West Seattle Halloween: Your pumpkin creations, night 2

And the pumpkins keep rolling in … Last night we published some of the pumpkin photos shared by WSB’ers (see them here), plus one in a pre-Halloween update earlier today, and now, tonight’s official showcase: The top trio is from Sara, Lisa and Terra; these next three were shared by Shelley:

Anthony and Kelly Perez shared the next pumpkin pair:

And Lisa L sent this photo taken after a carving party last weekend:

We’ll be showing more between now and Halloween – so keep ’em coming! Meanwhile, in case you missed it earlier – the Southwest Precinct is interested in showing off West Seattle kids’ pumpkins – so if you’ve got a jack-o-lantern to share there, check out the info here (last part of the story).

2 Replies to "West Seattle Halloween: Your pumpkin creations, night 2"

  • rockergirl5678 October 26, 2010 (7:24 am)

    I would love any pumpkin seeds anyone may have – love to roast them. Let me know where to pickup at rockergirl5678@yahoo.com – thanks! Beautiful creative pumpkins by they way!

  • blueemerald October 26, 2010 (7:42 am)

    Thanks for posting these. Fun to see the great photos and creativity!

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