What’s up for your West Seattle Wednesday

(Barred owl, photographed in Lincoln Park by Mark Wangerin)

Lots on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight – here are some of the highlights:

PLAY AND LEARN: Ages 4 weeks to 5 years are welcome to join West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) staff at Lincoln Park, near the zipline, 12:30 pm-2:30 pm. Free! (8603 Fauntleroy Way SW)

COWORKING MEETUP: As previewed this morning – noon-1:15 pm at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor). Bring your lunch! (6040 California SW)

COOKBOOK SIGNING: 3:30-5:30 pm at Admiral Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor), meet Amy Pennington, showcasing her cookbook “Fresh Pantry.” (2320 42nd SW)

HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN: Second-to-last chance for fresh-picked produce at the farm stand this year, 4-7 pm. (32nd SW/SW Juneau)

SOMALI STORYTIME: 5 pm at High Point Library. (35th SW/SW Raymond)

‘DOG DAYS’ AT ARBOR HEIGHTS SWIM & TENNIS CLUB: Second day for the Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club to raise $ for its teams by inviting dogs to swim after the pool has closed its season for humans. 5-7 pm; details in our calendar listing. (11003 31st SW)

DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOODS DISTRICT COUNCIL: As previewed last night, the DNDC has invited City Councilmembers to talk with them about district councils’ future. Also on the agenda, ranking Neighborhood Street Fund projects now that SDOT has done its assessment of the community-generated proposals. 7 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

WORDSWEST LITERARY SERIES: 7-9 pm, WordsWest kicks off its new season at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) with “Library Lit: It Takes a Community,” featuring Washington State Poet Laureate Tod Marshall & friends. More info in our calendar listing. (5612 California SW)

AMATEUR STANDUP AND STORYTELLING NIGHT: Also previewed here this morning, 7-10 pm at WS Office Junction, as part of Seattle Coworking Week. (6040 California SW)

MORE NIGHTLIFE and other listings on our complete calendar – find it here!

5 Replies to "What's up for your West Seattle Wednesday"

  • Norma September 21, 2016 (10:16 am)

    Thanks Mark for this charming photo.  Made a sort of blah morning more wonderful.

  • drahcir September 21, 2016 (12:16 pm)

    Frequent visitors to my yard in WS too …

    • WSB September 21, 2016 (12:38 pm)

      Great photo!

  • KP September 21, 2016 (7:57 pm)

    Mark, I haven’t seen the owls for quite some time. Is this a recent photo?

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