month : 02/2011 317 results

Lincoln Park ‘stalker’ encounter: Reader shares an alert

If you saw police in the Lincoln Park area yesterday afternoon – here’s what it was about. Just out of the WSB inbox:

Yesterday about 3:30 PM, I (woman, late fifties, in good shape) was stalked by a white male, early 30’s, 5’11”, about 175, fairly attractive, with broad shoulders and about a 29 pant size – athletic. He had on a black ski hat, and I believe it had an orange stripe around it, a navy jacket with the collar up around his jaw, and light gray sweat pants.

I was walking from the south going north to the bluff trail, and just past the children’s zip-line ride towards the bluff trail. This man just appeared out of nowhere, and was heading for me, having to circle bushes that were too thick to walk through, but short enough to see over. He was looking straight into my eyes. As soon as he got around the bushes, about 8 feet from me, he noticed I had two dogs, so he made a U-turn and started walking next to me heading for the bluff trail. We were secluded and had not come to the trail yet. The park has bunch of little trails right there, and I was on the main trail. I don’t know where he came from.

My intuition, and the events with attackers at the park, put me on high alert, and I knew I didn’t want him behind me, so I stopped and told him to go ahead of me. He did, but as we walked, he kept slowing down, forcing me to slow down or get closer to him than I wanted to get. I knew there are benches along the bluff trail and we would come to one soon, so I waited him out and than stopped at the first view point with a bench. I did some stretching and must have waited about 10 minutes before I started back up the trail, thinking he had time to move along.

After I began walking up the trail, I met a woman with a cute dog and we talked about dogs while our dogs played a bit. Next I came upon an older couple who pointed out an eagle in a tree to me, so I talked to them and watched the eagle for a while. The guy I had let pass me, the creep, had plenty of time to move up the trail.

On the trail is a workout station to do pullups, and at that station, I thought I would go into the woods and “relieve myself”. After all a woman in her late fifties has to pee all the time. Well thank God & Goddess that before I went into the woods, I stopped to check if anybody was around, and there was that guy! He was behind a tree and I could see his arm. As I moved closer to him to make sure what I was seeing, he moved around the tree hiding from me. He almost caught me with my pants down! A lesson for me!

After I finally realized he was hiding from me and I had better get out of there, I went back onto the trail and a young woman with headphones on was jogging down the trail. I stopped her, thinking she wouldn’t hear the guy come out behind her, and she & I walked out of the park together. We decided his behavior was too strange and we called 911.

By the time we got to the north parking lot, at the instruction of the 911 operator, the police were on their way, and took our statement in the parking lot. The police called me last night, telling me a total of four cars searched the park, and they did not find the guy.

All & all, it was a pretty scary afternoon and I am sure as I think about how that guy was staring hard into my eyes that he had ill intent for me or some other woman. This is not the first time my dogs have saved me from predator men. I grew up in Lincoln Park and have been going there my whole life, and am always careful to stay on main trails, but nonetheless, this guy found me at the most secluded juncture of my walk.

Please pass this along. I wish to remain anonymous.

There was some scanner traffic regarding this search yesterday – we had checked with police, who had nothing to report at the time, but we are checking again. While at this point there is no indication this had anything to do with the suspect arrested, charged, and released last week, Duane Starkenburg, we should note that part of the conditions of his release on bond was an order to stay out of Lincoln Park.

ADDED 11:25 AM: Responding to our followup e-mail, she says she was shown a photo of Starkenburg and “it was not him.”

West Seattle coyotes: ‘Definitely not normal behavior…’

Out of the WSB inbox early today, from C:

My husband and I live near the corner of 30th Ave SW and Brandon [map] in the Cottage Grove neighborhood. Being bordered by the Longfellow Creek Trail and Camp Long (along with a neighbor who leaves piles of food outside on the trash bins for wildlife)…I’m sure the coyotes have made themselves quite at home around here.

