WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Four repeat offenders in trouble again

Four repeat offenders are in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

WESTWOOD EXPOSER ALLEGEDLY STRIKES AGAIN: Via SeattlePI.com, we learn of charges filed against 38-year-old Lydell Coleman for allegedly exposing himself while being detained on suspicion of shoplifting at Westwood Target. We covered another incident involving Coleman at Westwood Village, where he was arrested in October 2013 for exposing himself outside the Sub Shop. Records show he pleaded guilty in June 2014 to indecent exposure and was sentenced to about five months behind bars. Documents from that case say he also was convicted of indecent exposure in 2005. We looked up the documents for the new charges against him, for which he’s been jailed since February 5th, with bail set at $10,000. They say he was detained for alleged shoplifting and when asked his name, he said, “Everybody knows me; my name is Lydell, big (slang term for genitalia) Lydell.” He subsequently pulled his shirt up and pants down, in full view of Target employees and customers, the charging papers say. This is his ninth booking into the King County Jail in the last 11 months, according to the jail register; the other cases are all misdemeanors, including theft, trespass, and harassment, but the new charge is a felony because he’s been convicted of indecent exposure before. (We don’t have a photo of Coleman but will be checking with the state Corrections Department next week.)

CHURCH BACK IN JAIL: Taylor Church (security-camera image at left), who pleaded guilty to burglary and a drug charge last year, is back in jail for what’s listed as a probation hold. As we reported last year, her sentence included the residential version of DOSA (Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative). Documents indicate she violated her agreement by not showing up at a treatment facility in January, after being released from jail to catch a bus to the out-of-town facility. The King County Jail Register says she was booked on February 1st with bail set at $25,000 according to the warrant issued after her no-show. She is due in court for a revocation hearing next Friday.

WARRANT FOR DETRICK: Another convicted West Seattle burglar whose sentence included DOSA has a warrant out for her arrest. A week and a half after 37-year-old Jessica Detrick completed three months of treatment last month, a $15,000 warrant for her arrest was issued, saying she was out of compliance with post-treatment reporting requirements. Detrick’s case drew attention because she was caught on security cameras with her dog in tow. (SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Police found Detrick this afternoon and she’s in jail.)

WYMAN CHARGED AGAIN: And yet another convicted burglar who got a DOSA sentence last time is in trouble again. 35-year-old Jason Wyman of Puget Ridge has just been charged with burglary, accused of stealing items from a school in north Seattle last month; court documents say he was arrested because of school-security video and stolen-phone tracking. We last reported on Wyman in 2014, when he pleaded guilty to charges relating to a three-homes-in-one-day burglary spree in West Seattle. Court records show he got a prison-based DOSA sentence in that case. The photo at right is from the Department of Corrections.

28 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Four repeat offenders in trouble again"

  • jissy February 18, 2017 (4:40 pm)

    I’M SHOCKED!!  Said with massive sarcasm- how many chances should these losers get…wait, I know I know it’s about the sentencing guidelines and judges hands are tied and all that bu*#^„it!!   I’m SO sick of it-I think the City of Seattle is a city of enablers.  

    • B.W. February 18, 2017 (9:34 pm)

      So true

  • Rapidrotary1 February 18, 2017 (5:29 pm)

    They need to keep Taylor Church locked up. She broke into  my house last July.

  • M February 18, 2017 (5:56 pm)

    The the book at the whole lot of them 

  • anonyme February 19, 2017 (6:26 am)

    Since all four of these scumbags have been booked multiple times, would it be possible to get mugshots of them?  That way, neighbors could send out an alert any time one of them is spotted.  Maybe even send out a posse to follow them, film them – let them know in no uncertain terms that not only are they being watched – they are NOT WELCOME.

  • Under_Achiever February 19, 2017 (7:26 am)

    It looks like some people enjoy their lifestyle choice and professional career path.

  • flimflam February 19, 2017 (8:48 am)

    truly shocking. they just need another second chance. again.

  • Double Dub Resident February 19, 2017 (8:53 am)

    Just what I thought and said before on here,  these people going the DOSA route are just trying to get a more lenient sentence and have no intention of getting clean and would most likely fail the program 

    • James detrick February 24, 2017 (8:03 pm)

      For all you people that think getting off Durgs

      you have uesd  for years comes over night maks me laugh.I thank you need to go to some meeting yourself and learn about people that are most of the time good people that want to be better then most people. As for miss jess detrick, she is not in jail for no new cames. She is in jail for missing her P.O. check  in. Get a life besides writing about someone you don’t even know about what they are tring to be better then you are, with no we’re to turn. Yes, they did that to them self, and most of them try to get better all by there self.

  • wetone February 19, 2017 (8:59 am)

    This DOSA program might be fine for a first or second time offender, but as this story shows not well for those with a longer history in  crime and drugs. But this is Seattle…………..

    • Double Dub Resident February 19, 2017 (9:13 am)

      Maybe they just need a safe space to do their drugs 

      • Joel February 23, 2017 (8:54 pm)

        coming soon to a city near you – 

  • Kittyno February 19, 2017 (10:58 am)

    Saw Church around W. Seattle a couple months ago–recognizable because of her penchant for pajama bottoms and backpacks.   

    Also, if anyone’s having their dogs walked in SeaView area–corgi and another dog–maybe border collie.  I hope they know the woman walking their dogs really well.  She looks a bit like Detrick, but with bleached hair.  She and a very jittery-methy looking young man are frequently in our area and look like they’re scoping out opportunities.  Methy=Bad skin, bad teeth, jitters.  Be careful, folks.

