Which West Seattle public schools will be included in the district’s BEX V levy, which goes to voters next February as the six-year BEX IV expires? As mentioned here last night, the School Board has a work session coming up Wednesday, in advance of April public meetings – and there’s information of interest in the Wednesday agenda information that has just gone public. The 92-page document full of stats and maps includes two key pages with updates on which schools are under consideration and why:
Priority schools with regards to capacity (needing more room) are on page 48. The list includes four elementaries in our area – Alki, Lafayette, Roxhill, and West Seattle – as well as Madison Middle School:
Priority schools with regards to facilities condition (in bad shape) are on page 54. That list also includes Alki, Lafayette, and Roxhill, as well as the old Schmitz Park, plus Boren STEM K-8.
Roxhill, as we’ve been reporting, is being moved this fall to E.C. Hughes Elementary, which is being remodeled. Alki and Lafayette have long been mentioned as strong candidates for rebuilds. BEX (Building Excellence) levy projects aren’t always rebuilds, though – they also have included, over the years, additions and extensive remodels. You’re welcome to sit in on the board work session Wednesday, 4:30-7:30 pm at district HQ in SODO (3rd/Lander). Then, as also mentioned last night, the West Seattle feedback meeting is set for 6:30 pm Tuesday, April 3rd, at Madison (3429 45th SW). Here’s the full levy timetable, also from the newly released Wednesday board agenda:
• April 2018: Community Meetings Discuss Capacity & Assessment Criteria/Board Guiding Principles
• May 2018: Community Input/Feedback Summary to Board/Planning Team
• June 2018: Home Language Focus Groups Meetings
• June 2018: Community Input/Feedback Summary to Board/Planning Team
• Sept. 2018: Community Meetings to Present Recommended Levies Scope
• Oct. 2018: Community Input/Feedback Summary to Board/Planning Team
• Oct./Nov. 2018: Levies 2019 Public Hearing between Board Intro and Action
• Oct./Nov. 2018: News release on School Board Action
• Dec. 2018: “A Report to the Community” Brochure Distributed to Community
• Jan. 2019: “Levies Information 2019” Brochure Distributed/Posted
• Feb. 2019: News Release on Election Outcome
Election Day will be February 12, 2019.