(Tuesday) I had my fourth sighting since November, but my first sighting while on foot. At 5pm I was walking our 90lb mastiff mix when I saw a coyote standing in the street on 29th, watching us head for the Longfellow Crk trailhead across from the Camp Long entrance.

I tried to scare it off up the hill, but it just backed off a bit. I decided to head down the trail anyways, got about 20 yards and the coyote was now flanking us in the bushes, coming within about 15 feet from us. Thoroughly pissed off and creeped out we turned around and went home.

Definitely not normal behavior for a wild coyote…and probably won’t lead to anything good.

Is someone going to have to get bit protecting their dog/cat or small child before they would get re-located?

We’ve included “coexisting with coyotes” links before – here’s “solving problems with coyotes.”

West Seattle Wednesday: School’s out early; SW District Council…

February 2, 2011 9:07 am
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(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, taken Tuesday during an abundance of Seacrest cormorant sightings)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: For Seattle Public Schools, it’s an “early-release day,” with students out two hours early, and that’s why High Point Library has a special gaming event this afternoon, 3-5 pm, including open play on the Wii, all ages welcome, free of charge, refreshments provided (35th and Raymond) … For entertainment tonight, ArtsWest begins the second week of “Emilie,” running through February 20th (tickets available online) … Want to help chart the course of Seattle city-run community centers’ future? New group starts meeting at 6:30 pm, Miller Community Center on Capitol Hill (330 19th Ave. E.) – details here) … Also outside West Seattle but of high relevance – the Viaduct South Portal Working Group meets at 4 pm, board room at Union Station (401 S. Jackson), with updates on south-end construction and a look at the central-waterfront tunnel proposal … And back here in WS tonight, Block Watch, the West Seattle Triangle planning process, and the downtown seawall-replacement project are all part of the agenda for the Southwest District Council, 7 pm in the South Seattle Community College board room (6000 16th SW).

P.S. Happy 6th anniversary to Mission! The party starts tonight at 6.

West Seattle wildlife: Orcas reported off Fauntleroy

7:41 AM: Just got a call from Amy, who says she’s spotted orcas heading south, off Fauntleroy. Off to take a look!

8:12 AM: No luck from just south of Fauntleroy. Let us know if you see them (for quick reports – on anything that’s “happening now” – call/text 206-293-6302 any time)

9:10 AM: Just texted – orcas heading down EAST side of Vashon (update from a moment ago, the 2nd text we received corrected the 1st).

Video: West Seattle vs. Chief Sealth – girls’ preview, boys’ recap

February 2, 2011 7:18 am
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Tonight, the West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School girls’ varsity basketball teams face off. Last night (Tuesday), the boys played. A look ahead, as we interview the Sealth girls’ coach, plus a look back at last night’s boys’ games – after the jump:Read More

Lumpia World food truck says it’ll debut Saturday in West Seattle

On Twitter this evening, we learned that the Lumpia World food truck is set to debut in West Seattle this Saturday, 11 am-2 pm. (Yes, the same window as Marination Mobile‘s weekly visits.) Where? They’re planning to make that announcement on Twitter (@lumpiaworld) and Facebook this Thursday night.

West Seattle woman pleads guilty in SODO pedestrian crash

February 1, 2011 9:48 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Three months ago, we reported on charges filed against Admiral resident Juanita Wright, found to have a blood-alcohol level of .29 after driving into seven pedestrians in SODO. Today, according to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Wright “pleaded guilty … to three counts of Vehicular Assault and one count of Reckless Driving … The sentence range is 22 to 29 months in prison.” She is scheduled for sentencing February 18th.

West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival: Button-design contest begins

February 1, 2011 9:28 pm
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From West Seattle Hi-Yu tonight via Facebook: Two months after “Sparkling Seattle” was chosen as this year’s theme, it’s time for a button design to go along with the float design (the prototype above is from the December Hi-Yu meeting, when the theme was chosen):

Looking for an easy and creative way to show your community pride? West Seattle Hi-Yu is kicking off their annual button design contest. These buttons will be sold at events throughout Western Washington this summer!

