Photos: That spectacular moonrise, seen from West Seattle

Thanks to those who answered the call for photos of the full-moon-rise that brought photographers to West Seattle viewpoints in droves last night, looking for a shot like … that one there! Thanks, Greg! (He’s also wondering if anyone can identify the specific peak in front of the moon in his image.) Also just in, Derek’s view from a little while later:

ADDED 11:11 AM: Two shots from Alki photographer extraordinaire David Hutchinson. For the technically minded, he includes this note:

The full moon photo is actually a combination of two taken on a tripod. The first was at a shutter speed of 1 second to expose for the downtown skyline and the second taken immediately afterwards at 1/60 of a second to expose for the full moon. At 1 second the moon shows as a white featureless disk and at 1/60th second the downtown lights are hardly visible. Our eyes do a great job of compensating for this difference in brightness.

David photographed from the Seacrest area, and went back for this morning’s sunrise:

ADDED 3:24 PM: Thanks to Sean for this closeup of just the full moon:

Thanks again! If any more come in, we’ll add them to this item.

12 Replies to "Photos: That spectacular moonrise, seen from West Seattle"

  • jay December 3, 2009 (10:26 am)

    Wow! I can’t believe I missed that last night! Thanks for posting!

  • thankyouwestseattle December 3, 2009 (11:23 am)

    While waiting in the line outside the West Seattle Food Bank this morning around 8:35-8:40, a full hour after sunrise, the moon was still fairly clearly visible, to the west, over the U-Haul building!

  • Lori December 3, 2009 (11:27 am)

    Absolutely beautiful! Thank you to all the photographers (& WSB!) for sharing.

  • Aim December 3, 2009 (12:21 pm)

    Thanks all – those pics are great!

    The sunrise this morning was particularly gorgeous. I watched it from my office window – all pink and orange behind Rainier and reflecting off the north face of the mountain. Simply breathtaking.

    These cold, clear days are perfect for sun and moon watching.

  • LS December 3, 2009 (2:13 pm)

    I’ve looked all over Seattle for pictures like this to purchase as a gift. Will prints of these be available for sale anywhere?

    They’re beautiful!!!

  • Jasperblu December 3, 2009 (3:10 pm)

    Beautiful!! I soooooo enjoyed watching the moon rise last night, but wasn’t able to get back home for my camera in time. Glad SOMEONE captured it.

  • Mike Lindblom December 3, 2009 (4:18 pm)

    The morning moonset Wednesday over Kitsap Peninsula was spectacular, did anyone shoot that?

  • WSB December 3, 2009 (4:21 pm)

    Caught a glimpse of that — brilliant red-orange, if I recall, but our view was mostly blocked. I agree, would love to see a pic of that too – TR

  • Olympia December 3, 2009 (4:24 pm)

    I’m pretty sure the double peaks in the top-most photo (gorgeous, by the way) are called “The Brothers.”

  • WSB December 3, 2009 (4:28 pm)

    “The Brothers” that we know of are in the Olympics – do the Cascades have “The Brothers” too? Thanks! – TR (there’s a great photo map of the Olympics which we’ve had up for years, gotta find one of the Cascades – as visible from Seattle – someday too)

  • Dan\'a December 4, 2009 (12:41 pm)

    Such beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing them! Will the moon be the same tonight? I would love to see it!

  • Derek December 4, 2009 (2:38 pm)

    If anyone would like a copy of my photo, send me an email at


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