Two scenes from The Junction during Thursday night’s West Seattle Art Walk – above, artist Michelle Salazar (left) at Wallflower Custom Framing (4735 42nd SW; WSB sponsor) with proprietor Courtney Sievertson. Wallflower is a fun stop on Art Walk night, not only because of the variety of artists showcased, but also because it’s a comfortable venue for the Art Walk reception-style experience, a sip, a snack, a chat with the artist … You can read about Michelle and her work here.
Not far away, at Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor), metal/jewelry artist Sarah Loertscher was in the spotlight:

Click! shared the photo of Sarah, whose unique work is described here. It’ll be on display at Click! for two months, so if you missed Art Walk night, you can still view (and purchase!) the art – many of the participating venues keep the displays up all month.
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