This year’s theme is “Sparkling Seattle.” This year’s float design will depict all that makes Seattle sparkle! Think Ferry Boats, Seattle Skyline etc. The winning button will be chosen at the general membership meeting by popular vote on February 7th, 6:30 p.m. at St John the Baptist Church Hall.

All button designs should be in final size, which is 2 ½”. Hi-Yu welcomes entries from all ages! The winner receives a $25.00 check and will ride in the West Seattle American Legion Parade in July. Please send entries by email to or bring it to the meeting !THANK YOU for supporting your community festival.

You can see last year’s button design here.

South Seattle Community College’s Valentine wine event February 10, 11, 12

February 1, 2011 8:17 pm
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 |   Announcements

From South Seattle Community College:

Thursday, February 10, 12 – 5 pm
Friday, February 11, 12 – 5 pm
Saturday, February 12, 12 – 4 pm

Northwest Wine Academy
Wine & Welding Building
South Seattle Community College
6000 16th Avenue SW
Phone: (206) 764-7942

Find the perfect wine for your Valentine at the Northwest Wine Academy’s spring wine event.

The Northwest Wine Academy will be releasing a Blue Barrel Rosé that is primarily a Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot blend, very bright and a lovely shade of pink. This specially-made wine is sure to sell out quickly.

In addition to the Rosé, additional wines for sales include: 2008 Well Red, 2009 Field Blend, Prosecco, Cava, and a selection of Pink Sparkling wines from France. All these wines will be available in gift and wine baskets filled with chocolates and other treats. The perfect gift!

South Seattle Community College’s Northwest Wine Academy is a first-of-its-kind program in Western Washington and offers three certificate programs – Wine Making, Wine Marketing & Sales, and Food & Wine Pairing. The Academy complements the college’s highly regarded and award-winning Culinary Arts program and the new bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management program.

The event is free and open to the public. The Northwest Wine Academy is located on the South Seattle Community College campus across from Bernie’s Bakery. Parking is available in the North entry parking lot.

Denny staff chat on TV about ‘Teach Me How to Study’

February 1, 2011 7:37 pm
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Denny International Middle School‘s motivational music video “Teach Me How to Study” has landed them on KING 5 Morning News the past two days – quick clip on Monday, then a live in-studio interview this morning with teacher Gary Lai and assistant principal Chanda Oatis. If you missed it while running around getting ready for your day, we’ve embedded the interview video above. When we first reported on the video last Friday night (adding comments from the filmmaker and Denny principal Jeff Clark to the story as the weekend progressed), it had a little over 1,000 views on YouTube; as of right now, it’s up to almost 8,000. What? You haven’t seen it yet?

(Watch for the cameo by the “Westwood Neighborhood Welcomes You” sign.)

Got a West Seattle pothole? Get it on the city’s new map

Another online upgrade from the City of Seattle: A map to track potholes. They’ve long had an online-reporting form, but now there’s a map to go along with it, just unveiled today. See the map here; see the accompanying information (including weekly status reports) here.

West Seattle businesses: Alki Bakery to become Beachside Café

1:52 PM: Two and a half months after the Alki Bakery closed, its future is finally clear: The owners of the neighboring Alki Café, John and Sharon Bang, tell WSB they signed a lease yesterday for the Alki Bakery space. Sharon says they’re planning to call it Beachside Café on Alki: “We want to keep good old favorites from Alki Bakery and add new and exciting items to the menu.” They hope to open sometime next month.

ADDED 5:12 PM: Replies to a few followup questions – for those who were wondering, this is NOT a replacement for Alki Café; the Bangs will operate both. Beachside will work the same way Alki Bakery did – ordering at the counter. “We want to offer a variety of dessert items, pastries, quick breakfast and lunch items we can’t provide at Alki Café,” Sharon explains. Their hours aren’t finalized yet but she says they’re thinking about 7 am-5 pm weekdays, later closing on weekends.

