month : 02/2017 285 results

BASKETBALL: West Seattle Pride tryouts start this weekend

February 22, 2017 12:56 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Another youth-sports league is getting ready for its 2017 season: The tryouts for Seattle Pride AAU boys’ basketball (explained here) are about to start, with 4th- through 8th-grade boys invited to try out this weekend:

Saturday, February 25th – 4th-6th Boys – 4-5:30 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School
Saturday, February 25th – 7th-8th Boys – 5:30-7 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School

Sunday, February 26th – 4th-6th Boys – 4-5:30 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School
Sunday, February 26th – 7th-8th Boys – 5:30-7 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School

High-school boys’ tryouts start one week later:

Freshmen – 15U

Sunday, March 5th – Frosh/15U Boys – 4-6 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School
Thursday, March 9th – Frosh/15U Boys – 5-6:45 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School
Friday, March 10th – Freshman / 15U Boys – 5-6:45 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School

Sophomores/Juniors/Seniors – 16U, 17U, 18U

Monday, March 6th – Seniors, Juniors, & Sophomore Boys Only- 7-9 pm @ West Seattle High School (3 courts)
Thursday, March 9th – Soph/Juniors/Unsigned Seniors – 7-9 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School
Friday, March 10th – Soph/Juniors/Unsigned Seniors – 7-9 pm @ Seattle Lutheran High School

To register early, sign up here. See the official tryouts flyer here. (Photo courtesy Seattle Pride Basketball)

FOLLOWUP: Stuck-truck sinkhole blamed on stormwater-pipe break

(WSB photos: Above, this afternoon; below, Monday afternoon)

Seattle Public Utilities was back today at the 24th SW/SW Kenyon intersection where a Waste Management truck got stuck (as first reported here Monday afternoon, thanks to a reader tip, and updated until the truck was taken away three-plus hours later).

SPU spokesperson Marieke Rake tells WSB that they found a damaged stormwater pipe beneath the street, and that’s what they believe caused the sinkhole (their term, “void”). She added that an SPU maintenance team is cleaning the downstream pipe to remove debris,” and within a few days they’ll “have an estimated pipe-repair timeframe.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stabbing; robbery with unusual weapon; stolen vans found; more

We start with two incidents at the Junction 7-11 in the past three days – the information in both cases is from police reports we obtained today:

STABBING: Police were called around 2:30 am today to check out a fight. On arrival, they found a man sitting outside the store, bleeding from his face. He said he didn’t know who had attacked him, and had no description to provide. A store employee told police he saw someone in a black hoodie kicking the victim, who was on the ground, but that’s all he would say. Seattle Fire arrived to check out the victim, who said he didn’t want to go to the hospital, but was eventually convinced to agree to go. The private-ambulance crew who subsequently arrived discovered that the victim had a stab wound in his armpit, and he was handed over to an SFD medic unit for transport. His wounds were described in the report as not life-threatening.

SHOPLIFT TURNS TO ‘ARMED ROBBERY’: Thanks to D for spotting this in Tweets by Beat. The call was classified as “armed robbery” but the report describes it as a case of shoplifting turned violent. Just before 11:30 Saturday night, a store employee called to report an attempted assault. He said a man and woman had come into the store, shoplifted, and when he tried to stop them from leaving with stolen items – including a toothbrush and aluminum foil – the man threw a large yellow “wet floor” cone at him, and it hit him in the head. The suspects are described in the report narrative only as a black male and white female, but the man was recorded on video during a visit to the store to make a purchase moments before the shoplifting attempt.

Also today:

STOLEN VAN FOUND: Last night, we heard a dispatcher broadcast an FYI about a stolen van, “taken in William sector,” which meant it was a West Seattle theft. We matched it to this tweet on SPD’s @getyourcarback Twitter feed and re-tweeted it, as we do if we happen to hear something identified as a West Seattle case. Then today, a reader e-mailed to note that a Puget Sound Energy van appeared to have been abandoned on an Arbor Heights street. The plate sounded familiar – turned out to be that same stolen van. The reader called police this afternoon, and we went by as SPD was checking it out:

The @getyourcarback feed includes vehicles reported stolen all over the city, but still, unfortunately, without any location info in the tweets (so we don’t know what’s from WS unless we hear a scanner mention) so that’s why we ask, if you’re hit by vehicle theft, please let us know so we can report it here.

