In case you heard the sirens overnight: Small Admiral District fire

In case you heard the sirens overnight, just after 3 am: What firefighters describe as a small fire at a house in the 2600 block of 49th SW (map) was put out quickly, but crews are still on the scene, cleaning up. They tell us the person home when it broke out got out OK; there’s some smoke damage and debris (like the pile you see in the foreground of our photo). They believe it was accidental.

12 Replies to "In case you heard the sirens overnight: Small Admiral District fire"

  • charlabob December 10, 2010 (6:37 am)

    Heard the sirens — they went on and on. Wondered what they were (they sounded very close). Then went back to sleep, knowing that I’d find out in the morning — on WSB — and here you are. You wrote this abut 15 minutes before I got up.

  • Robert December 10, 2010 (7:05 am)

    The sirens did seem to go on “for-ever”. I think 15 vehicles responded – I suppose they were spaced out in arriving so it just seemed like one long wailing of sirens.

    • WSB December 10, 2010 (7:15 am)

      Robert – that’s because it was the standard “fire in single-family residence” call, which requires a set (and large) number of units to respond for starters – in the “roll now, cancel later” mode – some of which even have to come from across the bridge (like AIR 9, the truck that replenishes air supplies for firefighters – if you are ever at a fire scene and hear something that sounds like a ringing bell, that’s what makes the sound). – TR

  • charlabob December 10, 2010 (7:38 am)

    Interesting and impressive backstory, WSB. And good to know.

  • Bestbets December 10, 2010 (9:41 am)

    This was one my street… the police came too of course, and were there when a suspected DUI driver, apparently distracted by all the activity, ran into an SUV. Crazy night, but glad my neighbor is okay.

  • Diane December 10, 2010 (12:05 pm)

    hmmm, guess my white noise machine is working well; I went to sleep 2:30am; heard nothing
    will there be any follow up, to make sure this person is ok; does he/she need anything?

  • Seadanes December 10, 2010 (1:58 pm)

    I live next door. Talked to her briefly this morning. She was shaken up and said she has a wicked sore throat but she is ok. She woke to the smell up smoke, grabbed her dog and climbed out the window. Neighbors are helping her sift through the piles in her yard that the fireman brought out. I haven’t heard yet how long it will be before they can occupy the house.

  • Sean December 10, 2010 (5:54 pm)

    A small house fire? That’s ALL? Jeeze from all the noise, I thought an entire block was going up or something… =)

    Happy no one was hurt though…

  • Firegirl December 11, 2010 (12:50 am)

    Actually they may have called it a SMALL house fire but that small house fire made this single Mom, two kids and a dog homeless for the holidays!! The fire was contained to the front portion of the main floor but the smoke and water damage are so extensive I can’t live there. I was really stupid and didn’t have renters insurance so this is going to be rough. Thank God my kids were at their Dad’s and I only had to worry about getting myself and my dog out. We sucked in a lot of smoke and my dog fell down a flight of stairs when I was trying to get him out but I think we’re both ok. I keep trying to tell myself that our lives are all that matter but it’s kinda hard when I’m digging through burned Christmas presents I can’t replace and not having a home to come home to.

    Please keep our family in your prayers!

    • WSB December 11, 2010 (1:11 am)

      Firegirl, I’m sorry to hear that. Glad you’re physically OK. My house burned when I was a kid, 40 years ago, but I remember it like yesterday, so I can somewhat imagine what you are going through. Is the Red Cross helping? Sometimes they are dispatched automatically to what are reported as “big” fires but in a case like this perhaps the impact to an entire family wasn’t clear till later … TR

  • Diane December 11, 2010 (6:44 pm)

    hi Firegirl; very sorry to hear what happened and so glad you are ok, but I just read detailed account of how you escaped fire, what all you lost, and some of what you need, at westseattleherald
    aside from your great loss, it must be even more frustrating to have this designated “small fire”, and very little info about what really happened to you; perhaps a post request for help and more details on westseattleblog forum?
    I will do that for you, if you like; I can only imagine that you are still very much in shock
    please let us know what else you need

    • WSB December 11, 2010 (6:58 pm)

      We interviewed her this afternoon as well. Story will be up in a bit.

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