Happening now: Sustainable West Seattle Festival “preview”

April 26, 2009 1:13 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle Farmers' Market | West Seattle festivals

That’s Chas Redmond, who’s with Stu Hennessey from Alki Bike and Board at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market right now, handing out programs and signing up volunteers for the Sustainable West Seattle Festival, which happens one week from today, right across SW Alaska from the market. Chas also showed off small-scale versions of maps that will be at the Feet First/West Seattle Trails Alliance booth at the festival, with sharpies and sticky dots you can use to “visually vote” for the kind of transit you would like to see, and how you think transportation dollars should be spent:

The Farmers’ Market continues till 2 pm; Chas and Stu are along the alley, on the east side. If you don’t catch up with them, the schedule and map for the festival can be seen online here (including our spot in the media zone near the main stage, where the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day maps will debut at our table); the festival runs 10 am-3 pm next Sunday (5/3).

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