West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
(Click picture for a larger image showing Comet PanSTARRS; photo by Jason Ayres Gift Enevoldsen)
10:29 PM: As also seen on her site Alice’s Astro Info, that photo shared by Alice Enevoldsen shows Comet PanSTARRS as it could be seen for a few minutes from West Seattle earlier this evening. Alice’s monthly “Skies Over West Seattle” report here on WSB shows its projected trajectory across the western sky this month – but of course the catch is that there has to be at least a patch of clear evening sky in the right place so it can be seen, and tonight, that happened.
4:05 PM: Alice and Jason processed an even-clearer image – see it here.
Another school benefit this weekend! Tomorrow night, it’s Pathfinder K-8‘s turn, with months of planning and volunteer work all coming together in one big event, as Ginny Woo explains:
“Cirque du Pathfinder Auction: An Evening of Love, Chaos, and Community” will take place Saturday evening, starting at 5:00 at the Jerry Brockey Center at SSCC. The money raised that night will go directly to supporting the students through our programs at our alternative public school, Pathfinder K-8, where children are engaged in expeditionary learning. Pathfinder educates students to become passionate, lifelong learners, respecting themselves, others and the environment.
In addition to wonderful donations from our families and West Seattle businesses and supporters, we will be auctioning off “Clan Art” made by the students at Pathfinder. Each classroom is named after an animal and referred to as a “clan.” These original works of art are a beautiful reminder of the collaboration and dedication the students, parents, and teachers at Pathfinder K-8 have to the arts, the environment, and each other. Mary Lane is our Auction Chair and a Pathfinder parent.
Ginny included photos; since we so often feature bird images on WSB, we’re sharing the one above. P.S. Auction tickets are sold out!
Another followup as the Delridge-repaving project moves from Phase 1 to Phase 2: SDOT announced today that the new southbound detour around the shifted work zone (Thistle to Trenton) is expected to take effect Wednesday (March 20th). We published a revised detour map in this story two nights ago.
Since Legacy Partners announced a year and a half ago that it was taking over an approved-but-dormant development site in North Delridge, the ~200-apartment project renamed Youngstown Flats has had art in the plan – ultimately, works by 14 local artists. What we believe to be the biggest piece was delivered today: A corten-steel sculpture titled Continuity II, by Whidbey Island artist Jan Hoy. It’s a centerpiece at the courtyard fronting 26th SW. The building itself is weeks from completion.
Two West Seattle biznotes to share:
PET ELEMENTS MOVING: The pet food/accessories shop south of Morgan Junction has outgrown its cozy corner location and has announced it’s moving. Only half a block north, though. While the shop’s announcement on Facebook didn’t identify which of the vacant storefronts to the north would be its new home, we confirmed with Pet Elements that they’re taking over the south part of the former Windermere space, immediately adjacent to Subway, in the 6500 block of California SW just south of Fauntleroy, across from West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor). They’re hoping to move in early May. (As for the north section of the ex-Windermere space, we haven’t made direct contact yet, but Morgan Community Association president Deb Barker told us recently she’d learned an eye clinic is moving in.)
Biznote #2:
‘THREE LUCKY DAYS’: Today through Sunday, more than half a dozen businesses on the north side of The Junction – including J.F. Henry and Co., whose proprietor Tom Henry and son Drew Henry we photographed under their outdoor tent – are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day weekend with games, prizes, and coupons. The businesses are all located on California SW, from Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) southward to just north of Oregon – look for the green and yellow balloons; the full list is on the West Seattle Junction Association website, along with the coupon sheet.
Six years after Seattle Public Schools closed Fairmount Park Elementary (map), there’s news in what you DON’T see in that photo (shared by Deborah) – the old portables that had remained on the closed campus were demolished by district laborers following asbestos abatement by district maintenance,” district spokesperson Teresa Wippel confirms to WSB. She says they “had been vandalized and were beyond repair.” And this is also a sign that renovation and addition work on the Fairmount Park campus is getting closer. According to Wippel, the district will advertise for bids starting Monday, will open them in mid-April, and expects construction to start “sometime in mid-May. Construction activities will last until mid-July, 2014, with move-in immediately following.” The work includes a wing of new classrooms so that it would be able to handle to 500 students. The district has yet to announce whether it plans to reopen Fairmount Park as a neighborhood school or something else (such as home to K-5 STEM, which is in its first year of operation and temporarily housed at the Boren campus).
