month : 11/2017 314 results

WEST SEATTLE RESTAURANTS: Opening night for Supreme

When we talked with Chef Mark Fuller and Marjorie Chang Fuller for our recent preview of their new Junction venture Supreme, they were aiming for an opening date of November 12th. Now it’s here – and so is Supreme. We just stopped by their bar-with-New-York-style-pizza-and-pinball joint at 4521 California SW for an opening-night photo. (Note the slushie machines toward the right side, like their north-of-Morgan enterprise New Luck Toy.) The menu is online; Supreme’s hours are (updated) 4 pm-2 am every day.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER ALERT: Wind Advisory for Monday

4:19 PM: Get everything charged, just in case … the National Weather Service has a Wind Advisory for our area, covering 7 am-7 pm Monday. It’s predicting “South (wind) 25 to 35 mph, with gusts 50 to 55 mph.” You can read the full alert here.

MONDAY MORNING NOTE: As of just before 8 a Monday, the alert has been raised to a High Wind Warning, with gusts possible to 60 mph, in effect through 9 pm.

SUNDAY READING: Bright spotlight for West Seattle actor with autism

You might have seen that video online – or maybe this New York Times story from earlier this week – without realizing its subject, actor Mickey Rowe, lives in West Seattle. Mickey has gained natioal fame as “the first openly autistic actor to play the role” of Christopher, an autistic teenager, in “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.” He told us he is on the road for three months, performing the play (which closed in Syracuse today, after a run in Indiana) and will return to West Seattle, where he lives in an apartment in The Triangle. He is a 2011 graduate of the University of Washington drama program with a long list of theatrical accomplishments, even before this role brought him a bright spotlight.

TUESDAY: No Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting this month

November 12, 2017 3:08 pm
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While the Admiral Neighborhood Association would usually meet this coming Tuesday – the second Tuesday of the month – the November meeting is canceled, president Larry Wymer tells us. But unlike many community groups, ANA will meet in December, so you can re-set your calendar for Tuesday, December 12th (7 pm, The Sanctuary at Admiral, 42nd/Lander).

SUNDAY READING: West Seattle garden gets Sunset showcase

November 12, 2017 12:33 pm
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 |   Gardening | West Seattle news

(Photo by David E. Perry)

So many people have observed that the fall colors this year are the most spectacular in memory. Even before this memorable season, one West Seattle garden was putting on such a great late-season show that it’s showcased in this month’s issue of Sunset magazine! Mark and Kathryn Daughhetee of Gatewood are the owners; Lisa Port is their landscape designer; and David E. Perry – also a West Seattleite – photographed their garden for the article, which you can see here. (Perry shared a bonus photo, which you see above, for us to publish with permission.) The Daughhetees chronicled the transformation of their garden with several updates on this personal website.

From DART to Hyde to vanpools and beyond: What you might not know about all your transportation options

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

If you want to – or have to – let someone else do the driving, you have more options than you might realize.

That was the theme of a recent forum presented by the West Seattle Transportation Coalition. WSTC put together a panel of representatives from advocacy groups and transportation providers who presented information, and answered questions, about many of those options.

It’s a money matter as well as a mobility matter:

Read More

West Seattle Sunday: Goodness reunion; Fauntleroy Art/Gift Show finale; more!

(Black turnstones, photographed by Mark Wangerin, whose photos are on display at the West Seattle YMCA)

Some of your options for today, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Year-round in the street in The Junction, 10 am-2 pm. Here’s what’s fresh. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)

FAUNTLEROY FINE ART AND HOLIDAY GIFT SHOW FINALE: Last chance to shop this year’s Fauntleroy Fine Art and Holiday Gift Show, 11 am-2 pm at Fauntleroy Church‘s Fellowship Hall. See the participant list here. (9140 California SW)

KIERKEGAARD LECTURE RECEPTION: Noon at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle:

The Rev. Ronald F. Marshall, longtime pastor at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, (delivered) the Watkin Memorial Kierkegaard Lecture at Saint Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, on November 9, 2017.

