Update: Crash closes West Marginal, injures 1; dog on loose found

(Photo by Patrick Sand for WSB)
6:20 PM: A “heavy rescue” call at West Marginal Way SW/SW Dakota (map) is for what scanner traffic describes as a flipped car, with at least one person seriously hurt (described as a man, about 20). More when we get to the scene; avoid the area TFN.

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
6:41 PM: That section of West Marginal Way will likely be closed a few hours. Since the victim is seriously injured, the Traffic Collision Investigation Squad is being called out, according to what police tell us on the scene. One more thing: They say a German Shepherd was in the car with the victim, and got out after the collision. The dog was last seen going south on West Marginal Way. If you see one or capture it – please contact police! It’s described as male, short-haired, with a collar and tag.

9:44 PM: We still don’t have any word on whether the dog was found. Nor do we know how the victim is doing – but we are adding a photo shared by A. Bocchetti, showing the Seattle Fire crews working to take care of the victim after the crash:

We haven’t heard whether West Marginal has reopened, but we’ll go check in a little while.

1 AM UPDATE: West Marginal is open again, but the search for the crash victim’s dog continues. Sarah, who e-mailed a photo you can see on the WSB Pets page, says they have not been able to get close enough to capture the dog, whose name is Cooper. “Please urge neighbors to keep alert,” she says. She also says the injured driver is in stable condition.

7:55 AM: Cooper was found overnight, according to another note from Sarah.

35 Replies to "Update: Crash closes West Marginal, injures 1; dog <strike>on loose</strike> found"

  • Pete July 12, 2011 (6:35 pm)

    that might explain the KOMO4 helicopter over the north end of Pigeon Point right now.

  • Sue Soller July 12, 2011 (6:44 pm)

    I drove through the scene right after it happened. Multiple cars are involved, including one upside down with a driver (at least) still in the car. I didn’t know there was so many emergency response vehicles in WS. At least 10-12 went by going to the scene. Scary.

    • WSB July 12, 2011 (7:00 pm)

      Police tell us one other car was involved in some way but nobody was hurt and the car was either undamaged or not seriously damaged and it was driven away, according to our crews on the scene. – TR
      (We have clarified – that car was only involved in that it got stuck at the scene briefly – it was NOT involved in the crash – this was a *single-vehicle crash.*)

  • josh thompson July 12, 2011 (7:13 pm)

    Only one car involved. I chased the vehicle for at least a mile, getting right up next to him trying to see if he was conscious or not. He was drifting from one side of W. Marginal to the other hitting curbs and side swiping trees. All vehicles on the road at that time could see that something was wrong so they stayed far back. All oncoming traffic stopped way back as well. I was blowing my horn trying to get the drivers attention while flashing my lights to tell people to steer clear. After driving up on the curb a couple times on the oncoming traffic side, he veered back to the right, jumped the curb with just his right tires, jolted the car so hard that his dog flew out of the rear passenger window, tumbled and slid, then got up and trotted off. At that point, the driver started to accelerate really fast while I was calling 911. I tried to keep up with him as he side swiped poles and trees and eventually hit a tree head one at a high rate of speed which flipped his car. I pulled over immediately and ran back to him and found him trapped in his car, now in the passenger seat, upside down, bleeding heavily, screaming historically and punching and thrashing about. He seemed older that 20 as noted in original story. I’d say 30 at least but not sure… A gentleman with EMT training was on the scene and proceeded to try and comfort the victim until the paramedics arrived.

  • MB July 12, 2011 (7:23 pm)

    It was pretty disturbing to look up from dinner at a restaurant and see the firefighters actively working on someone on tv. The victim wasn’t visible, but this was the first time I’ve seen real time footage like that, while it’s happening. It seemed weird to me that they were showing it live like that. I called my husband immediately to make sure he was alright since he takes West Marginal all the time and drives a small dark car. Made me sick to my stomach. I sure hope the victim ends up surviving and that the dog is found safe and sound. And I definitely hope the victims family didn’t find out by seeing it unfold on tv.

