Got a West Seattle jack-o-lantern? Share your pic!

October 24, 2010 6:13 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

After noticing so many people out buying pumpkins today, we put out the call via Facebook this afternoon: It’s been fun to spotlight West Seattle jack-o-lantern pix in recent years, so send us yours! And we’ve received several already. Here are three. Top, Stephanie shares “Pac-Kin”; next, Sarah, Dan, and Wrigley sent their trio of “freshly carved West Seattle pumpkins”:

Via Facebook, Joleen shared a photo from her visit (with a friend she says is also from WS) to last week’s Keene, New Hampshire, pumpkin festival – the bottom two jack o’lanterns are theirs:

Also from the after-dark files, David Rosen from SlickPix Photography shares the one he made for his Halloween party:

Counting Halloween, we have seven nights ahead for pumpkin-showcasing – share yours any of these ways!

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