Upon his return, a reception is planned for Sunday, November 12, at 12 Noon at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle. It will be a time to ask questions about the lecture which is titled: “The Confused Name of the Century: Luther’s Thought as the Matrix for Kierkegaard’s Writings.”

Our calendar listing also includes information on how to get a free copy of his lecture. (4105 California SW)

BYSTANDER INTERVENTION WORKSHOP: 2 pm at Admiral Church, free training about how to help your neighborhood be hate-free – details in our calendar listing. (4320 SW Hill)

‘LAST CROISSANT’ MATINEE: 2 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, it’s the first matinee for “The Last Croissant,” a world-premiere production of a new play by Veronica Tjioe. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

LADIES’ MUSICAL CLUB: 3 pm, free concert at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, “featuring a soprano recital and a Mozart String Quartet.” More info in our calendar listing. (2306 42nd SW)

CHORO TOCANDO: Live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)

GOODNESS: They’re reuniting to celebrate the vinyl release of their 1995 album! Free in-store concert at Easy Street Records, 5 pm, all ages. (California/Alaska)

LUSTERLIT: At Parliament Tavern, 8 pm:

Lusterlit (Susan Hwang and Charlie Nieland) play songs about books with friends and fellow contributors to the Bushwick Book Club performance series, Homewrecker Spoon (with Don Rauf), The Long Hot Summer (Scott M.X. Turner and Amber Crea), Nessa Grassing and Brooklyn’s Jessie Kilguss.

Admission free. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

FULL CALENDAR … always accessible, 24/7, here.

GRATITUDE: Saying ‘thank you’ at American Legion Post 160 Veterans Day dinner

“Thank you” was said in many ways tonight as American Legion Post 160 in The Triangle hosted its annual free drop-in dinner for veterans and others connected to the armed services, along with their families. In the photo above are Cameron Foisy, Malia Geraghty, and Ana Geraghty, students at Holy Rosary School, where thank-you cards were made, along with Gatewood Elementary.

Once the first wave of guests – who ranged in age from babies to seniors – got their spaghetti and garlic bread, Post 160 Commander Keith Hughes offered a few words. He began with gratitude that Veterans Day is a holiday about celebrating those who are still with us, and gratitude for their service:

He also paid tribute to the service that so many continue to provide, even after they leave the military – a tribute that rang true, at the dinner cooked and served by volunteers, most of whom had also spent part of the day placing and removing flags in the West Seattle Junction.

Dinner guests also heard from Chelsea Clayton, a West Seattleite who works for U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, who read a letter from the senator, who began it by describing herself as the daughter of a World War II veteran:

In the letter, Sen. Murray promised she would “never stop fighting for those who fought so bravely for us.”

Throughout dinner, special music this year – patriotic songs performed by Sandra Walker:

Hughes explained she was a late addition to the program – he spoke at another local Veterans Day event earlier in the day, heard her play, and invited her to be part of the Post 160 dinner. She accompanied Hughes as he sang “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” with guests invited to join in singing its chorus, before dinner resumed.

P.S. Post 160 – at 3618 SW Alaska – is also home to help for veterans year-round.

FOLLOWUP: Gatewood Elementary Playfield Project progress

November 11, 2017 7:56 pm
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 |   Gatewood | How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Thanks to Linnea Westerlind for the photo of Gatewood Elementary students and mascot today outside West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), where she reports they had a “fun, soggy time” talking to people about the Gatewood Playfield Project (featured here earlier this week). Less than a week into the campaign, they are about a quarter of the way toward their goal of $50,000 to replace the rutted playfield so the students – and neighbors, outside school hours – have someplace decent to play. This new video shows you what it’s all about:

The video was put together, with dozens participating in a shoot during yesterday’s day off from school, by alumni dad and local videographer Barry J. White, who donated his time. Want to help? Here’s how.

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle Marines’ gathering for USMC’s 242nd birthday

Earlier this week, we published Tim McConnell‘s invitation for any interested local U.S. Marine Corps veterans to join him in informally celebrating the USMC’s 242nd birthday last night. He promised to let us know how it turned out – and so today we received the photo and report:

Last night we had 5 Marines and one Marine family member whose mother was a Marine recruiter in WWII, get together to celebrate the 242nd Marine Corps birthday.