    • WSB July 12, 2011 (7:40 pm)

      MB, was that a chopper shot? We have TV choppers on our scanner and on one of the frequencies, I did hear a producer trying to caution the chopper not to show it too close up … maybe she didn’t get her request, I remember what that was like. – TR

  • Lani July 12, 2011 (7:28 pm)

    my friend came upon the crash a minute after it happened and held the guy still as he was flailing. at first, she thought the accident was due to the dog and then quickly learned that the dog had been in the car. i hope he’s okay – she said his teeth were hanging out and only connected by his gums. the stuff of nightmares. luckily, an EMT that was travelling the opposite direction took over and she could continue on her way to me for many glasses of wine.

  • MB July 12, 2011 (7:40 pm)

    Hug your friend, Lani…that will stay with her ;(

  • MB July 12, 2011 (7:44 pm)

    Yes, definitely a chopper shot. It really struck me as odd…I don’t recall seeing that on tv before. At least not live and with firefighters clearly doing CPR or something involving compressions or holding the person down. Not sure what channel it was. Kinda freaked me and my friend out. Small or not, West Seattle is still a “small town” and all too often you end up knowing the victim if you’ve lived here your whole life.

  • Stacy July 12, 2011 (7:59 pm)

    I’m so sorry for all involved. My prayers are with the victim and the dog.

  • kim July 12, 2011 (8:07 pm)

    We were turned back on Marginal and wondering why the police were looking towards the bushes. Oh, I hope he’ll be well and his dog found well, too.
    Lani–your friend is such a heroine; I always wonder if I would have the wherewithall to do like she did. She will need taking care of as well.

  • Mike July 12, 2011 (8:20 pm)

    Hopefully the man pulls through and I feel bad for the dog as well. As I often travel around that area on the way home from work, I’ll make sure to be on the lookout for the dog described. Those are some angry power poles at the back.

  • Lani July 12, 2011 (8:39 pm)

    Hey, Josh Thompson, my friend (Heather) wants to talk to you about the accident. she was in the black VW. email her at cocolicious6@yahoo.com. thanks!

  • kim July 12, 2011 (8:43 pm)

    Josh–that is insane, horrifying. Are you okay?

  • TJ July 12, 2011 (10:19 pm)

    We were driving on the WSB at about 9:30 tonight and looked down on West Marginal Way. Its open but there are still a few cops down there and they have set up flares and blocked off the lane in which the accident occurred. We drove by right as the emergency vehicles were there and it was quite a terrible sight. Our thoughts are out to the man and I hope someone finds that dog. As to the people who stopped to help, you are great people.

  • bebecat July 12, 2011 (10:31 pm)

    I just passed this area and there is a police car with flares protecting a parked car and there was a man walking around the railroad tracks. I suspect they were looking for the dog.

  • Luke July 12, 2011 (10:38 pm)

    Dog was located. The victim made it alive. To God alone be the Glory.

  • josh July 12, 2011 (11:16 pm)

    Kim… I’m fine. Thanks for asking. I was hoping I could get him to stop before the inevitable happened and was so upset to witness the outcome unfold in front of my eyes. Images I wish I could erase from my memory. I wish I could just understand it all. I really hope he comes out okay.

  • Zach July 12, 2011 (11:21 pm)

    I went by right after the accident, I could hear the guy screaming and I saw someone trying to talk to him. I hope everyone that was there is ok.

  • Heather July 12, 2011 (11:31 pm)

    I actually showed up just in time to nearly run over the poor dog and see the car flip upside down. Tons of dust and/or smoke. Slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the dog. Josh’s comments actually shed a lot of light on what happened before I happened on the scene.

    The dog didn’t really look like a German Shepherd. Kind of golden red color, short, smooth coat, very large. The victim had a mattress pad in the back of his car for the dog to lay on. I asked what the dog’s name was but the driver (who was indeed on the passenger side) was hysterical and wouldn’t answer any of the questions that I asked him. The folks at the business across the street had the dog semi trapped within their chain-link fence. He was clearly very very distressed. I’m sad that he escaped.

    I hope the driver recovers, Medic One did not take him immediately to the hospital, perhaps his injuries were not life-threatening. There was a lot of blood and I’m sure there are multiple broken bones (and teeth). After reading comments from others on the scene, I feel really sad at the thought that this person could have been intoxicated (I did not smell anything). It was so horrific, I feel better telling myself that perhaps it was a seizure, heart attack, or diabetic coma that impaired the driver…..I just can’t forget the scene or that poor dog.