West Seattle Golf Course driving range decision: Canceled

We’re at Seattle Parks headquarters downtown, where acting superintendent Christopher Williams (photo right) has just told West Seattle Golf Club and Camp Long Advisory Council leaders the decision on whether the controversy-beset West Seattle Golf Course driving range will proceed: It will NOT.

Williams says public concern is a major factor – as is the fact what they would have to do would exceed the available budget. The money left over in the design process, $500,000, will initially be applied to Golf Master Plan projects at Jackson and Jefferson courses, according to Parks leaders. (ADDED WEDNESDAY: Parks says $255,000 was spent on design/engineering for the WS driving range before this decision.) And the Jackson driving range will likely now move forward this year instead of the later timetable. As for future West Seattle projects – they remain on the current timetable for now, though it was acknowledged that plans have room to change. What about a new clubhouse for West Seattle? Wilkinson agreed, “We sure need a clubhouse there.”

WSGC is represented at the meeting by Patrick DiStefano and Mike Prittie (photo left); Parks reps also include deputy superintendent Eric Friedli and the citywide golf manager Paul Wilkinson. Camp Long Advisory Council reps Mary Quackenbush and David Kipnis are here too. WSGC’s president Bob Chamberlain was speaking to the Rotary Club of West Seattle just this past hour. (photo and notes added)

Chamberlain had reiterated to the Rotary that once it became clear the driving range would alter part of the golf course itself, the 700-member club was officially opposed, and that’s the viewpoint he had to represent.

(back to original report on announcement meeting) As DiStefano put it, there was widespread support for a driving range – but not for one that would change the existing golf course itself. “This really makes the most sense, looking for the overall … way to move the West Seattle Golf Course forward, toward something that will generate some revenue toward future projects,” he said, while expressing concern that the money originally budgeted for this “will never come back.”

More to come – we’ll add a few more toplines from the briefing, as well as from the WSGC president’s speech to Rotary that preceded it; the official Parks news release about this should be out momentarily, too. Side note: The department says it can’t recall the last time a project was completely canceled this far into the design/review/community-meeting process. “We listened,” Williams noted.

ADDED 2:56 PM: The official news release is now out: Read More

West Seattle businesses: Breathe Hot Yoga confirmed for Link

The final retail space in Link (WSB sponsor) is now officially leased: Harbor Properties‘ Emi McKittrick had told us a few weeks ago that they were negotiating with a “hot yoga” studio, and just announced the deal is done. The studio is Breathe Hot Yoga, which already operates a studio at 2330 8th Avenue downtown (map). We have a message out to Breathe Hot Yoga’s proprietor and will add any new information we get; according to their Facebook page, opening is set for April 1st, same as Chaco Canyon Organic Café‘s restaurant at Link, while the Bright Horizons child-care center is working toward opening in May.

ADDED 11:11 PM: Heard back from Breathe proprietor Amber:

– We plan to open April 1, 2011

– We will start off with 4 classes a day Monday-Friday and 2 classes a day Saturday/Sunday

– All class packages and memberships will be good at both locations (our current location is in South Lake Union off of 8th & Bell, one block west of Whole Foods)

– How we differentiate ourselves:

– At Breathe, we focus first on the yoga practice. Along with that we focus on serving our customers’ needs. We offer high quality instruction and in an accepting, friendly environment. We welcome all types of practitioners. Although we practice yoga in a heated room, we emphasize the yoga practice, not heat exhaustion. We try to make every class for every customer an enjoyable and worthwhile experience. Unlike other hot yoga studios, we provide different temperature zones within the yoga studio. Having different zones, allows to students acclimate to the heat in a graduated manner.

– At Breathe we recognize that practicing yoga in a super heated room is a luxury from an energy consumption standpoint. We do our best to reduce energy consumption by using radiant heat, natural lighting and well insulated spaces. We understand the yoga experience starts when a customer walks thru our door and ends when they leave. We strive for excellent service, a clean environment and great yoga.