Also today – very early today:

CAR PROWLING: Got a text around 2 am – “Just saw two males car prowling near Beach Dr SW and Douglas. In a small dark colored car with what sounds like glasspack muffler. Traveling south. We’ve called police.”

Meantime, other followups/updates:

DETRICK ARRESTED: As noted in comments, the day after we mentioned convicted burglar Jessica Detrick had a warrant out for her arrest, police found her Sunday and booked her into jail. She’s still there as of right now, in lieu of $15,000 bail.

STOLEN URN FOUND: Kayla tells us her friend’s stolen urn has been found, as have “some” of the ashes it held.

STOLEN VAN FOUND: And in case you missed the mention in comments, the distinctive van reported stolen last week has been recovered.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash on SW Barton

5:31 PM: Thanks to Annie for the photos/tip: Traffic is alternating on one lane along SW Barton at 40th because of that crash. We just went by; SPD and SFD are there now.

5:40 PM: There’s no place on that side of the street to stop safely, so we weren’t able to ask anyone about injuries. But SFD has closed its part of the call now, and no medic unit was dispatched, which indicates that if anyone was hurt, it wasn’t serious.

8:21 PM: We weren’t able to check back but Annie tells us the scene is clear now, as of about an hour ago.

From the ‘in case you noticed it too’ file: This afternoon’s flyover

Unusual aircraft sightings – from helicopters to commercial jetliners – often bring questions, and we try to get answers. Twice today, here in Upper Fauntleroy, we noticed loud flyovers; both times, we looked them up on our favorite flight tracker, and they were commercial flights from Sea-Tac. The second one, an hour or so ago, brought in questions, so we asked Sea-Tac Airport spokesperson Perry Cooper if anything unusual was happening at the airport. Cooper had information about the most recent flyover (which showed on our tracker as a Delta flight to Shanghai) and we thought we’d share it in case you heard/saw it too:

We were, and have been, in south flow today; however, the tail winds for south flow were too strong at the time for this widebody aircraft and the pilot requested to take off to the north. So, for only this aircraft, the traffic was spaced out so he could take off to the north. Due to the fact the rest of the traffic was coming into south flow, they directed the aircraft to turn quickly to the west to get out of the traffic flow as soon as possible. This pattern would be similar to what we see when the Blue Angels practice in the summer, and they direct traffic to turn more quickly to the west in north flow to stay out of their practice pattern. Some of our own Port staff were out in the field today and noticed it when it happened as well.

P.S. One of the people who also noticed this points out that Sea-Tac has a noise-complaint hotline. Reversing it in web search, we discovered the Sea-Tac and Boeing Field numbers are part of a city-prepared one-sheet with info on all types of possible noise, not just aircraft – you might want to save it.

FOLLOWUP: South Seattle College’s 13th Year Promise scholarships expanding to West Seattle High School, and more

February 21, 2017 3:26 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

(WSB photo from September 2016, as the biggest-ever 13th Year Promise class started school at SSC)

You sip, they study.

Hours after Mayor Murray’s State of the City speech included news of the 13th Year Promise program expanding, in part with help from a new beverage tax, we have word from South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) that the expansion will include the long-anticipated addition of West Seattle High School students, and more. From SSC’s communications director Ty Swenson:

South Seattle College’s 13th Year Promise Scholarship, currently offering one year of tuition-free college to graduating seniors from three high schools, is set to expand to additional colleges and high schools thanks to support from Mayor Ed Murray and Seattle’s City Council.

The City of Seattle will invest $750,000 for 2017 and again in 2018 from the city’s general fund to help with operational costs to expand the existing program at South Seattle College, and replicate the program at Seattle Central College and North Seattle College.