Only 2 of us knew each other beforehand, but by night’s end we all decided to make this an annual event!

Thanks to Poggie Tavern for letting us get together, swap stories, meet up with old friends (last saw each other April of 1990!), and make a few new ones.

BIZNOTE: Fiddlehead Fine Foods closes, Cafe Mia on the way

Thanks for the tips. We’ve been trying to confirm this one for a while, ever since a liquor-license notice appeared for Café Mia at the same address as Fiddlehead Fine Foods in The Junction (4310 SW Oregon) – and today Fiddlehead has itself confirmed that it’s closed (the shown-above notice is in the window – thanks to Daniel for the photo):

Thank you for your support and business over the last 6 years. It has been quite a journey and we have enjoyed meeting and serving our neighbors here in the West Seattle Junction. We are excited to announce there is a new breakfast/lunch cafe (Cafe Mia) that will be taking over and wish them the best of luck.

Café Mia describes itself as a “bistro + vin bar in West Seattle specializing in house-made global cuisine, wines, craft beer, teas, PNW coffee, & organic juices + smoothies.”

READER REPORT: Seen on Puget Ridge – dumped? Or free?

November 11, 2017 2:39 pm
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 |   Puget Ridge | West Seattle news

The photo is from Brigit, who wonders if these are stolen items:

There’s some items at the bottom of 16th and Orchard that I initially thought might be free, but looking again, they look to be in basically perfect condition so it made less sense as to why someone would dump them. There’s no “free” sign, either.

Attached is a photo: a blue and black umbrella stroller that looks to be brand new, crutches in perfect condition, and a small pet crate.

The Occam’s razor answer is that they’re likely free but I thought I’d email and check if any of the blog readers knew more.

If you know – please comment (or if you’d rather not, you can e-mail us at – thank you!)

HAPPENING NOW: Gifts and treats at Highland Park Improvement Club 2017 Holiday Bazaar

This is one of the few holiday bazaars where you’ll find a bar. Drinks and even lunch are available as the Highland Park Improvement Club‘s 2017 Holiday Bazaar continues until 3 pm. You can buy home-baked treats too, cookies, of course, and also Mike’s peach cobbler and sweet potato pie (available in individual sizes!):

(That’s Christie with Mike – she’s HPIC’s bazaar organizer, among other roles.) On behalf of Highland Park Elementary PTA, these guys will sell you cookies:

And so will a group of Girl Scouts:

Lots of non-food items, of course, including Lashanna‘s unique wares:

And if you like to celebrate your sense of place – stuff stocking with these switch plates and other items made with local maps:

HPIC is at 12th and Holden. Next holiday event is on Sunday, November 19th – wreathmaking (bring your own greens, tools, etc. and enjoy good company with your neighbors, 1-4 pm)!

UPDATE: Admiral Way reopens after crash; 1 person taken to hospital

(Added: WSB photo)

8:53 AM: Thanks for the tips: Seattle Fire is arriving at another “rescue” callout for a crash, this time on SW Admiral Way, near the viewpoint [map]. Avoid the area. More to come.

9:02 AM: At least one person is being taken to the hospital, per scanner, and they’re looking into the possibility a medical problem might have preceded the crash. SPD is calling for more traffic-control help, so again, avoid Admiral Way south/east of the business district. We’ll be there shortly to find out more.

9:12 AM: SPD is calling out the Traffic Collision Investigation team, which usually means the crash scene will stay closed for hours.

9:22 AM: Two vehicles collided – we’ve just added a photo. Only one person had to be taken to the hospital. Admiral’s been taped off, and police really need drivers to stay away. Slow down on side streets, too (we’re parked on 36th and people are going by way too fast).

11:36 AM: JoAnne says in comments that Admiral is still closed both ways.

12:33 PM: Just went down the hill – reopened both ways.

7:13 PM: In a comment, Brad says this collision actually involved three vehicles, and also reports having heard that the driver who had to be taken to the hospital had experienced a health incident. SFD tells us tonight that the driver is an “adult female” who was transported in critical condition – we don’t know her current condition, but that was the assessment after the crash.

