seattle Bridge work

If you’ll be using the eastbound West Seattle Bridge on Saturday, SDOT wants you to know about closures in two locations between 7 am and 3;30 pm for deck-repair work:

Crews will be conducting deck spall repair work, on the WS Bridge at two locations, Saturday, April 28, 2018. The first location is eastbound, closing the EB on ramp from Harbor (we will place a VMS board on Harbor Island to notify the public of the closure) straddling the right exit and middle general-purpose lane, in the interchange of the onramp from SW Spokane St & the offramp to 1st Ave South.

After completing work at this location, the crew will take down the traffic control setup and reset it for the second location. The second location is eastbound in the left general-purpose lane 10 feet after the exit for 4th Ave S. Crews should complete all work by 3:30 pm.

5 for the rest of your West Seattle Friday

April 27, 2018 11:41 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Photo by Jim Borrow)

Getting the highlight list out later than usual because of breaking news … but remember the calendar is always ready to view 24/7!

WHITE CENTER LIBRARY GUILD PLANT SALE: Until 2 pm at the White Center Library, go buy plants and help this all-volunteer group!

CAT ADOPTIONS: Seattle Humane‘s MaxMobile is scheduled to be at Westwood Village Pet Pros until 2 pm. (2600 SW Barton)

JAZZ 4 JUSTICE: Music, food, and awareness-raising, presented by the youth of Peace Lutheran Church with guest speakers, all welcome! 6-8 pm. (39th SW/SW Thistle)

PETER QUALLIOTINE AT SEATTLE YARN: 7 pm, Peter Qualliotine will talk about “men’s role in ending gender-based violence,” at Seattle Yarn. Call to see if there’s still room – our calendar listing has the info. (5633 California SW)

‘AN OCTOROON’: 7:30 pm curtain for ArtsWest‘s current production – details in our calendar listing. (4711 California SW)

UPDATE: Madison Middle School starts day sheltering in place because of threat

(WSB photo of Madison MS, around 9:30 this morning)

9:36 AM: After notes from parents, we have just gone over to Madison Middle School to get an update on why the school is in shelter-in-place. Madison principal Dr. Robert Gary had told us that parents were supposed to get robo-call and e-mail messages early this morning about a threat that had been received last night, and that police would be at the school just in case. Police apparently are no longer on campus but we’re told additional district security is in the building, and the school is in “shelter in place” mode today as a precaution. We don’t have any information about the reported threat but have a request to the district seeking more information as well asking for the text of the e-mail, and will add anything more we find out.

10:26 AM: District spokesperson Kim Schmanke tells us, “The school is sending a letter home shortly with an update … the shelter in place will be explained in the letter as a precautionary move.” She doesn’t have any details of the threat investigation; we have asked SPD for the police report.

10:46 AM: A parent has linked the message from the school in a comment below. Here it is, cut and pasted:

Dear Madison families:

I want to provide you with information about a situation that has affected our school community and assure you we are doing everything we can to create a safe environment.

Several Madison students last night reported to Madison’s administration and the district’s Safety and Security office that they heard a student threaten to do harm to people at school today. We followed district safety protocol and contacted the Seattle Police Department, who has been working with us to investigate the threat and keep our community safe.

I want to assure you we take this threat very seriously. The student who is alleged to have made the threat will remain at home until the investigation is complete. In an abundance of caution, we started the school day following shelter-in-place procedures. The administration team visited each classroom to inform students that we are safe. SPD has since advised we can release from the shelter-in-place.

We take all threats seriously and encourage students and families to report anything suspicious to Madison administration or Security.

We will update families on any information regarding your student’s safety.


Dr. Robert Gary, Jr.

The letter was timestamped 10:32 am and headed “Shelter in Place Lifted.” Meantime, SPD tells us the police-report narrative is not yet available as it’s still “in transcription.”

WEST SEATTLE GREENWAY: Last chance to answer survey about North Admiral extension

The SDOT survey about extending the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway into North Admiral closes tomorrow. It’s not so much a survey as a chance for you to review what’s being proposed – the “survey” includes maps and graphics showing what’s under consideration. From the SDOT reminder:

What we hope to hear:

Which street routes would best connect you to your neighborhood destinations?
What would make you most comfortable while walking or biking through the North Admiral district and Alaska Junction?