On Feb. 21, Murray announced a plan to provide a separate, one-time $5 million investment to be placed in an endowment to help cover tuition costs for future 13th Year Scholars as the program expands to additional Seattle high schools. Murray said that funding would come from a two-cents per ounce tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, starting in 2018, which he will propose to City Council.

“The 13th Year Promise Scholarship started at SSC in 2008 with the generous support of our donors, and has made higher education a reality for hundreds of students, many of whom never thought they would attend college,” said South Seattle College President Gary Oertli. “With this amazing support from Mayor Murray, Seattle’s City Council and the donor community, a historic step is underway to eventually make higher education available to all of Seattle’s high school graduates.”

South Seattle College will expand their 13th Year program to include West Seattle High School, starting with WSHS’s 2018 graduating class (it is currently offered at Cleveland, Chief Sealth International and Rainier Beach high schools). Seattle Central and North Seattle colleges are currently evaluating which high schools they will expand to once the program infrastructure is in place. 13th Year staff from South will help the other colleges implement their own program.

“We are thrilled to be able offer the 13th Year Promise Scholarship to West Seattle High School’s Class of 2018 graduates,” said Oertli. “This expansion means we will finally able to provide one year of tuition-free college to every student from comprehensive high schools in South’s service area. It creates the opportunity for all to envision themselves as college students who will pursue careers grounded in passion.”

The 13th Year Promise Scholarship currently guarantees every graduate from participating high schools the opportunity to attend South Seattle College tuition-free for one year along with special support services to help them succeed. The program’s purpose is to increase access to higher education and improve success rates for our community’s students, particularly those from underrepresented groups (e.g. students of color, low-income students and first-generation college students).

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle Helpline raising $ for new Clothesline location

February 21, 2017 2:33 pm
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Two weeks ago, West Seattle Helpline announced a new, larger location for its Clothesline clothing bank. Today, WSH is launching a donation drive to get the space in shape:

In the past 15 years, The Clothesline has provided clothing to more than 10,000 children and adults recovering from crisis or hardship. The success of this program has caused us to outgrow our current space, tucked away in a basement across the street from Hiawatha.

We’ll be moving into the first floor of a building just behind Hotwire Coffee in the Junction, formerly the location of the WS Christian Church Preschool. The new location is three times as large and will allow us to significantly increase the number of people we can help get comfortable clothing for school, work, or everyday life!

We need your help! We need to raise $17,000 by March 31st, 2017 for renovation, moving costs, and furnishings to make the new Clothesline a safe and welcoming space. Donations of any amount help!

-$50 buys toys and puzzles for the children’s play area
-$100 buys two clothing racks for professional attire
-$150 pays for a moving truck for a day
-$250 covers a month of volunteer supplies and snacks
-$500 provides a new coat of paint and carpet for a whole shopping section
-$1000 keeps the Clothesline running for 2 weeks, enough to get clothing to 120 families!

With your support, we can make the new Clothesline better than ever without taking any funding away from our other emergency services.

From all of us at the West Seattle Helpline, THANK YOU for being part of our generous and caring community!

If you can help, go here to donate.

West Seattle development: Approvals for 3062 and 3070 SW Avalon Way, 3204 SW Holly

February 21, 2017 12:33 pm
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 |   Development | West Seattle news

From today’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin, land-use permit approvals for:

3062, 3070 SW AVALON WAY: We first reported a year ago about these townhouse projects planned for sites that were once part of proposed apartment developments. Each of the two sites is now planned to hold a four-story, 9-unit, seven-offstreet-parking-space development like this:

Here’s the notice for 3062 Avalon, and here’s the notice for 3070 Avalon. Under different ownership, a 100+-unit apartment building was once planned for 3062 Avalon; it stalled after one Design Review meeting in 2012. The sites currently hold a duplex and 6-unit apartment building, both built in the 1950s.

