West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
Again tonight, members of the Westside Interfaith Network kept a roadside vigil just outside the encampment that calls itself “Nickelsville,” which by all indications is now gearing up for a moving day Sunday, city officials’ declared deadline for closing the site, rather than for a standoff.
As reported here last night, the encampment says it has secured three sites, and plans to announce the second and third locations tomorrow; the first one announced is at 20th and Jackson in the Central District.
The newest update on the encampment’s official Facebook page “Nickelsville Works“ includes the flyer below with a schedule for moving, and for cleaning up the current site, once it’s vacated:
Closing and clearing the site would be a step toward enabling its sale to Food Lifeline, which wants to build a new headquarters for its work fighting hunger in the region. But it’s not the only site FL is examining, according to development director Amy Lee Derenthal: “We have a couple other sites we’re looking at and doing our due diligence to make sure we make the best decision as to where we’ll build our Hunger Solution Center. The West Marginal Way site has been our preferred site and once we finish our due diligence process, we’ll let the community at large know of our plans. … Food Lifeline has been working with Low Income Housing representatives, the Church Council and the residents of Nickelsville for the last 15 months to help them find a more suitable location. The current site does not have very good transit options and it floods in the winter months. We help provide food to the Nickelsville community through one of our agencies, Operation Sack Lunch, and will continue to do so when they do eventually move.” It’s been almost 11 months since FL’s interest in the West Seattle site surfaced.
After an early evening full of lightning, thunder, and pouring rain, the weather cleared just in time for Pathfinder K-8 students, families, and staff to conclude their pre-school year barbecue with a special ceremony: The dedication of a newly created mosaic sign at the school’s entry off SW Genesee. Students all collaborated with artist-in-residence Julie Maher, in the next photo, helping cut the ribbon with Pathfinder PTSA co-president Martin McGurl:
“The kids were my inspiration,” Maher said. “She took our idea for a design and really ran with it .. This could be in a museum,” mused principal David Dockendorf (at left in the photo above with McGurl and Maher), just before the ceremony concluded with a chance for everyone to come see the mosaic up close.
The principal also gave shoutouts to Pathfinder’s art teachers Marci Golden and Suzanne Wakefield. There’s so much detail in the mosaic, no photo could do it justice – you’ll have to go to Pigeon Point and take a look!
7:28 PM: Thanks to everyone who tipped us about Guardian One circling over Myers Way just south of Roxbury (map). It’s a King County Sheriff’s Office search, according to a Seattle Police officer who told us she could only say they’re “looking for somebody” and SPD is assisting. We’re trying to reach KCSO to find out more.
7:42 PM UPDATE: Just talked to KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West, who says the search started with a report of a domestic-violence situation at a supermarket on 1st Avenue South in Burien; a plainclothes detective happened to be there, saw the male suspect on the run, called for backup, got in his car and followed the suspect, whose vehicle was determined to have stolen plates. The suspect abandoned the car and fled in White Center, and was believed to have made it to the Joint Training Facility vicinity, which is where the helicopter was searching. No word of an arrest yet, Sgt. West said, and she also didn’t know about the domestic-violence victim’s condition/status.
8:34 PM UPDATE: Sgt. West says the suspect’s not in custody yet but they did determine that not only were the plates on the car stolen, the car itself was stolen too.
The octopus at Delridge/Holden is just one of many mini-murals you might have noticed in recent weeks on 12 signal boxes in the area (between Andover and Henderson) – and they’re all thanks to the youth artists of WRAP, the Work Readiness Art Program, which wraps up tomorrow at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. According to this update from the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association website, the murals are all sea life-inspired. Tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, you can thank some of the artists – and lead artist Andrew Morrison, who’s been working with them – during a “culminating event” at 2 pm in the theater at Youngstown (4408 Delridge Way SW), featuring refreshments, a slideshow of the murals, and a visit to one nearby.
5:02 PM: With lightning, thunder, and heavy rain having just moved into the area, and traffic trouble that started hours ago, we’re launching a new story here to track PM commute, and weather, advisories. Stay tuned.
5:10 PM UPDATE: We’re now in Fauntleroy checking out a report of a crash near the south Lincoln Park parking lot, potentially affecting ferry-dock-bound traffic. Here for now is the SDOT camera in that vicinity:
… update, just passed it; those are the crashed cars at the bottom of the camera view. No sign of fire or medics but it’s slow going northbound too.
5:31 PM UPDATE: Per TV weather radar, the cell with thunder, lightning, and downpour is now north of us and continuing to head north. Here in south West Seattle, we’re down to light rain and even an attempted sunbreak.
6:53 PM UPDATE: As commenters have pointed out, there’s trouble on 99 now, too. A southbound crash right by the bridge, according to an e-mail update from WSDOT.