  • nachobeaver February 19, 2017 (1:10 pm)

    was wondering if she had got out of jail recently?? i drove past a a sketchy lady who looked just like jessica up on 16th/barton thursday afternoon she looked like she was up to no good again watch out peoples😡

  • Tman February 19, 2017 (1:51 pm)

    Compassion and career criminals do not go together, has anyone seen or heard from city attorney Pete Holmes recently, I hope someone with a back bone seeks election to replace his lack of leadership and neglecting crimes against the citizens of Seattle.

  • KB February 19, 2017 (2:16 pm)

    In response to the above comments regarding alternative sentencing: the people in the article have violated the terms of their alternative sentencing programs. This means that they will lose the benefits they gained by agreeing to the treatment program, and there will be more severe consequences. (The program paired with a shorter sentence is a carrot and violations come with a stick)

    If the treatment works, the idea is that the convict is less likely to reoffend because the cause of the crime (addiction) has been addressed, reducing crime levels long-term.

    Jailing an addict for longer does not reduce the odds of recidivism when they get out, nor does it address the underlying cause. 

    • Double Dub Resident February 20, 2017 (8:35 am)

      And that’s the crux of it,  if the treatment works.  The problem with a treatment to work is that the person has want it to work and become sober. 

      I’ve interned at a chemical addiction facility that specialized in court order treatment and not one person wanted to be there.  They just went through the motions to keep themselves out of jail and eventually I watched many of them fail one after another in my short time there.  

      The idea that we just need more treatment facilities is just naive.  Bob Groeschell who ran the chemical dependency program at Seattle Central at the time I was there told all his students that 87% (though my classmate insists it was 93%) of the people who quit,  do so on their own.  Meaning professional chemical dependency treatment facilities have a rather dismal success rate.  

      This is because the person actually wants to get clean rather than just try to stay out of jail.  Even King 5 recently did a report about Heroin over doses where the reporter was advocating for treatment,  though ironically when interviewing her main subject of the story who almost died from an over dose,  she offered to help him get treatment.  His answer? “Naw,  I’m good.” 

      • Mike February 21, 2017 (7:59 am)

        It’s like every treatment for adults, you can’t force treatment if they don’t want it, unless a court order is handed down to force the person into treatment.  It may seem backwards and definitely ineffective most of the time, but we live in a free society where people, as detrimental as it might be to themselves, still have rights.  The system is not designed to work, it’s designed to appease ballot initiatives.

        • Double Dub Resident February 21, 2017 (11:17 am)

          So what is this right in this specific context that you’re talking about? 

  • Artsea February 19, 2017 (3:56 pm)

    I truly believe that our leniency with people who keep offending is because the rest of the world looks down their noses at the U.S. for having so many people in prison.  Many more than most other countries.  These figures are an embarrassment to our government and I think they don’t want to keep scum like these repeat offenders locked up as long as they should be because it makes our record look like we don’t know how to deal with the lawlessness in our country.   Just my thoughts.

  • unknown February 19, 2017 (5:18 pm)

    Is this Lydell guy a registered sex offender? I mean just because he has (yet) sexually assaulted anyone shouldn’t he be registered?

    Seems like everyone is more concerned of the 2 drug addicts than they are of this Lydell guy…makes me wonder the priorities here.

  • unknown February 19, 2017 (5:20 pm)

    Meant to write hasn’t (yet) not has but I know you all knew that. 

    • WSB February 19, 2017 (7:52 pm)

      We’ll include this in the next Crime Watch but in the short run … we heard scanner talk this afternoon of police being on the lookout for Jessica Detrick after West Seattle sightings, and they found her; she’s on the jail register, for the warrant we mentioned (which was issued 3 1/2 weeks ago), as of just before 5 pm today. – TR

  • mfg February 20, 2017 (2:39 pm)

    I’m shocked as well. But not by the crimes these no doubt damaged people committed. We live in one of safest cities in the world, in a country with crime at historic lows, and yet many of the commenters on this story seem to think that the beast is on the loose and we’re goin’ down. “Lawlessness, scum, watch out, posse, losers, truly shocking, be careful, follow them, she looked like she was up to no good, they are being watched, neglecting crimes against the citizens of Seattle.” This list goes on, as it always does in the comments on stories like this. Fear is a terrible thing. And when it leads to hatred, a dangerous one.

  • Double Dub Resident February 20, 2017 (3:52 pm)

    You cannot take the country’s overall average and superimpose it on a micro level.  That’s sloppy logic.  

    Also safe is not synonymous with  crime is not happening, only that violent crime is not as prevalent.  


    Car prowls, car theft,  mail theft etc.  are prevalent here.  If you don’t think so you’re naive.  I have found stolen mail near my house 3 times in 2 weeks, not to mention the emptied back pack, along with 2 neighbors having their cars prowled within that same time frame.  Valentines day morning I caught a guy casing cars.  So you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t give a you know what about these POS

  • SMDH February 22, 2017 (7:40 am)

    MFG: As long as you continue to play the “Hapless Victim”, that’s all that you will ever be. Take some responsibility for yourself, your family, and your neighbors. There is a huge difference between Hate, and being proactive to prevent crime in your neighborhood/city.

  • Joel February 23, 2017 (8:52 pm)

    it would seem DOSA is not working (0 for 3 in this article) – time to lock up these criminals for a long time.  

  • Eman February 24, 2017 (8:06 am)

    Wow! Are the law abiding citizens starting to wake up…I’m encouraged.  

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