3204 SW HOLLY: This High Point parcel has four 3-story single-family houses planned, each with space “within the structure) for one vehicle. Here’s the notice.

WHAT’S NEXT: For all three of the projects mentioned above, today’s announcement opens an appeal period through March 7th. The notices linked above include both the full texts of the decisions and information on how to appeal.

‘JUSTICE FOR ALL’: In 2017 State of the City speech, Mayor vows to ‘keep moving forward,’ with $55 million property tax for homelessness, beverage tax for education/youth

Mayor Murray has just concluded his annual State of the City speech, which made history, for starters, simply by the choice of location – Idris Mosque in North Seattle.

The speech concluded as does the Pledge of Allegiance: Vowing “justice for all.”

There were two West Seattle shoutouts – talking about the city’s vibrancy, he mentioned the “bustling evening sidewalks” of The Junction (scripted as “Alaska Way Junction”). And while talking about education and youth programs, he noted the expansion of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) 13th-Year Promise program, which offers a free first year of community college for students from certain high schools (in West Seattle, Chief Sealth International High School [added] and soon WSHS).

The big headlines from the speech will no doubt include the two new taxes Murray proposed:

-A $55 million property tax to double the annual spending on homelessness, likely to go to voters in August

-A two-cents-per-ounce tax on “sugar-sweetened beverages” to raise money for education/youth programs – here’s the city-provided infographic on that:

[More info here.]

The proposed property tax was far from everything he said about homelessness. Murray also announced he will be opening the city’s Emergency Operations Center to deal with what he described as the “homelessness disaster.” [More info here.] And he promised to “dramatically increase the clean-up of discarded debris on our sidewalks and streets.”

In his discussion of the HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability rezoning proposals, Murray echoed City Councilmember Rob Johnson‘s recent suggestion that opposing the upzoning is more in line with supporting the President’s policies: “We cannot be a city where people protest the exclusionary agenda coming from Washington, D.C., while at the same time keeping a zoning code in place that does not allow us to build the affordable housing we need.” [More info here.]

We’re adding a few more toplines shortly, and will add the video when it’s ready.

ADDED 3:34 PM: We’ve added some links above, identified with the phrase “more info here,” with additional details about some of the programs/initiatives the mayor anounced. Here’s another one: He announced “Our Best: Seattle’s Commitment to Young Black Men,” described as “the City of Seattle’s first ever initiative focusing specifically on improving life outcomes for young Black men.” [More info here.] He also talked about ongoing efforts to increase police accountability [more info here],

(back to original report) After the jump, the full text of the mayor’s speech, as sent by his office: Read More

West Seattle Tuesday: Car-seat safety checks, WS Crime Prevention Council, more…

(Feeder fight! Hummingbirds photographed by Maris Avots)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, highlights for the rest of your Tuesday:

FREE CAR-SEAT SAFETY CHECKS: 10 am-2 pm at Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsor), you are invited to stop by to have a certified specialist take a free look at the installation of your infant/child car seat(s). (7901 35th SW)

CAREER NIGHT: 4-5 pm, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate (WSB sponsor) invites you to come learn about a career in real estate. (4700 42nd SW, Suite 600)

EVENING BOOK GROUP: 6:30 pm at High Point Library. “Ten Little Indians” by Sherman Alexie is this month’s title. All welcome! (35th SW & SW Raymond)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct, the WSCPC meets, providing your chance to talk with local police about neighborhood crime/safety concerns, to hear updates on local crime trends, and to hear from a special guest – this month is the rescheduled appearance of an SPD “active shooter situation” expert. (2300 SW Webster)

UNPLUGGED – A MUSICAL GATHERING: Acoustic open-microphone gathering at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7 pm. (5612 California SW)

SOUTH SOUND TUG AND BARGE: 8 pm, live music at Parliament Tavern. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

YES, THERE’S MORE! See our complete calendar here.

CONGRATULATIONS! Hudson White, 10, headed for BMX World Championships

(Photo courtesy Gil White)

Back in 2012, we brought you the story of Hudson White‘s BMX-racing achievements at the age of 5. Hudson is now 10 and not only still racing, but also continuing to succeed – dad Gil White just sent us the news that Hudson has qualified for international competition!

