Chainsaw Christmas creation brings “reindeer” to West Seattle

Sure, you can buy a light-encrusted “reindeer” at the store and plop it in your yard. But how about carving and assembling your own reindeer? That’s what Dave did in Westwood, and proud girlfriend Oleana shares these photos — in progress, above, and here’s the final result:

Oleana explains:

We live in West Seattle and this is our 2nd x-mas here. This year my boyfriend really got into the decorations as in chainsaw, log, actual size reindeer with a 6 ft wreath hung from the trees in our yard. I also just for fun decorated with pink flamingos and a golden egg. It is a holiday scene—in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. Throughout the day I see dog walkers pointing and even coming in the yard to check out the reindeer.

She says he’s made a couple more, too. You can see them at 7926 30th SW (here’s a map).

16 Replies to "Chainsaw Christmas creation brings "reindeer" to West Seattle"

  • sophista-tiki December 11, 2009 (1:59 pm)

    Neato! Ive been looking for someone local to chainsaw carve some tree stumps in my yard. Would Dave be interrested in this type of project?

  • Amanda December 11, 2009 (2:13 pm)

    I love it! And I love those trees in your yard too, you are on my walking route ;)

  • kittylove December 11, 2009 (2:22 pm)

    i think it looks fantastic!

    unfortunately, another thought i had was that i hope it is tied down somehow….would hate for someone to take it like they did with the big inflatable decorations in years past.

  • lina December 11, 2009 (2:58 pm)

    that is pretty awesome, i will have to come and check it out!

  • WSN Helen December 11, 2009 (3:00 pm)

    thumbs up you guys, that is really cool.

  • cakeitseasy December 11, 2009 (3:17 pm)

    And thumbs up to wearing proper safety gear while using the chainsaw ;)

  • JumboJim December 11, 2009 (3:31 pm)

    Very cool. I second the congrats on the safety gear too although standing on a narrow wall while using a chainsaw seems like a good way to end up as a Darwin Award contender.. ;-)

  • Catherine December 11, 2009 (3:50 pm)

    Wow, that’s so clever! I’m impressed.

  • Lori December 11, 2009 (4:08 pm)

    That is just awesome! Wish I was that creative. Good job and Merry Christmas!

  • seven December 11, 2009 (4:14 pm)


  • Gretchen December 11, 2009 (5:38 pm)

    my daughter and I just saw this the other day and had to turn back to drive by again for a better view. Thanks for some fun, unique holiday art.

  • rockergirl December 11, 2009 (7:07 pm)

    Cool stuff – did they mention they are selling them as well as other items? I saw for sale signs when I drove by today in case anyone is interested.

    • WSB December 11, 2009 (8:25 pm)

      No, they didn’t. Seems like a good sideline this time of year, though! – TR

  • Dave Lacey December 11, 2009 (9:25 pm)

    Hey Folks! Thanks for all the positive feedback! Please feel free to say hi if we are around. We moved in last year and walk around our neighborhood alot , appreciating our local holiday decor, I am happy to contribute. They were certainly fun to make and would , if somebody really wanted one, make a custom “logdeer” for you. Drop a note or contact at . “Happy Holidays”

    Also , yes, caution was a big part of the process on a wall, thanks for pointing out the safety gear
    Cool, calm ,and clear . . .

  • AnnaLee December 13, 2009 (8:49 am)

    Dave, I am SO PROUD of you!!! I love your creations!!! (Dave is my cousin!) If I could afford it, I’d fly you down here to Arkansas to liven up our yard!
    Miss you tons and again, am proud of you!
    Love ya!!!

  • John Lacey December 13, 2009 (10:09 pm)

    Dave, you are sure getting noticed for your creativity reindeer looks great-quite a step up from the cork and toothpick ones you and Oleana made last year. I’m proud of all your efforts

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