month : 02/2009 315 results

Update: Butch the Shiba Inu is returned to his family

Just got word from Mary and Ray Eldridge that Butch the dog, who they believe was stolen from outside the High Point Library, is back home safe – after turning up at a veterinarian’s office in Bothell. They say they’re getting the story secondhand so not sure how much to believe, but in short, Butch reportedly was taken to Beacon Hill after being stolen, rescued from the alleged thieves by a security guard who in turn took him to a public facility where a worker cared for him and got him checked out at the Bothell vet – who scanned him and found the microchip with ownership information. They add, “We are lucky. And we’ve learned a hard lesson. Thank you to everyone who was busy keeping an eye open for Butch! It’s good to know that the bad guys aren’t the only ones at work out there.”

Update: Memorial at scene of Junction shooting; victim ID’d

Flowers and other tributes have been placed at the scene of last night’s deadly shooting in The Junction (original report here, morning update here). No word of arrests yet, nor formal ID from the Medical Examiner’s office (the 26-year-old victim’s sister sent WSB e-mail early this morning but we have withheld his name pending official confirmation of the ID), but we are about to make another round of calls to check. We will have photos of the tributes shortly. Many people who knew the victim have already written tributes in the comments on our morning update, starting here. 3:37 PM UPDATE: Adding photos. The memorial was set up by three childhood friends of Steve; the table was provided by Talarico’s. To quote one of them, honest and raw: “This is so f—d up.” They are working on memorial plans, and they invite anyone who knew Steve to come down and write, or leave, a tribute. 3:49 PM UPDATE: The victim’s full name is now public: Steven Ray Bushaw, per the King County Medical Examiner’s office, cause of death reiterated as “multiple gunshot wounds.”

4:28 PM UPDATE: Just called police to ask if there’s ANYTHING new we can report. Officer Mark Jamieson in the media unit says, in a word, no. The last, and only, official description of the suspects is, “two black males in a white sedan” – they can’t even confirm the potential dreadlock-hairstyle detail that we picked up off the scanner last night (and of course, what’s heard on the scanner often changes in cases big and small as police receive conflicting information and have to sort through it). If you have ANY information that might help the investigation, call 911.

ADDED 4:42 PM: In comments, there’s a tribute mentioning that Steve Bushaw was a talented soccer player. While looking for online info, we found this link to a Times story from 11 years ago, about his role in a huge upset win for the West Seattle High School soccer team.

ADDED EARLY TUESDAY: We have e-mailed the family a request for a photo of Steve. Meantime, WSB’er Alice discovered he’s in her 1999 WSHS yearbook, and sent us the photo you see at left.

West Seattle High School event celebrates health centers, and Sandy

February 2, 2009 3:07 pm
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That’s Sandy Polzin, the West Seattle High School nurse. She’s so busy, she didn’t break away to join in an event down the hall at the library during which she was mentioned with high praise more than a few times: A celebration of school-based health centers, as the program marks its 20th anniversary. She got props from event participants including student/athlete Caleb Fisher, who talked about what the WSHS center means to him (and also paid tribute to the school counselor):

Other speakers included Mayor Nickels, Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson, and WSHS principal Bruce Bivins, who’s the first person you see in this quick pan of the speakers posing for cameras afterward:

The program is mostly funded by the Families and Education Levy, first passed by voters in 1990, then renewed in 1997 and 2004. It pays most of the cost of the health centers in 14 Seattle middle and high schools, including, in West Seattle, Madison and Denny Middle Schools as well as WSHS and Chief Sealth.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Thieves target car racks

If you have a Yakima-brand rack on your car, beware – ahead, two theft reports in 2 nights:Read More

West Seattle’s winning Lotto ticket: Signs up, no claim yet

Washington State Lottery staffers visited the Admiral 7-11 this morning to put up those signs celebrating the $6.8 million jackpot-winning Lotto ticket sold there Saturday night (original WSB coverage here). At last check, though, the winner(s) hadn’t come forward to claim their prize; as we mentioned in yesterday’s story, they’re advised to make an appointment with the nearest lottery office (all branches listed here; Federal Way is closest to West Seattle) rather than just showing up. (The 7-11, by the way, gets a $68,000 check — 1% of the jackpot amount — for selling the winning ticket.)