4:10 PM: One demonstrator carries an umbrella along with his picket sign in the Seattle Education Association – mostly Seattle Public Schools teachers, but some other staffers are included – picketing that’s under way right now at 35th and Fauntleroy. Picketers at all four corners totaled more than two dozen when we stopped by a short time ago. They’re scheduled to be there until 6 pm, as a show of support for their union’s ongoing negotiations with the district; their contract expires on Saturday, and they voted earlier this week to reject the latest offer. Their next vote is scheduled for Tuesday, the night before the scheduled start of classes, and the district has already warned families to have a backup plan in case school is delayed – although there has NOT been a strike vote so far. This, by the way, is one of four spots around the city where teachers are demonstrating this afternoon.
6:31 PM: Via Facebook, teacher Misty asked to share this message: “I would like to take a moment to thank all of the people who nodded, smiled, waved, and honked their horns today as they were driving by. We felt very honored by their show of support. It was appreciated.”
Our video of West Seattle band Daughters of the Dead Sea is from a show at Easy Street Records in The Junction last October. They’ll be back at ESR this Saturday night – but it’ll be the last time, as the band is breaking up. And we’ve learned it’s not only a farewell show; singer/guitarist Jen Stinespring is battling cystic fibrosis, with which she was diagnosed in infancy, and is moving back East to be with her family, so this show is a benefit to help with her medical bills. $10 donation at the door; local fave Hobosexual is on the bill too, and ESR tells us Whiskey Radio has just been added. Show starts at 8 pm Saturday (August 31st) at Easy Street (California/Alaska).
Heads-up if you are heading south of West Seattle – there’s a big crash on southbound I-5 right at the end of the bridge. Seattle Fire says via Twitter that it involves a bus, with at least five people hurt, one in critical condition.
12:43 PM UPDATE: According to the State Patrol, a semi-truck headed east from West Seattle collided with a charter bus. SFD update on patients: 1 critical patient & 4 serious patients heading to Harborview, 1 serious patient to Swedish, 1 serious patient to Virginia Mason. 2 lanes are blocked at the crash site (see the latest traffic-camera view above).
1:03 PM UPDATE: If you are anywhere from the WS Bridge northward, you will definitely want to avoid southbound I-5 TFN:
Drivers advised to use alt. routes. 11 mile backup on SB I-5 due to collision at W. Seattle Bridge
— WSDOT Traffic (@wsdot_traffic) August 29, 2013
2:37 PM UPDATE: The backup is STILL about 11 miles, according to WSDOT. So if you usually take I-5 southbound home to get to West Seattle – start thinking about an alternate route. We’ll update when the commute gets closer.
(Thanks to Lise Thivierge for sharing the photo from Seacrest!)
Busy day/night – especially for back-to-school events. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and the WSB inbox:
LAFAYETTE PLAYGROUND WORK PARTY: Just got word of this “rain or shine” event, happening NOW until 2 pm today at Lafayette Elementary‘s playground: “Please join us for the annual trimming of the kiwi, kindergarten planter cleanup, sweeping of wood chips into the play area, planting some flowers, etc. We will have tools provided from the district but please bring comfortable gloves and any personal supplies that you’d like to use.” (California/Lander)
TEACHERS’ INFORMATIONAL PICKETING: As first reported here Tuesday night, Seattle Education Association members – who have yet to reach a contract with Seattle Public Schools – plan informational picketing around the city today, including 3-6 pm by the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge. (35th/Fauntleroy)
ROXHILL BACK-TO-SCHOOL BARBECUE: 4:30-6:30 pm at Roxhill Elementary: “This is an opportunity for our families to come to the school, have a hot dog dinner, meet their teacher and receive free school supplies.” (Roxbury/30th)
PATHFINDER K-8 BACK-TO-SCHOOL BARBECUE: 5-7:30 pm tonight at the school, including the dedication of the new mosaic sign. Indoors if necessary. Details in our preview.
GATEWOOD ELEMENTARY MEET-AND-GREET: In groups, spread out between 5:30 and 7:15 pm – details in our preview. (4320 SW Myrtle)
POLITICAL FUNDRAISER: 5:30-7:30 pm tonight at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), according to the announcement, “Seattle City Councilmembers Richard Conlin, Nick Licata, and Tom Rasmussen; Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, King County Councilmember Joe McDermott, Ted Barker, Kim Becklund, Brian Earl, Ann Martin, Marcee Stone-Vekich, and Max Vekich are co-sponsoring a fundraising reception to benefit Fair Elections Seattle, which appears on the November ballot.” (6451 California SW)
BABYSITTER MEET AND GREET: Free adult-only drop-in event at West Seattle Office Junction, to meet babysitters working locally. 6-7:30 pm; RSVP by going here. Light refreshments; giveaways including a selection of Usborne books. (5230-B California SW) Update: This event has been postponed; new date TBA.