West Seattleite and Arbor Heights Elementary student Hudson White qualified to represent the United States in the 10 Challenge Boys class at the UCI World BMX Championships late this July.

Hudson competed last weekend at the UCI World’s Qualifier race in Phoenix. A long day of competitive laps against 35 other 10-year olds resulted in Hudson racing his way into the main event and an invitation to Team USA.

More than 3,300 riders from more than 40 countries are expected for the 2017 UCI World BMX Championships in Rock Hill, South Carolina.The last time this event was hosted in the United States was 2001.

Hudson and his family are excited to be a part of this event.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Post-holiday Tuesday

February 21, 2017 7:06 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

7:06 AM: Good morning. Soggy but incident-free so far. Mid-winter break continues for Seattle Public Schools; many independent schools have the week off too, but some are back in session today.

‘This is going to be our school’: Roxhill families tour EC Hughes

(EC Hughes entryway, WSB photo from 2016)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

There hasn’t been much of a public process around the plan to move the Roxhill Elementary School program to EC Hughes Elementary, a mile and a half north.

We first reported on what was described as a possible move almost a year and a half ago, after following up on a commenter’s question about why the district was pursuing plans to renovate the school but hadn’t given it distinct attendance boundaries on the longterm maps.

Since then, there’s been no pivotal hearing, no major discussion. An internal School Design Advisory Team, including Roxhill’s former principal, met a few times (four dates in March and April 2016, according to this document we found half a year later). That was a contrast to high-profile discussions about school changes and closures last decade. But the decision to make the move in fall 2018 has been made, and renovation work will start this spring.

And members of the Roxhill community seem ready to make the best of it.

Following up on a briefing last fall, this month’s PTSA meeting was moved to EC Hughes, pre-renovations, one week ago tonight, for a briefing and tour with reps from Seattle Public Schools and architects DLR Group.

“This is going to be our school,” declared PTSA president Amanda Kay Helmick. Read More

LAST CALL! Destination Delridge this Friday

February 20, 2017 8:23 pm
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Four nights until a chance to celebrate and support the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association‘s achievements – including the Nature Consortium affiliation, stewardship of North Delridge wetlands, the Cultural Event Series, affordable housing, and more – at the second annual Destination Delridge party. The Friday night bash is at Metropolist, where and DNDA says you’re in for “performances by outstanding youth from the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, a delicious dinner, dessert dash, interactive art and games, and a kickin’ dance party to follow!” The final remaining tickets are on sale here right now.

Celebration of life announced for greenspace activist Cass Turnbull

(WSB photo: Cass Turnbull at Myers Way Parcels meeting in West Seattle last June)

Though she was not a West Seattleite, Plant Amnesty/TreePAC founder Cass Turnbull‘s local/regional greenspace activism led many here to mourn her sudden death last month at age 65. (Here’s her Seattle Times obituary.) We promised to share the news when a memorial was announced. And the announcement arrived in the WSB inbox late today:

The Life and Times of Cass Turnbull

Please join us as we honor her on Saturday, March 25th, 2017

1 pm – 2 pm (reception to follow)

Shoreline Community College Theater
(Building #1600)
16101 Greenwood Ave N., Shoreline

A map of the campus can be found here.

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to PlantAmnesty or TreePAC.

Most recently, Ms. Turnbull had a high profile in the campaign to keep the city from selling the Myers Way Parcels in southeast West Seattle.

UPDATE: Waste Management truck gets stuck in sinkhole in Westwood

FIRST REPORT, 1:48 PM: Thanks for the tip! After a call (206-293-6302 any time!) about a Waste Management truck “stuck in a sinkhole” at 24th SW/SW Kenyon – a short distance east of Denny International Middle School – we went over to look, and that’s indeed what happened.