Update: King County Executive Ron Sims leaving for D.C. job

King County Executive Ron Sims had a no-subject-specified media briefing scheduled for this morning – and multiple sources report he is taking a new job with the Obama Administration. We’re not at the briefing since we’re en route to a mayoral event at West Seattle High School but will update when word comes from the executive himself. 10:34 AM UPDATE: It’s confirmed. The event we’re at includes Mayor Nickels and former mayor Norm Rice, so we should hear what they have to say about it. Read Sims’ statement at the county website. 11:27 AM UPDATE: Just talked to Mayor Nickels after the news conference. He says Sims called him with the news this morning. Will add our clip with mayor’s comment when we’re back at HQ. Rice, by the way, didn’t speak at this event after all, so no comment from him. 11:35 AM UPDATE: Just received this statement from West Seattle-residing King County Council Chair Dow Constantine:

“I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to King County Executive Ron Sims on his appointment as deputy secretary for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. I commend him for taking on this new challenge and stepping forward to serve our citizens as a federal official.

“I will sit down immediately with my colleagues to create a non-partisan process to choose an interim replacement to serve the remainder of Executive Sims’ term.

“An ideal appointee would possess the necessary policy experience, political skills, and management ability to help guide King County through the next several months. We need an appointed executive who can devote his or her full attention and talents to the unprecedented financial challenges facing King County.

“It is the voters of King County—not this Council—who this November will select an Executive to serve them for the next four years.”

We’ve also asked for a comment on whether he’s considering running for the job. ADDED 12:53 PM: On video, the comment we got from Mayor Nickels while he was visiting West Seattle High School this morning for an event celebrating student health centers (separate report to come):

Inspired by P-I online journalist Monica Guzman, here’s the direct link to congratulation messages being sent to Sims via Twitter.

Update: Junction shooting victim dies, no arrests yet

(Sunday night photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
Though his wounds were originally described as “not life-threatening,” Seattle Police now say the man shot in The Junction late last night died overnight. The update a short time ago from Officer Renee Witt also includes a few other changes to what police have found out since our original coverage: They say he’s 26 years old and was “walking across the street” when two people “both opened fire, striking the victim twice.” (We have since clarified with Officer Witt — as originally reported, it’s still believed he was in some kind of argument with those two people when he was shot; the victim is reported to have said that himself after running into Talarico’s and collapsing.) The two suspects are still believed to have gotten away by car, described only as a “white sedan,” and Officer Witt says investigators have no other information on the suspects they’re seeking. 7:37 AM UPDATE: Checking e-mail from the past few hours, we found this note:

The man shot at Talarico’s was my brother, Steven. He was 26 and unfortunately, he did not make it. He passed away shortly after arriving to Harborview. The shot to his chest went through the main artery from his heart. He was an amazing man and I will miss him! If any of your readers know anything about what happened please have them call the police. I just can’t believe the people who did this are out there running around…

The note is from Tanya, whose surname also is on the e-mail, but we won’t add that until we can confirm with the Medical Examiner that the man’s next-of-kin have been officially notified (we just called and they currently don’t expect to release the official ID till this afternoon). This is the first homicide in West Seattle since 49-year-old Tracey Creamer was killed last April in Highland Park by her husband, who then killed himself; that was the only 2008 WS killing, following three in 2007. 8:39 AM UPDATE: The latest information from police is also now summarized on SPDBlotter. 11:37 AM UPDATE: New photo from WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli – one of the bullet holes in the Talarico’s facade:

Update: Man shot in The Junction; shots pierce Talarico’s wall

ORIGINAL 11:53 PM REPORT, which was headlined “Assault with weapons call …”: Happening right now in the 4700 block of California SW, and police have just called for backups for “crowd control.” 25 year old man shot at least twice. More to come.

