TOMORROW: SWSHS hosts log-house preservationist David Rogers

August 8, 2015 5:13 pm
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Planning the rest of your weekend? The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is circulating one more reminder of two special events tomorrow with one guest speaker – logger-turned-log-house-preservationist David Rogers, who was the contractor for the renovation of what’s now the SWSHS’s HQ, the Log House Museum. First event is 2-4 pm at the museum (61st/Stevens): “Rogers will conduct an interactive demonstration of log-restoration techniques and describe in detail the hands-on work he did on our museum building.” No charge, but the museum would love to have you RSVP if you’re expecting to go – do it here. Then at 6:30 at West 5 in The Junction, he’s speaking during a no-host dinner event as an SWSHS fundraiser – details here.

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