The North Admiral Connection will include:

*20 mph speed limit signs and speed humps to calm traffic
*Stop signs for side streets crossing the neighborhood greenway
*Signs and pavement markings to help people find their way
*Easier crossings of busy streets with crosswalks, flashing beacons, or traffic signals

The survey – which you’ll find here – isn’t only about the North Admiral segment; it starts off with questions about 42nd SW in The Junction, and continues northward from there.


April 27, 2018 7:07 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:07 AM: Good morning. No traffic incidents or transit alerts of note so far.

8:08 AM: Offramps seem to be the trouble spots this morning. The Seneca St ramp from The Viaduct had a problem right at 1st. Now police are checking for a possible unconscious driver in a car on the 1st Ave ramp from the EB West Seattle Bridge.

ALSO SATURDAY: Donation drive to help Sanislo Elementary

Got stuff you haven’t been able to recycle, and aren’t planning to sell on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (or some other time)? Here’s a great way to make good use of it. From Rebecca Evans:

Sanislo Elementary is holding a BIG neighborhood collection/donation drive this weekend on Saturday, April 28th from 8 am-2 pm at 1812 SW Myrtle Street.

With spring here, we’re sure many neighbors have a pile of donation items cluttering up space. We will be collecting clothes, shoes, linens and most other household items in front of the school. We hope to have donations from the community at large so please spread the word to your friends and neighbors. We will fill up a truck as much as we can and haul it over to Value Village, where they will pay us by the pound for the items. ALL proceeds of the payout will be going right back into programs at the school for our students and families.

Stop on by anytime between 8 am-2 pm and pull into the loop driveway or parking lot. We will help unload your goods and you can be on your way! Thank you for your support of your local community schools!

Here’s a map to Sanislo.

SATURDAY: Citywide disaster drill including three West Seattle hubs, and you can help!

April 26, 2018 8:40 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | High Point | Pigeon Point | Preparedness | West Seattle news

(WSB photo from hub drill last July)

From Pigeon Point to High Point to Fauntleroy, three local Emergency Communication Hubs will be participating in a drill this Saturday morning, 8:30-noon – to prepare for something everyone hopes will never happen. And you can help! We’ve mentioned it a few times before, and here’s the official announcement:

Imagine there is a major power blackout covering Seattle and the metro area. There is no cellular phone service. No one knows the cause of the outage or knows when power and cell service may be restored. Emergency generators at hospitals and other essential service providers can only last as long as there is fuel. How would the region communicate?

This is the scenario behind the “Power Out, No Bars” exercise that Seattle ham radio operators and designated emergency Hub volunteers throughout the City will be testing. The Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS), a volunteer organization operating under the auspices of the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, and the Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs, a grass-roots, neighborhood network of community members, will jointly conduct the citywide communications exercise.

The drill simulates the day after an unexplained failure of grid power and cellular service, with no updates on when either would be restored. Because the Hubs are the major residential and business resources for neighborhoods, situational awareness, resource coordination, and communications between the Hubs, ACS, and the city’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) are critical.

The key goals of the exercise are:

*Activate several neighborhood Communication Hubs and Seattle ACS, emphasizing reliable, efficient, accurate message management and documentation. Exercise participants will use voice as well as data communications via radio, throughout the city.

*Demonstrate, practice, and assess the ability to communicate up and down the various levels of the response structure, based on the Incident Command System (ICS), which spells out a hierarchical, yet flexible, means of managing emergency situations.

*Build strong working relationships among Emergency Communication Hub members and ACS members, through team problem solving and practice.

Exercise Scenario

In an event such as the one this exercise portrays, the neighborhood Hubs would mobilize to assist with the immediate needs of residents, especially those who may need emergency services. The ACS would also have activated shortly after the scope of the outage was known, with sector sites around the city providing situation reports and helping coordinate emergency and logistical responses.

