Now that November is here, we’re looking ahead to the winter-holiday season … and that means time for the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.

(WSB file photo: A Holiday Guide staple, the Christmas Ship!)
As always, we offer it as your go-to guide for all sorts of events – from bazaars to concerts to tree lightings to donation drives to services to light shows to holiday hours for restaurants/bars/coffee shops, and much more – for the entire season all the way through New Year’s Day. All we need is the information about what YOU are planning. Thanks to everyone who has already sent holiday-event info – we’re getting the listings into our year-round West Seattle Event Calendar too. The sooner you get us the info, the better. Just a few things to know:
-Listings are free, as is ALWAYS the case for our calendar and guides
-The event has to be happening *in* West Seattle, White Center, or South Park
-Please send the what/where/when/who/etc. info in plain text in the body of your e-mail, NOT in a doc, pdf, image, etc.
-If there’s a related photo/logo/flyer, you’re welcome to send that too, but it’s NOT required
-E-mail the info to
-The sooner, the better!
We hope to launch the first draft of the guide this week. Throughout the season, we’ll continue to add to it, as always (and remove events once they’ve happened), as usual. Thanks again for sharing your holiday-event info with your West Seattle neighbors!
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