Followup: ‘Small fire’ brings big loss for West Seattle family

(MONDAY UPDATE: Contribution information added at story’s end)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

It’s hard, and heartwrenching, to imagine … two weeks till Christmas, you’ve done all your shopping, even gotten a tree – hadn’t even had a chance to decorate it yet – and suddenly, fire takes it all away.

E-mail this morning, and an emotional conversation this afternoon, brought new information on the aftermath of what was described as a “small fire” when we covered it early Friday on 49th SW just north of Admiral Way. Turns out, that “small fire” brought big losses to the West Seattle family who lives in the house – though of course mom Ronni Peterson is thankful to be alive, after escaping the early-morning fire with her dog Louie:

We met Louie and Ronni in the living room of her neighbor Karen Kinch, who e-mailed to ask if we’d help get the word out about what Ronni needs in the fire’s aftermath. Ronni didn’t want to be photographed, but talked at length about how she and Louie made it out, and how the presents she’d bought for her two teenagers (not home at the time) went up in smoke, as well as many other family belongings – some of which we photographed in the yard shortly after the fire:

Here’s that same view this afternoon:

It was 3 am Friday when Ronni awakened to “weird, loud popping sounds” that she thought might have been someone trying to break in. She opened her bedroom door – and the smoke rushed in. After slamming the door shut, Ronni realized she and Louie had only one viable escape route – the window in this photo:

Below the window, at the bottom of concrete steps to the basement door, is a roll of old carpeting. That’s where Louie landed when Ronni threw him out the window to safety. He’s 7 years old; she is sure the carpeting saved him from death or serious injury. She managed to get from the window to the side yard without falling down there too. As she ran over and banged on Karen’s door, she heard the massive fire response (you can see the 14-unit callout at 3:09 am on this archived 911 log) – and then saw Louie in danger of running across Admiral.

She rescued him. Firefighters got the flames out fast. But not before the smoke and water trashed the interior of the front of the house:

According to Ronni, the fireplace was to blame for sparking the fire – embers from a fire she’d had going earlier in the evening. As she noted in a comment on WSB last night, she is a renter, but didn’t have insurance. She’s staying with relatives, after spending that first night at Karen’s house. Her kids are with family and friends – 15-year-old Emily, a tenth grade at The Center School, and 13-year-old Evan, a seventh grader at Madison Middle School.

Instead of dealing with the aftermath of a fire, she was supposed to be spending today helping with fundraising for Emily’s upcoming school trip to Costa Rica. Ronni had obtained $700 in See’s Candy for her family and others to sell as a fundraiser – and all that candy was in the house, along with Christmas presents she’d bought early — Black Friday sale items, now just plain blackened, along with so many things, even little Christmas decorations:

Asked what she needs, Ronni says for starters, a storage unit where she can keep the belongings that are salvageable from the house – items she could take out of it right now if she had somewhere to put them. Then she needs to find a new place to rent, no more than $1,200, which she was paying at the now-too-damaged-to-inhabit house by 49th and Admiral. She needs to stay in West Seattle, she says, because she and her former husband share child custody, and he’s just about a mile away from where she’s been living.

After that, she says, she’ll probably need furniture. And while presents she’d bought for her teenagers “can’t be replaced,” she’s not even ready to think about that yet – she just has to get the basics handled.

If you can help, please e-mail her at Karen will be looking into a PayPal and/or regular bank account to set up a fund, but for starters, the storage and rental help would be big.

MONDAY UPDATE: Here’s information for bank and PayPal funds set up for Ronni and her family: At any Wells Fargo, you can designate a contribution for the Ronni Peterson Fire Relief Fund. Or via PayPal, you can send money to

17 Replies to "Followup: 'Small fire' brings big loss for West Seattle family"

  • ellenater December 11, 2010 (8:11 pm)

    I’m glad everybody is okay and am so very sorry for your loss. Email on it’s way… Take care!!!!

  • A December 11, 2010 (8:59 pm)

    Did Ronni work at TB years ago?? I think I know her!

  • Firegirl December 11, 2010 (9:46 pm)

    I still do! I’ve been there almost 12 years. And who are u Ms./Mr. “A”???

  • Diane December 11, 2010 (11:05 pm)

    what is TB?

  • A December 11, 2010 (11:31 pm)

    Hey Ronni!
    Sending an email now!

  • Firegirl December 11, 2010 (11:43 pm)

    TB is Tommy Bahama. I work in the corporate office in South Lake Union.

  • Jeff December 12, 2010 (9:01 am)

    I feel fore them.

