West Seattle storm watch: How much rain, & how much more?

It’s been raining for about five hours now, and so talk has turned to wondering how much rain, and how much longer it’ll continue. The National Weather Service says totals vary widely, area to area – almost an inch at Sea-Tac this afternoon – and that showers will linger, but that after tomorrow morning, a “drier and warmer” trend will take over quickly, so weekend events – including West Seattle Outdoor Movies on Saturday night – should be OK. We’ve checked around this afternoon and besides the problems chronicled earlier – crashes and small outages – no major problems in West Seattle; as intense as this rain has been, it still fell into drought-depleted creeks, for example, so we’re not seeing any overflows. One more stat: More than 650 lightning strikes in Western Washington, per the NWS.

7 Replies to "West Seattle storm watch: How much rain, & how much more?"

  • weather watcher August 14, 2015 (6:34 pm)

    The watersheds are refilling.

  • Bus rider August 14, 2015 (6:39 pm)

    Just as I was getting used to living in Northern California (massive amounts of people and traffic, charter schools, escalating real estate costs, lots of sunshine and drought conditions…) I got a rude awakening and found I had been transported back to Seattle. Forgot what it was like to walk around in the rain.

  • miws August 14, 2015 (6:55 pm)

    I wonder how many car drivers had to (hopefully pull over to) check their owner’s manuals, to remind them of where the wiper switch was? ;-)



  • JayDee August 14, 2015 (6:56 pm)

    650 strikes! Wow. Usually On-clap wonders around here. And again, the NWS blows the forecast in terms of precip and thunderstorms.

  • Kathleen August 14, 2015 (7:05 pm)

    We’ve been waiting for the northbound 21 bus at 35th and Edmunds for over 40 min. People also waiting for the southbound and it keeps turning before it gets here.

  • flynlo August 14, 2015 (7:14 pm)

    Top of Gatewood Hill – 1.6 inches since it started raining @ 12:30PM!

  • h August 15, 2015 (12:22 pm)

    Finally got a good nights sleep! Thank you rain :)

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