11:57 PM UPDATE: Here’s what else we know; WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli is on the scene and we are monitoring the scanner at HQ. Apparently the victim ran into Talarico’s after being shot. Police are looking for a white Lexus with a “black male and Hispanic male,” at least one armed with a “revolver.” Their “be on the lookout” broadcast says it was last seen heading “southbound” from the area. Christopher says California is blocked off in that block of The Junction, and that it’s a “madhouse” down there right now. According to the scanner, the victim is alert/conscious, and has at least two gunshot wounds – described by medics as in “the right axillary area” and in one arm.

12:16 AM UPDATE: Added photo from Christopher, who also says police have found “shell casings” – which is what they were looking for in the street, as shown above (and in this next photo, added later).

12:23 AM UPDATE: Yet more information from Christopher on the scene – the victim and suspect apparently were fighting outside Talarico’s before the victim was shot. At least two bullet shells were found on the ground, and Talarico’s exterior was believed to have been hit by at least one of the shots. The victim’s wounds are NOT believed to be life-threatening. Police now are not sure the white car in which the suspect got away was a Lexus as first reported – it might be something similar, like a Camry.

12:34 AM UPDATE: An official police update via phone from Officer Renee Witt in the Seattle Police media unit – she says THREE suspects are being sought (no further description of them or their vehicle, though) and also confirms that gunshots pierced Talarico’s front wall, adding that bullets reportedly lodged “in a couple of barstools.” No one hit/hurt other than the man shot outside, however.

12:42 AM UPDATE: Christopher reports that police believe the gun was 9mm. In the comment section, we have heard from Erin, who says she was inside Talarico’s when this happened, and since she is a nurse, tried to help the victim as best she could till help arrived. She says the wounds were in the armpit (axilla) and leg. Meantime, in an unrelated (but nearby) incident, police report via radio that they have just taken one person into custody in connection with an assault at Poggie Tavern (again, stressing it’s NOT related to the shooting).

12:56 AM UPDATE: More from Christopher, who was the first newsperson on the scene and is sending additional photos shortly: He saw 4 bullet casings in the middle of California and confirms that police found multiple bullet holes in the front facade of Talarico’s. Also, he reports, the person who shot the victim “ran through the pedestrian tunnel and got into a car there. Eyewitnesses said the victim was wearing a white shirt but that they saw no blood at all. Victim was screaming, ‘They shot me. I’m shot’.”

1:48 AM UPDATE: Still no word of arrests, nor an update on the victim’s condition – we’ll be checking again with police in a few hours. According to our archives, this is the first West Seattle shooting incident in more than four months in which someone has been hit/hurt (here’s the last one we reported). One interesting side note from Christopher at the scene: Police marked the bullet casings found in the street by using new electronic flares, which you can see in this photo:

From the scanner: Dispatcher was asked for description of the suspects and replied “black males with dreadlocks,” so that’s a possible update from info available earlier.

7:32 AM UPDATE: We have posted a separate followup – police have just announced that the victim did not survive.

Morgan Community Association updates: MJ festival, park

February 1, 2009 11:51 pm
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(progress at Morgan Junction park site, photographed January 2009)
Another headline from this past week’s Morgan Community Association meeting: Looks like June 13th will be the date for the next Morgan Community Festival; MoCA skipped last year but is going full steam ahead with this year, and expects to have some of the area’s opening-this-year businesses on board. Music, food, and fun are planned, with events happening in and around the new park and neighboring Beveridge Place Pub. More details in the months ahead. Also from the meeting — an update about the park too, and the push to have it named as a tribute – read on:Read More

