West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
Thanks to James Bratsanos for the view of tonight’s golden-hearted sunset. Still a bit soon to tell for sure, but the forecast suggests some sunshine for all that fun stuff planned next Saturday.
The report and photos are from coach Rob Wright:
Wanted to pass along the news about our basketball team’s championship (Sunday)! Our girls won the Seattle city championship in the 13-year-old SELECT division out of Hiawatha Community Center. We had an undefeated season, capped off with a 30-15 victory in the championship game versus Magnuson Community Center. The girls did an incredible job all season!
From left to right / bottom to top:
Ciera Jorge, Lauren Wright, Wynn Larsen, Emily Larsen, Katie Williamson, Olivia George, Jadyn Watts, Kaydinse Peirsol, Sophia Hyde, MiQueen Gaines, Coach Rob Wright, Coach Jeff Larsen
Which West Seattle public schools will be included in the district’s BEX V levy, which goes to voters next February as the six-year BEX IV expires? As mentioned here last night, the School Board has a work session coming up Wednesday, in advance of April public meetings – and there’s information of interest in the Wednesday agenda information that has just gone public. The 92-page document full of stats and maps includes two key pages with updates on which schools are under consideration and why:
Priority schools with regards to capacity (needing more room) are on page 48. The list includes four elementaries in our area – Alki, Lafayette, Roxhill, and West Seattle – as well as Madison Middle School:
Priority schools with regards to facilities condition (in bad shape) are on page 54. That list also includes Alki, Lafayette, and Roxhill, as well as the old Schmitz Park, plus Boren STEM K-8.
Roxhill, as we’ve been reporting, is being moved this fall to E.C. Hughes Elementary, which is being remodeled. Alki and Lafayette have long been mentioned as strong candidates for rebuilds. BEX (Building Excellence) levy projects aren’t always rebuilds, though – they also have included, over the years, additions and extensive remodels. You’re welcome to sit in on the board work session Wednesday, 4:30-7:30 pm at district HQ in SODO (3rd/Lander). Then, as also mentioned last night, the West Seattle feedback meeting is set for 6:30 pm Tuesday, April 3rd, at Madison (3429 45th SW). Here’s the full levy timetable, also from the newly released Wednesday board agenda:
• April 2018: Community Meetings Discuss Capacity & Assessment Criteria/Board Guiding Principles
• May 2018: Community Input/Feedback Summary to Board/Planning Team
• June 2018: Home Language Focus Groups Meetings
• June 2018: Community Input/Feedback Summary to Board/Planning Team
• Sept. 2018: Community Meetings to Present Recommended Levies Scope
• Oct. 2018: Community Input/Feedback Summary to Board/Planning Team
• Oct./Nov. 2018: Levies 2019 Public Hearing between Board Intro and Action
• Oct./Nov. 2018: News release on School Board Action
• Dec. 2018: “A Report to the Community” Brochure Distributed to Community
• Jan. 2019: “Levies Information 2019” Brochure Distributed/Posted
• Feb. 2019: News Release on Election Outcome
Election Day will be February 12, 2019.
(WSB photo, taken this morning)
Thanks to Kenneth for the tip that the sign’s up at EC Hughes Playground (2805 SW Holden), where play-area renovations are starting soon. We first reported last fall that Seattle Parks decided the play equipment needed to be replaced, after inspections done following the discovery of wood damage in a similar structure at Lincoln Park South Play Area.
The sign does not mean work at EC Hughes is starting soon, though. We checked in with Parks’ project point person Libby Hughes, who tells WSB that two public-outreach meetings are planned, in April and June (dates/times/locations soon), and construction is expected to start this fall, “after school starts.” The goal of the project, she says, is “to renovate the play equipment with structures that meet current safety standards and are accessible to children of all abilities, ages 2-5 and 5-12 years, and to make some ADA improvements for access to the play area.” The EC Hughes wading pool is not involved in the project. Hughes adds that she’s also working on yet another play-area renovation in West Seattle, “similar scope and timeline” – Puget Ridge Playground (6029 21st SW). More details on that one soon.
The photo above is from an unexpected followup to a recent West Seattle Crime Watch reader report. At right is Yzzy, whose mom Alex reported a smash-and-grab during their regular Saturday morning Morgan Junction coffee run – taken from the wheel well was a special World War II aviation-themed bag that Yzzy cherished. At left in the photo is Deb, who had read the report and subsequently e-mailed to say:
I work at Vulcan (Paul Allen’s company) and we have a WWII museum, Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum in Everett. I reached out to our team there and they have come through with a gift bag for Alex’s daughter (see photo). We hope this gift bag, including 4 passes to the museum, will brighten her day and reaffirm there are good folks out here in the world!