The front end, as our photos show, is almost wheel-deep, and the truck driver was working to get absorbent material into the hole to sop up any fluid spills – this is not far from Longfellow Creek, which runs along the east side of the Denny/Sealth campus. More help was being summoned, and we’ll check back later. Side note: This is the second Monday in a row that a WM truck got into trouble in West Seattle – you’ll recall Ann Anderson‘s reader report from Admiral last week.

2:20 PM UPDATE: Via the scanner, we’re hearing that SPD is now blocking off the area – 24th SW southbound from Holden and eastbound from Kenyon. (Here’s a map of the scene, which shows why.)

3:06 PM: We just went over to check on how things are going. In the upper left of the photo above is a tow truck that has arrived on scene. Other logistics are still being worked out.

5:20 PM: The truck has been pulled out of the hole and was towed away a short time ago. We arrived back at the scene in time for a look at it – the damage doesn’t look as bad as you might expect.

We talked briefly with an SPU rep at the scene. They have used video equipment to look under the street; water and sewer lines are not affected. They are using a vactor truck to clear water out of storm drainage just east of the sinkhole. (Added: Closer look at the hole, after the truck was pulled out.)

We’ll be checking with SDOT tomorrow about repair plans.

FAUNTLEROY BOULEVARD: New business/resident association forms to elevate concerns, sets March 1st meeting

(SDOT’s 60% design – click for larger view)

Over the weekend, we mentioned the West Seattle Transportation Coalition‘s plan for a briefing/discussion this Thursday about the Fauntleroy Boulevard project, and much discussion ensued. Today, news of another meeting: The newly formed Fauntleroy Way Neighborhood and Business Association has just invited nearby businesses and residents to its first community meeting, 7:30 pm Wednesday, March 1st, in the Rudy’s Barbershop/Realfine Coffee building (4480 Fauntleroy Way). See the flyer here as a PDF, or embedded below:

The Fauntleroy Boulevard plan has been under discussion for almost a decade, but had no funding until the mayor added it to the Move Seattle levy in May 2015.

UPDATE: West Seattle power outage near The Triangle

10:36 AM: Thanks to the texter who mentioned an explosion-type noise near 36th and Andover – SFD went to look for a possible transformer fire in the area. We don’t know if they’ve found anything yet but we do know the Seattle City Light map now shows an 81-customer (one home/business = customer) outage in the area.

10:52 AM: The SFD call has closed out. SCL does have the cause classified as “equipment failure,” and its restoration guesstimate is 2 pm – could be sooner, could be later.

11:52 AM: The restoration estimate has now been pushed back to 2:48 pm. The photos above and below are courtesy of an area resident (thank you!) who says SCL has been focusing on the cross-arm where a “high voltage insulator broke away.”

2:34 PM: The outage has expanded by 40 customers since our last look at the map in the past hour or so. Guesstimate for restoration is now pushed back to 6-ish pm.

2:45 PM: We’ve also heard via the scanner that the traffic lights are now out at 35th/Fauntleroy, 35th/Avalon, Fauntleroy/Avalon. Remember – a broken signal = all-way stop!

3:55 PM: Thanks for the updates in the comment section – looks like the power’s back on for all but seven customers (screengrab above).

What is, and isn’t, happening on this holiday West Seattle Monday

(This photo and next are by Joe – we know it’s a cormorant – ID help, anyone?)

We’ve already gone through Presidents Day transit/transportation info – here’s what else you need to know:

SEATTLE PARKS: Here’s what’s closed and what’s not
LIBRARIES: Closed (both city and county)
U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: Closed/no delivery

From our calendar:

INFANT/CHILD CAR-SEAT CHECKS: As previewed here last week, Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsor) is offering free car-seat checks today and tomorrow, until 2 pm today and 10 am-2 pm again tomorrow. Just drop by. (7901 35th SW)

MORGAN PARK EXPANSION DISCUSSION: 7 pm, planning discussions begin for the Morgan Junction Park expansion. Gathering at Caffe Ladro. (7011 California SW)

LOTS MORE … on our calendar!