“In a citywide or regional event, people will need to go to neighborhood gathering places to find access to information and start matching resources and skills to what is needed” said Cindi Barker of West Seattle, one of Seattle’s Hub Captains.

“Power Out, No Bars is the latest in a series of emergency exercises that have helped our membership continually hone their skills and upgrade, deploy, and test their equipment,” said Mark Sheppard, founder and director of ACS. “This is critical to improving our ability to be more effective and be better prepared to face a real emergency or natural disaster.

Here are the West Seattle hubs participating:

*Pigeon Point Hub, 20th Ave SW & SW Genesee St
*High Point Hub at Neighborhood House, 6400 Sylvan Way SW
*Fauntleroy United Church of Christ Hub, 9140 California Ave SW

You are invited to stop by and observe, or participate, 9 am-noon Saturday. For more background info – West Seattle’s hubs are explained here; the citywide hubs here; you can find out more about Amateur Radio here.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 5-year-old’s bicycle stolen

Mark says his son’s bicycle was stolen from Alki last night, near 57th/Stevens:

Description: “It is black, gray, and red. It has pegs on the front and is a Kent 1800 abyss. Has a name plate under the seat with his name Logan on it.” Report # T18005002 – call police if you see it.

New owners, new start: See inside as Corner Pocket reopens in West Seattle

It’s been the #1 question in the WSB inbox lately – “what’s up with the Corner Pocket reopening?” This afternoon, we got answers – and photos.

As of less than half an hour ago, the basement bar at 4302 SW Alaska (actually entered off California) is starting a long weekend of “soft opening,” 3 pm to 2 am tonight, tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday.

Almost a year and a half after its sudden, scandalous shutdown, the Corner Pocket is reopening under all-new ownership – we reported last December on the group led by Pete Olive, with others who have been his co-proprietors at a Renton bar and arcade.

(Scott Fjelstad, Pete Olive, Terrence Vaccaro)

The Corner Pocket continues to be a place to play – pinball as well as pool.

During our visit about an hour ago, the new proprietors showed us the redone bar, seating, floor, pool tables. Overall, their intent – having been regulars in the olden day – was to bring in “major improvements” to what otherwise they hope will re-launch as a familiar neighborhood hangout. Even the restrooms have been upgraded – this is a view from inside the women’s room:

After the four nights of soft openings, official opening night is Monday, and the hours will continue 3 pm-2 am, with food available 5 pm to close (not during soft open, we’re told, but the menu will be available next week).

Morgan Junction mural to be restored soon: ‘Spark to help save the others’

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After years of planning and discussion, the next step toward restoring West Seattle’s murals will soon go from plans and hopes to reality.

We first reported in October 2015 that Dan Austin, owner of Peel and Press in Morgan Junction, was leading a project to save the mural on the west side of the California/Fauntleroy building that holds his business and four others.

It’s been a long road but that road reached one big milestone back in January, when the Morgan Community Association committed money to the restoration project. Then, another milestone this week, when the muralist who will restore it got his first look at it.

(L-R, Lora Swift, Deb Barker, Phil Tavel, Dan Austin, Bob Henry, Clay Eals)

He is Bob Henry from Gig Harbor, and we were there as he visited the mural Tuesday with Austin, MoCA’s president and vice president Deb Barker and Phil Tavel, and the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s executive director Jeff McCord and past ED Clay Eals, plus Lora Swift of the West Seattle Junction Association, which is working toward restoration of the Junction murals too.

Read More

LAST CALL! Registration for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day closes tonight

April 26, 2018 12:52 pm
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

The 14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 12, is going to be another fun one – with sales of every size, in every neighborhood, all around the peninsula.

More than 300 sales are registered already. If you’ve been waiting until the last minute, we’re writing to let you know … this is it! 11 pm tonight is the registration deadline; right after that, we have to get busy with the map, the list, posters, etc.

Thanks to everyone who’s made this the city’s biggest person-to-person recycling day … if you’re ready to register, here’s the link!

Salmon-release season begins! 2018’s first student visit at Fauntleroy Creek

The weather could not have been more perfect for the start of salmon-release season at Fauntleroy Creek this morning. Fifth-graders from Alki Elementary became the first students this year to visit the creek to release fry they’ve been raising.

