West Seattle Halloween: Event updates; precinct pumpkins

October 25, 2010 1:46 pm
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HALLOWEEN EVENTS: We’ve added a few more to the WSB West Seattle Halloween page (let us know if there’s something you’re still not seeing there), and there’s also an update for the Admiral Treats and Treasures map for this Friday’s trick-or-treating – get the latest version here (it’s on the page, too); plus, Skylark Club and Café (WSB sponsor) has updated the lineup for its always-huge Come As You Aren’t event this Saturday night. And there’s pumpkin news:

PUMPKINS ON PARADE: We’ve already received a passle of pumpkin photos since putting out the call last night – that’s one of them, courtesy of Barry (get it? Pumpkin Pi?) – keep ’em coming! Meantime, Seattle Police precincts including Southwest Precinct will be showing off some pumpkins that’ll be carved at a special police-led in the East Precinct, and we’re told the precincts will all have candy, too, for kids who stop by Tuesday night and beyond. (We’re checking on exact hours.) 3:48 PM UPDATE: Here’s the SW Precinct plan, shared by Lt. Ron Rasmussen:

At the Southwest Precinct, we have been working to obtain artwork from the Schools in West Seattle to display in the windows at our precinct. We will also gladly display any carved or decorated pumpkins that are brought to us at the Precinct by the public and especially kids in the community who want to share their creativity and artistic talent with us and the rest of West Seattle. We generally have a desk officer present from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Monday through Friday to accept any pumpkin donations.

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