BASEBALL: West Seattle Little League looking for beginners

(Photo courtesy Tracy Holloway)

As youth-sports signup season continues, West Seattle Little League sends word that it has room for players ages 4 to 8 years old – registration is still open for T-Ball, Coach Pitch, and Rookie Division. “Getting as many kids started as we can, as early as possible, benefits the league for the many years that follow,” explains Tracy Holloway of WSLL. You can sign up through the WSLL website – look for the registration link at top right.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Presidents Day 2017

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

6:43 AM: Good morning. It’s Presidents Day. Here are the transit/transportation plans for today:

Metro is on a “reduced weekday” schedule

–No Water Taxi

Sound Transit, regular weekday service

Washington State Ferries, regular schedule

–Street parking in city neighborhoods with pay stations – no charge today

Also of note:

–No school all week for Seattle Public Schools (midwinter break) and those who follow its schedule

–Highland Park Way DID reopen last Friday evening, post-slide cleanup

9:48 AM: A late-commute crash on the approach to the elevated Viaduct on NB 99 has just cleared, SDOT says. Traffic stopped for a bit so tow trucks could be deployed.

UPDATE: Brown water reported in Alki, hydrant testing blamed

ORIGINAL REPORT, 9:54 PM SUNDAY: Thanks to David for the report and photo – brown (discolored) water from his taps in the 3000 block of 62nd SW in Alki: “I called the City and they say it’s safe — supposedly testing hydrants in the neighborhood is causing rust in the water.” If you have brown water – tonight or any other time – be sure to report it to Seattle Public Utilities at this number – 206-386-1800. Sometimes it’s testing; sometimes it can be a sign of a water break or other problem, and that number will get you to someone around the clock. Last year, you’ll recall, SPU was flushing areas of the water system in West Seattle in hopes of clearing out some buildup; we haven’t had an update on that in a few months, so we’ll check on its status after the holiday.

TUESDAY FOLLOWUP: From SPU spokesperson Ingrid Goodwin: “SPU crews were conducting fire flow tests Sunday night, which caused some customers to experience temporary discolored water. These tests require crews to run water from a hydrant to test the volume coming out of the pipe to ensure there is adequate fire flow protection. Most of these tests are conducted at night to minimize the impact to customers. SPU received 5 calls from customers about discolored water (3 Sunday night and 2 Monday morning). Our on-duty water quality inspector spoke directly to those customers who had questions or concerns about the discolored water.”

We also asked if any further flushing operations were happening; Goodwin said no: “At this time, SPU is not conducting water main flushing in West Seattle. However, we continue to monitor water quality issues in West Seattle to determine if, when and where flushing might be beneficial.”

YOU CAN HELP: Golf tournament benefiting West Seattle High School boys’ basketball

February 19, 2017 8:56 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Imagine a sunny spring day … golfing to help local high-school athletes. Whatever happens from here, the West Seattle High School boys’ basketball team (headed next for regional/state play) has had a great year. Along with cheering them on in the stands as the playoffs continue, you’re invited to support them this spring via the third annual Wildcat Golf Fundraiser, April 8th at Riverbend Golf Complex in Kent.

This is a shotgun start, scramble tournament fundraiser for the West Seattle High School Boys Basketball Program. Handicaps will be used in addition with team final score to determine the champions, as well as the 2nd & 3rd place finishers. There will be a men’s and woman’s long-drive contest, plus a closest-to-the-pin contest. Also, the use of mulligans are strongly encouraged and can be purchased at the clubhouse before the tournament begins. With this fundraiser, we the basketball program hope to supply our athletes with quality basketball instruction, as well as equipment to perform at the highest level. We appreciate your support. Go Wildcats!

Tee time is 7:30 am, after check-in starting at 6:45 am, with entry including green fees, power cart, range balls, prize fund, and meal ticket. You can buy your ticket(s) now by going here.

P.S. The boys’ next game is set – a regional match vs. Timberline, at Bellevue College, 2 pm Saturday (February 25th)