So we connected them, and requested a followup report, which Alex sent after their Saturday morning meetup. If you recognize Yzzy, her mom explains why:
Yzzy was so happy with all the gifts from the Vulcan folks. Deb was wonderful – one of those people that really listen & talk with & connect with younger folks. It just filled my heart up to watch them chat. I made a connection with a West Side neighbor as well – something that is hard for me, as I’m not much of a people person.
Deb even recognized Yz from the Blog posts of bake sales for disaster relief over the years – and offered to help bake for the next fundraiser.
We talked about Yzzy’s love of WWII planes, her great-grandfather being part of the 82nd airborne & the Market Garden operation. (Ever see “A Bridge Too Far”?)
Deb told us about all the things Vulcan does and the WWII ship recently discovered by their endeavors (of course – Yzzy knew the name & that it had been part of the Midway operation).
We’re planning a family trip up to the Everett Flying Heritage Museum in a month or two & promised to take pics & let Deb know about that adventure.
The negative of the smash & grab turned around into such a positive! An affirmation of our wonderful West Seattle community. Thank you Deb. Thank you Vulcan. Thank you West Seattle Blog.
And a few words from Yzzy herself:
When I got my bag stolen, I was kind of in shock. Since I had never had that sort of thing happen to me before, I didn’t know how to react. When my mom told me about Deb & Vulcan, I couldn’t be happier!
Knowing that someone, and their co-workers, went out of their way to do this for me, makes me want to do this sort of thing when I grow up.
(As her mom mentioned – and as we have covered over the years – Yzzy’s giving nature already is in evidence.)
(Tug and barge passing Alki, photographed by Jim Borrow)
Quick look at highlights for the rest of your West Seattle Monday:
DINE OUT TO HELP THE HELPLINE: All day – until closing at 10 pm – MOD Pizza‘s new West Seattle restaurant is giving a portion of proceeds to help the West Seattle Helpline. Just show the special flyer, which you can do via your phone – it’s linked in our calendar listing. (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW)
LAST CHANCE TO REVIEW LOCAL PARK/STREET $ SUGGESTIONS: The fifth and final District 1 meeting for you to look at potential local projects in Your Voice, Your Choice – ideas for spending city $ on streets/parks. Just stop by Southwest Library between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Here’s the list of what you’ll be considering. (9010 35th SW)
FAMILY STORY TIME: 6:30-7 pm at High Point Library – bring kids of all ages. Free and fun. (35th SW/SW Raymond)
HOLY WEEK SERVICES: Our seasonal list includes services throughout the week, from the churches that have sent us their schedules – not too late for us to add more (send info ASAP to editor@westseattleblog.com).
Hunger is no match for generosity. Local youth-soccer organization Highline Premier Football Club is hoping you can help reach a goal, by filling a goal:
On Wednesday, March 28th from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm, help HPFC fill an entire soccer goal with non-perishable food items. Players and families throughout the evening will accept your donations outside Walt Hundley Playfield, located at 3200 SW Myrtle Street, and just blocks from the West Seattle Food Bank. Simply drive up, give, and go.
Tryouts begin April 24th for players born 2009-2010 and run through the beginning of May for older age groups. For the complete tryout schedule and to register, visit highlinepremier.com/tryouts.
HPFC is the official Premier Development program of Highline Soccer Association (HSA) and the place for players looking for a year-round soccer experience. HPFC welcomes athletes looking to elevate their soccer experience, in an environment focused on individual development, advanced technical training, fluid team play, and engagement in community.
HSA represents more than 4,000 youth soccer players from the communities of Des Moines/Midway, Sea-Tac, West Highline, and West Seattle. The Association is made up of two Recreational Soccer Clubs, West Seattle Soccer Club and Highline Soccer Club; a Select Soccer Program, HSA Select; and the Premier Development program, Highline Premier Football Club.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:55 AM: Good morning and welcome to a rainy Monday morning. No incidents reported in or from West Seattle so far. But there’s a ferry alert – the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route is down to 2 boats:
The #3 vessel Issaquah is out of service with a steering issue until further notice. The following sailings are canceled: 6:40 am from Vashon, 7:05 am from Fauntleroy, 7:30 am from Vashon to Southworth, 7:55 am from Southworth, 8:15 am from Vashon, and the 8:45 am from Fauntleroy. Two-boat service on the regular schedule is in effect until further notice.