West Seattle Saturday: Veterans Day, holiday bazaars, music, theater, more…

November 11, 2017 7:59 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Added, WSB photo: American Legion Post 160 volunteers putting up Junction flags this morning)

Happy Saturday! First, today is the official Veterans Day holiday, so here’s the Veterans Day info:

VETERANS DAY CLOSURES/CHANGES: Seattle Public Library and King County Library branches closed … banks closed … U.S. Postal Service holiday … Most Seattle Parks facilities that are usually open Saturdays are open today (see the list).

DAV FORGET-ME-NOTS: As reported here on Friday, the local Disabled American Veterans chapter plans to be at Chelan Café today with forget-me-nots. (3527 Chelan SW)

STATE FERRIES’ TRIBUTE: Washington State Ferries plans a moment of silence on all vessels at 11:11 am, lasting two minutes, followed by blowing the ships’ whistles.

VETERANS DAY DINNER: 5:30-7:30 pm at American Legion Post 160 in The Triangle, veterans, active-duty service members, Guard/Reserve, and families are all welcome to drop by for a free Italian dinner. (3618 SW Alaska)

Also happening today/tonight:

MARTIAL-ARTS TOURNAMENT AND HURRICANE-RELIEF BENEFIT: 9 am-3 pm at Evergreen Tang Soo Do Academy in The Admiral District, you’re invited to watch today’s tournament, $5 admission fee going toward Puerto Rico hurricane relief, as explained here. (2701 California SW)

HIGHLAND PARK HOLIDAY BAZAAR: 10 am-3 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, more than 20 vendors – bar open, lunch for sale, come browse and hang out. (1116 SW Holden)

FAUNTLEROY FINE ART AND HOLIDAY GIFT SHOW: 10 am-4 pm, it’s the second day of this year’s show/sale at Fauntleroy Church‘s Fellowship Hall, with 17 artists participating – here’s our report from last night. (9140 California SW)

GATEWOOD PLAYFIELD PROJECT AT THRIFTWAY: 10 am-1 pm, “kids, parents and the Gatewood Gator mascot himself” will be tabling at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) to answer questions about the project to raise money for a much-needed playfield renovation. (4201 SW Morgan)

FAUNTNEAU WORK PARTY: 10 am-noon, the Fauntleroy/Juneau rejuvenation continues – help spread mulch! (Meet at the Fauntleroy/39th bus stop)

SHOREWOOD HOLIDAY BAZAAR: 10 am-4 pm, bazaar with food trucks, book sale, bake sale, Santa photos, more – details in our calendar listing. (2725 SW 116th)

HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: The legendary holiday open house at West Seattle Nursery is today, 11 am-2 pm. (California/Brandon)

ANDREA & JOSEPH: Originals, covers, multiple genres, live music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

CAROLE J. BUFFORD & ARTHUR MIGLIAZZA: After-Hours Stomp at Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm – details in our calendar listing, including how to make your reservation. (7904 35th SW)

‘LAST CROISSANT’ SECOND NIGHT: 8 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, it’s the second performance of “The Last Croissant,” a world-premiere production of a new play by Veronica Tjioe. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

NEIL YOUNG BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE: Featuring Rubies in the Dust, “awesome tribute band featuring local artists Kathy Moore, Norman Baker, Kent Halvorsen, Scott Goodwin, and Gary Westlake. Live painting during the show by Orion Misciagna.” $8 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

LOOK AHEAD TO THE REST OF THE WEEKEND … by checking our complete calendar.

UPDATE: Rescue response for Harbor Avenue crash after van hits parked RV

6:03 AM: Thanks for the text – Seattle Fire has an “automobile rescue” response arriving at the scene of a crash at Harbor Avenue and Fauntleroy [map]. Harbor is blocked, per the texter.

6:07 AM: Per scanner, at least two people are hurt. The location is being described as the 2700 block of Harbor, which is south of the 7-11.

6:17 AM: All but two SFD units are being dismissed. A tow truck has been called.

6:36 AM: We have arrived in the area. NB Harbor remains closed, a block-plus south of the scene where there’s a turnsround gap in the median.