For Breathe Hot Yoga, this is really a homecoming. Amber was instrumental in building the West Seattle hot yoga community. She developed a loyal following as the director and lead teacher at Bikram Yoga West Seattle from 2001-2008.

While some of her students made the trek to SLU, many more have expressed excitement at the prospect of a Breathe Hot Yoga closer to home.

Amber Borgomainerio, Ross Yearsley & the Breathe Hot Yoga Staff

Two years post-demolition, California/Graham work starts

Thanks to the WSB’ers who tipped us this morning that work has begun on the north half of the long-empty NW corner of California/Graham (map) – earth is being moved (see equipment and new dirt pile in photo’s background). It’s been so long since we reported on the new plan for the site, one person who e-mailed thought this had begun without notice. Our last report was in July (see it here); according to the city’s online records, the permits were granted two weeks ago, and still total 4 townhouses and 3 “work units” (fronting California) for the site, as described last summer. As we also noted then, two lots a few doors north went through a similar process, and construction is under way on the second (northernmost) one right now.

Regarding the southern lot at the California/Graham corner – a “for sale” shingle is still up, as our photo shows. But city records indicate a very preliminary proposal went through “land-use coaching” last November for a “3-story, 44-unit Alzheimer’s community.” We’ll be checking to see if we can find out whether or not that is still an active proposal.

The entire site, now split into two lots, held a commercial building that was demolished more than two years ago, when a different development was under review.

‘To inspire and open your eyes’: Junction breezeway art dedicated

(Photos by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
It wasn’t a ribboncutting or “speechifying” occasion – just a casual gathering in the breezeway between Northwest Art and Frame and Puerto Vallarta in The Junction on Monday afternoon, to dedicate the three-panel art installation now gracing the breezeway, with the placement of a plaque:

Among those on hand for the occasion: Maureen O’Neill and Ron Davis from Parks, Roxanne Brown, Brian Judd, and Rebecca Hall from High Point Community Center, which partnered on the project, with a Seattle Housing Authority grant. It all started last summer, when we covered two milestones along the way: In August, we showed you the panels being created, and then the three panels being installed. 40 local youths between 10 and 17 took part along the way, choosing to tell the story of their “Past, Present, and Future”:

Here’s what the dedication plaque says:

As youth, we envision a diverse world that accepts everyone without judgment and allows us to explore our options. Our work is open to interpretation – we hope to inspire and open your eyes to the diversity and aspirations of the youth living in the West Seattle community.

So don’t just breeze through the breezeway – stop and take a look:

According to Liz Schroeder (above) from the West Seattle Junction Association, also involved with the project, the next step for beautifying the breezeway – which is privately owned (yes, the owner gave permission for the murals) – is new surfacing for the walkway.

Save the Alki Art Fair! Meeting this Thursday

Budget-mandated staff cuts at Alki Community Center have put the annual Alki Art Fair in jeopardy, as reported here previously. But volunteer power, and the Alki Community Council, might be able to save it. As announced at, there’s a meeting this Thursday, 5 pm, at the center, for anyone who wants to find out how to help.

West Seattle Tuesday: Welcome to February!

(Photo by David Hutchinson – river otter spotted off the north end of Don Armeni)
Welcome to February! Chilly sunshine to start the month – and a fairly quiet day/night, in terms of scheduled events. Longtime WSB sponsor Dream Dinners (on the outer east side of Jefferson Square, 4701 41st SW) has an open house tonight – to RSVP, 206-938-5999 … Four local library branches welcome you to story times today/tonight: Baby Story Time at West Seattle (Admiral), 10:30 am, and at Southwest, 11:30 am; Toddler Story Time at Southwest, 2 pm; and Family Story Time at Delridge, 7 pm … Several regular Tuesday activities/events, too – check the WSB West Seattle Events calendar.