(Song sparrow at Lincoln Park; photo by Mark Ahlness, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Five highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, where you’ll find even more of what’s up today/tonight:
WINE TASTING: 1-4 pm at Northwest Wine Academy on the South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) campus, 6000 16th SW, details in our calendar listing.
‘BOBCAT BOB’: The popular musician is back at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) tonight, 6-8 pm.
ON A ROLL: Alki Community Center‘s Friday night skate session runs 6:45-8:45 pm; details on the calendar.
‘NEXT FALL’ AT ARTSWEST: The first week of the Seattle premiere run of the Tony-nominated play continues tonight at 7:30 pm at ArtsWest in The Junction (4711 California SW).
BREAST CANCER FUNDRAISER: Tonight’s slate at the Benbow Room in The Admiral District (4210 SW Admiral Way) is an all-female lineup with half the proceeds going to fight breast cancer. Details here; music starts at 8:30 pm.
(Live view from the west-facing WS Bridge camera; see other cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:07 AM: No classes today for Seattle Public Schools, so traffic might be a bit lighter if some parents are staying home as a result. No major closures this weekend, but here’s the roundup of events that might affect you in and around downtown today through Sunday.
6:24 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Paul for the pic – he reports a RapidRide bus is stuck on southbound California just south of Findlay:
(Photo by Don Brubeck)
One last time, motorcycles lined the street outside Alki Tavern on Thursday night. A sign set aside the parking just for them:
(Photo by Cami MacNamara)
A wider view shows how many had arrived even before sunset, for one last tribute:
(Photo by Russ Walker)
One last … taco:
(This photo and others below by Cami MacNamara)
With the tavern closing after Sunday night, it was one more tradition to say farewell to.
3 reader reports in this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup. First, from a Gatewood resident who didn’t want to be identified:
The night/morning of March 13/14, our car was prowled in our driveway– 3700 block of SW Elmgrove. We may have accidentally left the doors unlocked; however, a Club was locked on the steering wheel. We found the glove box and middle console open, as well as items in the trunk area disturbed. Items were taken and some strewn down the street.
Second, we received a brief note from a Fairmount Park-area resident about a tire-slashing overnight, Wednesday into Thursday, in their driveway.
Next, we have two reports of suspicious behavior involving people in vehicles – Bill reported this from Lincoln Park:
Noticed a suspicious vehicle (dark Chevy SUV, tinted windows, license 723-Y–) pull up in front of a neighbor’s house and park (near 46th Ave SW near Monroe). It’s an odd, out-of-the-way place to park, unless you live in one of the houses or are visiting someone there. Male passenger got out and walked toward a mailbox, then returned to the car. He and female driver lingered around the car, then got back in and started to drive away. I was able to get the plate and, as a precaution, decided to call 911.
About an hour later, I got a call from an officer saying they had located the vehicle and briefly questioned them. They say the male passenger is a known burglar. While they couldn’t find any evidence a crime had occurred, they were appreciative of the call and encouraged me to spread the word to neighbors. The officer reiterated to call 911 every time you see suspicious activity like this. I didn’t get a good look at them, but the male appeared to be late-20’s, medium-build, caucasian with a shaved head. Female was also late-20’s caucasian.
And this one from an anonymous Seaview resident:
My neighbor reported a suspicious white panel van casing the 5400 block of 49th SW this afternoon just before 2:30 PM. She reported it to the police to advise them.
This is after a reported stolen car just off of Genesee Hill a few days ago. Our neighborhood has been fairly anxious because of the numerous reported burglaries recently.
This month’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting is just days away – next Tuesday, March 19th, at the Southwest Precinct. Graffiti is the featured topic, but all issues/questions are welcome.
Two scenes from The Junction during Thursday night’s West Seattle Art Walk – above, artist Michelle Salazar (left) at Wallflower Custom Framing (4735 42nd SW; WSB sponsor) with proprietor Courtney Sievertson. Wallflower is a fun stop on Art Walk night, not only because of the variety of artists showcased, but also because it’s a comfortable venue for the Art Walk reception-style experience, a sip, a snack, a chat with the artist … You can read about Michelle and her work here.
Not far away, at Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor), metal/jewelry artist Sarah Loertscher was in the spotlight:
Click! shared the photo of Sarah, whose unique work is described here. It’ll be on display at Click! for two months, so if you missed Art Walk night, you can still view (and purchase!) the art – many of the participating venues keep the displays up all month.