6:43 AM: Added a photo. The vehicle from which someone had to be extricated hit a parked RV. Officers expect to reopen the road in about half an hour.

8:12 AM: Via Twitter, @jetcityjen reports the scene is clear.

UPDATE: Overnight closures for West Seattle Bridge’s Fauntleroy end and Battery Street Tunnel

November 11, 2017 12:47 am
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ORIGINAL REPORT, 12:47 AM: Two closures happening right now:

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE: The Fauntleroy Expressway end of the bridge is closed for jersey-barrier work. If you are headed westbound, you’ll have to exit on Admiral Way. If you are headed eastbound, you will have to get on the bridge via Avalon, Admiral, Harbor, or Delridge. This closure is expected to be over by 7 am.

And on Highway 99:

BATTERY STREET TUNNEL: The tunnel is closed both ways overnight because of paving work happening above it. So if you are headed northbound on 99, you’ll have to exit on Western; if you’re headed southbound, you’ll have to exit at Denny. This closure is expected to end by 5 am.

5:10 AM UPDATE: The city’s webcam shows that the West Seattle Bridge is open again.

UPDATE: Deadly shooting in White Center; helicopter search

(WSB photos)

10:53 PM: For everyone asking about the helicopter – a shooting is reported near 15th and Roxbury in White Center. King County Sheriff’s deputies have asked SPD to assist with the investigation. We are on the way to find out more.

10:58 PM UPDATE: KCSO says one man has been shot and is undergoing CPR.

11:11 PM UPDATE: Just arrived at the scene. 15th SW is taped off about a block south of Roxbury. SPD is here as well as KCSO, and Guardian One is still overhead.

11:15 PM UPDATE: A sergeant at the scene tells us the victim has died. No arrest reported so far.

8:44 AM: New information in from King County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Cindi West: The victim was a 27-year-old man from Burien: “Witnesses told police that a group of men were talking with the victim prior to the shooting. The suspect who was with the group of men fought with the victim. When the fight was over, the suspect pulled out a gun and shot the victim. The men fled the scene on foot. King County Guardian One and K-9 responded but were unable to locate the suspect or the men he was with. The only description obtained was that the suspect was wearing a red hoodie.” They’re hoping for tips, 206-296-3311.

1,000+ pieces of trash, picked up by 1 group of West Seattle kids!

(From left, Payton Goldstein, Marley Grantor, Malia Grantor, Elliot Goldstein, Jane Howsmon)

Thanks to Marcy Grantor for the photo and report on how these students spent their day off:

We wanted to do a community service project today and chose Roxhill Park. We picked up trash from the skate park to the bathrooms to the picnic area and the soccer field too. After an hour and a half of cleaning, we collectively gathered 1,072 pieces of trash!!!!! We had fun and even had some kids jump in and help … just because.

Now Roxhill Park is a trash-free space and we feel proud!

As they should!

SPORTS: Swimming, diving championship updates

November 10, 2017 7:02 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Two updates on local girls competing in high-schooldiving and swimming championships:

DIVERS: From Christine Leahy:

Lauren Canto, a senior at Bishop Blanchet and graduate of Holy Rosary School, placed 6th in the District 3A Diving Championship last Saturday and qualified, for the first time in her diving career, for the Washington State Interscholastic Div 3A Diving Championships Friday, Nov. 10th and Saturday, Nov. 11th, at the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center in Federal Way.

Kate Leahy, a junior at Seattle Prep and graduate of Westside School, placed 12th in the District meet and scored a personal best score of 290 point. She’ll be at the meet this weekend cheering on her teammate, Lauren!

KENNEDY TEAM: From Brent Lindblom:

While Kennedy Catholic is not technically inside of the West Seattle boundaries, it does have a large West Seattle student presence.

Kennedy Catholic girls swim and dive team have advanced to the WIAA 4A Swimming and Diving Championships being held this Saturday at the King County Aquatics Center located at: 650 SW Campus Dr, Federal Way.

This is Coach Eric Kress and Assistant Coach Michelle Markle’s first year as the Lady Lancers swim coaches in the Girls NPSL 4A Cascade League, and leading them into their first WIAA 4A State Championship meet is a terrific accomplishment.