    They need to be careful with Salvaging items. I went through a “small” fire in my kitchen a few years ago that contaminated our entire house. Every single item in the house, from basement to the top floor had to be taken and specially cleaned, both for smoke damage and to remove toxic residue. Also, it’s very likely that any food is conatiminated as is any medication. If they’d had insurace a professional cleaning/salvage company would have come to clean the house and take the contents for cleaning, assessment and inventory.

    I’m a little surprised the property owners insurance hasn’t done some of this already.

  • md December 12, 2010 (9:52 am)

    I’m so sorry to hear about this – when I saw the pic of the dog I thought he was lost. I have a similar window with a long fall makes me think I should get a ladder.

  • TD December 12, 2010 (10:30 am)

    My heart goes out to Ronni and her displaced children. My family suffered a devastating house fire in 2006, and it was the awesome West Seattle community who propped us up when we didn’t think we could stand. Hopefully we can rally around this family too…

    Massive kudos to our fire department, by the way. Those folks are amazing!

  • Jo P December 12, 2010 (10:50 am)

    So Sorry for your loss.

  • argiles December 12, 2010 (10:56 am)

    I’m sorry that you had to go through this experience. My son and I went through an apartment fire about 5 years ago, although we didn’t have fire damage we had smoke and water damage. But there are a few tricks to saving clothes if they are smoke damaged. It’s a long process but it works. If you’d like to know more feel free to email me.

    Just a quick note to everyone who rents that doesn’t have renters insurance. It’s cheap, cheaper then car insurance and it does come in handy when such things happen. If you don’t have it please get it.


  • ElevenTruckmen December 12, 2010 (12:31 pm)

    Here is a link for every homeowner and renter. This story could have been very different if the kids would have been home. If you dont have Smoke detectors get them and if you cant afford them follow the link and we will come out and install them for you. This holiday season lets all be fire safety diligent and protect ouselves and our loved ones. Take a few moments of your day today and discuss these important issues with your family and see how fire safe you are. If you need us we’ll be there but my hope is that you never will. Here’s how:

    No more than 3 strands on a string of lights
    All smoke detectors work
    Shake up your Fire Extinguisher
    Water the tree everyday
    If it’s dropping needles it’s time to get rid of it.
    Keep a MINIMUM 3 feet clearence around your fireplace when in use even with a metal screen in place.
    NO unattended fires, candles or otherwise

    Early Detection
    Preplanned Escapes

    Have a safe safe safe Holiday Season

  • Joe December 12, 2010 (6:10 pm)

    A landlord/property manager is responsible for supplying WORKING smoke alarms. The tenant is responsible for maintaining them (batteries etc). The property owner’s insurance MAY cover damages to the structure, but if it does AND they determine that tenant negligence was involved, things could get even worse for Ronnie. This was a terrible tragedy for this family that couldn’t have happened at a worse time of year. PLEASE make sure your fires, candles etc are out before you go to bed and think ahead about your emergency exit plans, especially if you have children, elderly or disabled loved ones. Thank God everybody got out safely.

  • sassy December 13, 2010 (2:23 pm)

    So happy that you and sweet Louie made it out ok!
    If you could maybe add a list of specific items you need, and a drop off location that would be wonderful.

  • firegirl December 13, 2010 (7:36 pm)

    Thanks Sassy! We appreciate your kind words and wanting to help. Since we don’t have a home to put any new belongings into I guess for now we could use some items to help move stuff out. Here are a few things I can think of:
    Sturdy plastic totes with lids
    Heavy duty black garbage bags
    A couple extra pair of rubber gloves
    large push broom

    I’m happy with used stuff so if anyone has any of these items laying around please email me at Ronnip66@gmail.con

    Thanks to all of you for your support!!

    Ronni and family

  • firegirl December 13, 2010 (7:57 pm)

    HI again
    I just thought of a few other things. And I noticed that I messed up my email address and put con instead of com at the end.

    Here are a few other things that could also help:

    plastic sheeting
    bubble wrap
    couple of tarps
    rainboots – women’s size 10
    PURE vanilla extract for washing smoke damaged clothes
    Gallon size ziplock bags
    laundry detergent

    Thanks again!!

  • wandalee December 14, 2010 (6:46 pm)

    My friend – I am so so relieved you and your whole family including Louis are alright!! We love you, including people you don’t even know yet, and will help you recover from this. Your attitude is great,don’t forget the Source of your strength has a never-ending supply for you! love love love, and see you soon!

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