DUWAMISH RIVER KAYAK TOUR: Native American history along the Duwamish River is the focus of tonight’s community kayak tour with the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition and Alki Kayak Tours. Meet at 6 pm at Terminal 107 Park; details in our calendar listing. (4700 W. Marginal Way SW)
DENNY ORIENTATION: Another pre-back-to-school event, this time at Denny International Middle School: 6:30-8 pm, “for students and parents/guardians who are new to Denny International (all grade levels). This event will be a time to learn more about our school and meet staff.” Ice cream afterward! (2601 SW Kenyon)
FINAL HIAWATHA CONCERT OF THE YEAR: As previewed here on Tuesday, this year’s Admiral Neighborhood Association-presented Summer Concerts at Hiawatha finale is tonight, featuring Strong Suit, 6:30 pm – update, INDOORS at the Hiawatha Gym east lawn if the weather clears, in the Hiawatha gym if it doesn’t. (Between California and Walnut, 2700 block)
DESIGN REVIEW: 4433 42nd SW, the apartment project known as Junction Flats, goes before the Southwest Design Review Board at 6:30 pm tonight, upstairs at the Senior Center of West Seattle. As always, there will be a chance for public comment. Here’s our report from last week with a link to the newest project information, including the “packet” for tonight’s meeting.
OPEN MIKE AT DIVA: 7 pm Thursdays, it’s open-microphone night at Diva Espresso in The Triangle – which now serves beer, too. (4480 Fauntleroy Way SW)
WATER TAXI FOR SEAHAWKS GAME: Another reminder that the West Seattle Water Taxi will run on the extended game-night schedule tonight for the Seahawks game, with the final run from downtown to WS scheduled for 10:30 pm; see the schedule here.
And there’s even MORE – on the calendar!
Seattle Fire spokesperson Kyle Moore has just verified that the overnight “hazmat” call in the 7700 block of Delridge Way was basically a false alarm, as we tweeted at the time. His update:
An envelope with reported white powder turned out not to contain anything hazardous or dangerous according to the Seattle Fire Department Hazardous Materials Team.
At 12:35 a.m., a 911 call came into dispatchers at the Fire Alarm Center reporting an envelope with white powder at an apartment complex located in the 7700 block of Delridge Way SW. The caller stated they opened the letter and felt symptoms.
Firefighters isolated the two patients and also the letter. Tests were conducted on the letter and came back negative for any known hazardous or dangerous substances.
Seattle Police Department officers were also on scene investigating.
The patients were evaluated but did not require any treatment. The letter was turned over to authorities.
10:02 AM: Though the 911 log says Roxbury/Olson, the big emergency response happening right now is some blocks west of there, according to our crew, near 12th SW. At first, it was thought a pedestrian might have been hit, but it’s been determined that a 40-year-old man, as described in radio communications, apparently became disoriented/ill and “wandered into traffic,” possibly a blood-sugar problem. County and city crews are on scene and the man is being taken to the hospital now, so the scene should clear before too long.
10:30 AM: Just verified with SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore – the victim basically “lay down in traffic,” and the location was 11th/Roxbury.
Thanks to Josh Sutton for the photo from last night’s Rotary Club of West Seattle sorting party for Pencil Me In For Kids, which collects and distributes school supplies to students in need; in red at left, that’s longtime PMIFK champion Sue Lindblom giving instructions to Rotarians who joined in. This year, nine elementary schools in West Seattle are getting about $8,500 worth of supplies as a result of PMIFK.
SIDE NOTE: The WS Rotary’s monthly fun/fundraising First Friday public gathering is (date corrected) one week from tomorrow (Friday, September 6th), 5-7 pm, at The Bridge this time around. (4439 35th SW)
(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
6:03 AM: With the weekend in view, it’s time for reminders of road work ahead, while we start today’s commute watch:
*Ramp closure tonight: The ramp from northbound I-5 to the West Seattle Bridge will close 10 pm tonight-5 am Friday to get ready for the all-weekend-long expansion-joint work.
*Ramp closure all weekend: The ramp from northbound I-5 to the WS Bridge and to lower Spokane St./6th will close 7 pm Friday-3 pm Monday for the aforementioned safety work. Project details, detour info, future closures, and more can be found here.
Also, the citywide big-event roundup for the long holiday weekend is already out – SDOT published it here.
P.S. The West Seattle Water Taxi does run late tonight for the Seahawks game, with the last sailing from downtown at 10:30 pm.
12:46 PM UPDATE: Trouble on southbound I-5 at the bridge, because of a bus/semi-truck crash – updates in a separate story.
Two more West Seattle schools are sharing reminders of pre-school-year events for their students/staff/families – both of these are happening tonight:
PATHFINDER K-8: 5-7:30 pm tonight is the back-to-school barbecue, with “hot dogs, watermelon, chips, and Pathfinder fun,” according to PTSA vice president Michael Schweers. The unveiling and dedication of the mosaic sign will happen, too, along with appreciation for “all the volunteers who made it happen,” he adds. (1901 SW Genesee)
GATEWOOD ELEMENTARY: Tonight is meet-and-greet night, in these groups and times:
*K/1 5:30-6:15pm
*2/3 6:00-6:45pm
*4/5 6:30-7:15pm
Says the announcement: “This is a great opportunity to come and meet your teacher, see the classroom and reconnect with returning Gatewood families.” (4320 SW Myrtle)