The date is now set for the promised community open house about the Fauntleroy Way SW Boulevard Project in The Triangle, currently in “early design,” tentatively scheduled for construction late next year if city leaders approve project funding: 5-7 pm Tuesday, September 23rd, is the date for that communitywide discussion of the project, proposed for Fauntleroy Way SW between 35th and Alaska. SDOT’s Maribel Cruz tells WSB they’ve had briefings in recent weeks with:
· Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board
· Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board
· Freight Advisory Board
· Washington State Ferries
· West Seattle Transportation Coalition
· West Seattle Bike Connections
· West Seattle Junction Association
We were at the WSTC/WSBC briefing last month, along with one member of each of those groups. No major new details emerged, but the question that arose in comments on our July 15th report, “what about the Trader Joe’s onstreet loading zone?” was asked, and the reply was that they’re still discussing options. As a “boulevard,” that section of Fauntleroy will have “no loading zones and no parking,” the project team said.
Background on the project, as well as details of its status, are on the official SDOT webpage. The September 23rd meeting will be at the Senior Center of West Seattle (Oregon/California).