Once the fry were in the creek, it was time to watch and wait. That involved polarized sunglasses to help with potential sightings.

Fauntleroy Watershed volunteers will be helping students with their releases for the next month-plus. This all traces back to January, when more than a dozen schools received salmon-egg deliveries as part of the Salmon in the Schools program. Then in fall, volunteers watch the creek for returning coho; they counted four last fall.

4 for your West Seattle Thursday

April 26, 2018 10:12 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Greater Yellowlegs, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

DINING OUT FOR LIFE: The annual dine-out benefit for Lifelong includes three West Seattle/White Center venues today – Noble Barton (all meals), Locol (dinner), Buddha Ruksa (dinner). Search the rest of the city by using the lookup you’ll find here.

WEST SEATTLE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN: 11:15 am at West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) Rotary Room, with featured guests State Sen. Sharon Nelson and State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon reviewing the legislative session. Details here. (36th SW/SW Snoqualmie)

JUNCTION NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: 6:30 pm at the Senior Center/Sisson Building, with agenda items including a Junction parking update from SDOT and an update from Sound Transit – full agenda details here. (4217 SW Oregon)

DIY TRENDY CRAFTS TERRARIUM BAR: 7 pm at Pecado Bueno, join Trendy Crafts (WSB sponsor) for a drop-in event to create layered air-plant terrariums with some shiny extras! Register here. (4523 California SW)

ONLY THE BEGINNING … many more listings on our complete calendar – just go here!

Saving the Southern Resident Killer Whales: Research update at The Whale Trail’s first Orca Talk of the year

April 26, 2018 9:30 am
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 |   Environment | West Seattle news | Wildlife

(Photo courtesy NOAA Fisheries)

You’re invited to The Whale Trail‘s first Orca Talk of the year, 7 pm next Tuesday (May 1st) at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). The announcement:

“Current Research to Support Recovery Actions for Southern Resident Killer Whales”
Presentation by Brad Hanson, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Tuesday, May 1, 7:00 – 8:30 (doors open at 6:30)

Cost: $5 suggested donation; kids free
Advance tickets:

With just 76 orcas in J, K and L pods, the Southern Resident Killer Whale population is nearing its all time low of 71 individuals. Is the population still viable – can they be saved? What have we learned over the past year that will help these orcas recover, and what are the most pressing questions still to be addressed?

Join us to hear the latest findings and future research directions, presented by Dr. Brad Hanson, NWFSC lead killer whale researcher. Buy tickets now to reserve your seat. And hurry – this will likely sell out. This is the first in the 2018 Orca Talk series hosted by The Whale Trail in West Seattle. Thanks to Nucor Steel for sponsoring this Orca Talk!

About the Speaker

Brad Hanson joined the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in April of 2003. Previously, Brad worked as a Wildlife Biologist at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle, WA. Brad received a Ph.D. from the University of Washington where he worked on the development of improved tag attachment systems for small cetaceans. He also holds an M.S. in Fisheries from the University of Washington and a B.A. in Zoology also from the University of Washington. Brad is an ecologist and is currently studying foraging and habitat use of Southern Resident killer whales and health assessment of harbor and Dall’s porpoises.

About The Whale Trail

The Whale Trail is a series of sites where the public may view orcas and other marine mammals from shore. Our mission is to inspire appreciation and stewardship of whales and our marine environment. Through our current sites and signs, including two on every Washington State ferry, we reach more than 50 million people each year. The Whale Trail is currently adding new sites along the North American west coast, from California to British Columbia.

The Whale Trail is led by a core team of partners including NOAA Fisheries, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Seattle Aquarium, the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, the Whale Museum. Donna Sandstrom is the Founder and Executive Director. The Whale Trail is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, registered in Washington State. Join us!


(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:59 AM: Good morning! Just checked around, and no incidents are reported in/from West Seattle so far this morning.

WEEKEND NOTE: WSDOT has postponed this weekend’s round of “Revive I-5” work, because of the forecast.