  • Mike July 12, 2011 (11:57 pm)

    From the information provided by josh, it sounds like this individual might have blacked out. Diabetic, blood pressure issues, injury relapse, who knows… Sad to hear about but hopefully they’ll make a good recovery.

    • WSB July 13, 2011 (12:19 am)

      I’m not sure if the dog information is correct or not … not long before that comment was posted, I got a direct e-mail from someone reporting the dog as lost for the Pets page. If she confirms it’s been found, I’ll update the story – TR
      Update – Have added to the story. Dog not yet recaptured…but driver is ‘stable’ …

  • mookie July 12, 2011 (11:59 pm)

    I’d amend that, Luke, to include courageous citizens and excellent emergency responders, but that’s just me.

  • velo_nut July 13, 2011 (3:32 am)

    +1 mookie

  • Wednesday July 13, 2011 (7:44 am)

    Lani, did you mean it was the dog’s teeth hanging out only connected by the gums? Poor thing, sure hope someone finds him soon and glad the driver is stable.

    • WSB July 13, 2011 (7:53 am)

      They did find Cooper overnight – so I’ll be updating the story – TR

  • Wednesday July 13, 2011 (7:56 am)

    That’s some good news, thanks

  • Aunt July 13, 2011 (10:01 am)

    To all of you…my sincere gratitude.

    I thank you all for your support & well wishes.
    We did manage to get “Cooper” his beloved dog around midnight last night. He has some road rash & is really missing his owner, but is otherwise okay.

    My nephew had just left work – he works with me – family run business. As speculated – something was terribly wrong – we do not know what – no drugs or alchohol – I saw him moments before as he left for home & he is not a drinker or substanse user. He is a good man who adores his dog and his family – he would not put any one in danger.

    I do not have any additional information on his condition as yet – we pray all will be well.

    Thank you to all the people who rendered aid & especially to Josh for all your efforts – without a doubt you saved him & others from further injury by alerting other drivers.

    Reading the blogs – it truly is evident this is a wonderful world – thank you for all your caring.

    • WSB July 13, 2011 (10:12 am)

      Thank you for the update, “Aunt,” and also thanks to Sarah for e-mailing about Cooper. The laws have long since changed to prevent media from calling a hospital to say “hey, a guy was brought in here after a crash, is he OK?” unless you have a name and unless there’s family consent, so we REALLY appreciate family/friends directly providing updates here for the community (we can also be reached directly at any time, https://westseattleblog.com/contact for the options). – Tracy (WSB editor)

  • Dc July 13, 2011 (10:17 am)

    Oh I’m so relieved to hear about Cooper.

  • Aunt July 13, 2011 (11:14 am)

    PS – After rereading my blog – I want to make clear – that when he left work moments before the crash – nothing appeared wrong – something happened in the moments after he left – he was only about a mile from work.

  • Kayleigh July 13, 2011 (11:39 am)

    These stories make me so very sad, but at least when I read them here at WSB rather than on the TV news websites, that I am reading an accurate, detailed, thoughtful version that isn’t in desperate need of a copyedit.
    Also, the compassion and wisdom in both the comments and the story are much appreciated.
    Speedy healing to the man and Cooper.

  • 3dogslater July 13, 2011 (3:41 pm)

    Thank you “aunt” I spread the word for Cooper right after I read this last night. Wishing your nephew and Cooper a speedy recovery and they once again can enjoy life together.

  • Father July 13, 2011 (4:22 pm)

    My son is bruised all over, some broken bones in his face but lucky to be alive. His first concern was Cooper who his Aunt rescued with the help of four officers at 2 am only a 1/2 mile from the crash scene. His girl immediately called the nurse at Harborview to let him know. Today I told him the report said he was 20 – he works out constantly to keep his boyish figure – he cracked a painful smile. He is a health fanatic and does not abuse his body… the reports above are disturbing and we will seek medical experts to sort that out. He remembers nothing and is so thankful no one else was hurt. The car is a mess, but there are no scraps or dents on either side of the car, so no poles or trees were sideswiped.

    Thanks to all the wonderful comments above, my wife and I are so grateful we are taking him home this afternoon to nurse him back to a full recovery…

  • Harmonic July 13, 2011 (7:13 pm)

    wishing your son a speedy recovery. I arrived at the accident shortly after it happened (the police had just closed the road) and I am so happy I can tell my two girls he is ok. It’s always horrible to see such things.


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