Below are the swimmers that advanced:
200 Medley Relay – Shayla Markle, Madelline Kalenius, Krista Markle, Anita Shield
Krista Markle – 50 Freestyle, 100 Butterfly
Bronte Shirley – Diving
Shayla Markle – 100 Butterfly, 100 Backstroke
Madelline Kalenius – 100 Breaststroke
400 Freestyle Relay – Krista Markle, Jacqueline Southwell, Anita Shields, Shayla Markle

Swimming Finals: Saturday, November 11th Finals Start: 2:30 PM

HAPPENING NOW: 2017 Fauntleroy Fine Art and Holiday Gift Show’s opening night

November 10, 2017 5:23 pm
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The Fauntleroy Fine Art and Holiday Gift Show is on! Until 8 pm tonight, you can visit the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall (9140 California SW) to browse and buy from what 17 artists (listed here) are offering. We stopped by late this afternoon for a quick preview – including garden art by Dee Miller:

Underwater images by Jen Vanderhoof:

And fiber art by Mary Anderson:

If you don’t get there tonight, the show continues 10 am-4 pm Saturday and 11 am-2 pm Sunday.

FOLLOWUP: Moving night 3 weeks away for 5458 California SW ‘log house’

That photo texted to the WSB 24/7 hotline earlier this week shows some of the prep work that’s getting under way for the move of the 108-year-old “log house” at 5458 California SW. The move itself is still three weeks away, we’ve learned, but getting the house ready for it is going to look fairly dramatic.

First, some backstory – we first reported a year and a half ago that the owners of the site (where Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) was a longtime tenant, had decided to redevelop, originally planning to demolish the house. Then Nickel Bros, which specializes in moving buildings, got involved. As reported back in March, a local couple agreed to buy and move it. The six-live-work-unit project for the site proceeded through the city review and permit process. And now, it’s almost moving time. (Former tenant Ventana has since moved its offices a half-mile south to 5958 California SW.)

The executive director of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, Jeff McCord, was with Nickel Bros when the plan was made to rescue the house, and he answered our questions today about where things stand. He says the move is now set for overnight Saturday, December 2nd, into Sunday, December 3rd – a few weeks later than previously planned, because of the permit process. What’s imminent is removal of the roof, necessary so they’ll be able to get the house under power lines; it will get a new roof when it’s on its new site. Crews also will be removing two rooms (which were a long-ago addition) from the back of the house.

Then when moving night arrives, the house will be taken north on California SW to its destination, the Bauersfelds’ home near West Seattle High School. McCord says they just learned that there won’t even have to be parking restrictions on California that night, because it’s wide enough for the house to get through. It’ll still be something to see, as was the overnight move of a Junction house in 2010 (different company, though). We’ll update again as the move gets closer.

HALA UPZONING: Morgan Junction’s next step toward ‘a neighborhood planning process with the city’

(New ‘preferred alternative’ upzoning map for Morgan Junction; the interactive citywide map is here)

Even before Thursday’s release of the city’s “preferred alternative” for HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability upzoning, the Morgan Community Association was working to ensure that it doesn’t override a longstanding parts of the community-created neighborhood plan. MoCA had proposed amending the city’s Comprehensive Plan toward that end; then the city countered with its own amendment. What next? Here’s the MoCA reminder about its followup meeting next Tuesday:

As discussed at the October 2017 Morgan Community Association Quarterly Meeting, the MoCA board has reviewed all the moving pieces of MHA and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment proposed for the Morgan Junction Urban Village. We found gaps between what we have heard at the community meetings and what the city is proposing to do with the single family zoned lands inside our Urban Village. Those gaps include the character change of the single family zones, the loss of starter homes and owner occupancy, and few ways to address displacement.

We have identified some specific options to address those gaps to propose for community consideration at a meeting set for Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at The Kenney Community Room, 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW. The meeting is set for 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

The community discussion and voting at this meeting will identify the Morgan Junction-endorsed options to move forward into a neighborhood planning process with the city. We encourage everyone who lives, works, shops, or enjoys the Morgan Junction area to come and weigh in!

We covered MoCA’s October discussion here.