Update on West Seattle help for North Sound puppy-mill rescuees

The Everett Animal Shelter is one of the places that’s taking care of some of the hundreds of dogs rescued from suspected “puppy mill” operations in the North Sound, and in addition to donations collected in West Seattle and elsewhere, the rescuees there are getting hands-on care from local volunteers. At right, groomer Jennifer from The Wash Dog in Morgan Junction posed with a shelter worker during a visit a few days ago. Wash Dog owner Bernadette Cassidy says, “For legal and ‘property rights’ reasons, we can’t share photos of the dogs themselves but there were heart-tugging stories to be seen. Thank goodness they are out of their previous situation. We had the opportunity to fill two shifts on their volunteer schedule. Four Pekinese with skin problems got shaved and bathed, a Lab and a Doberman who had shared a crate in which neither one could stand upright got full baths – along with nail trims and ear hygiene.” They also took along items from a donation box at Pet Elements in Morgan Junction, but Bernadette adds, “Although these supplies are very much appreciated, what they need most are cash donations to pay for the mounting Veterinary bills. In order to help out that, the Wash Dog will be donating half of all Self-Serve proceeds on Feb 14th, Valentine’s Day, to the Everett Animal Shelter.” Meantime, West Seattle-based Furry Faces Foundation is also continuing to work with WS businesses to collect donated items and was planning another trip this weekend; Teri Ensley from F3 tells us the folks from Muttley Crew Cuts are planning to head north tomorrow for dog bathing and grooming, and bringing along another load of donated items. You can still help out by donating (same info Teri provided earlier this week):

1. Lots and lots of toys for small to sm/med sized dogs
2. Lots of wee wee pads/puppy training pads
3. Bedding—beds, blankets, towels, etc.

Here are the businesses where you can drop off items:

Admiral District:
Mud Bay; 2611 Calif. Ave SW (dog food & supplies only)
Muttley Crew Cuts Co; 3707 Calif. Ave SW

Alaska Junction:
Hotwire Online Coffeehouse; 4410 Calif. Ave SW (dog food & supplies only)
Petco: 4732 Calif. Ave SW

Alki: All the Best Pet Care; 2820 Alki Ave SW

Morgan Junction:
Pet Elements; 6701 Calif. Ave SW
The Wash Dog; 6400 Calif. Ave SW
Stella Ruffington’s, 7003 California SW

Westwood Village: Pet Pros; 9033 25th Ave SW

If you’d like to inquire about offering some other kind of help, you can reach Teri at – thanks!

Revised report: Not a quake, a “false reading”

REVISED AT 10:26 PM: The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network has taken the 9 pm Kitsap County earthquake reading off its map. “False reading,” according to this Twitter update from NWCN, which is where we heard first word of the alleged quake (and then checked it out on the PNSN site before posting anything here). Have never seen a report “canceled” like that but we’ll just go back to not reporting quakes until our inbox is full of “we felt it” reports … (Eric B explains further in this comment.)

From the WSB “More” page: 2 CL sightings

From the WSB More page (which automatically posts the latest West Seattle mentions from citywide/regional media, followed by the latest West Seattle mentions on CL): First, a Leschi rental ad headlined ESCAPE WEST SEATTLE and raising the spectre of looming traffic doom – might be misplaced given that the tunnel proposal could keep The Viaduct open during construction. Second, a reported dog attack in Lincoln Park (thanks to Diane for the tip) – we’ve sent a note with a followup question.

West Seattle winning: Admiral 7-11 sells $6.8 million Lotto ticket

Thanks to three tipsters who heard this mentioned on TV last night and this morning – there was nothing online about it so we couldn’t mention it till we got it confirmed, but now we have. Washington State Lottery communications director Jacque Coe confirms that the one $6.8 million winning ticket from last night’s Lotto game was sold at the Admiral 7-11. She says the store was notified last night (and was checked with again this morning), and folks there are “very excited,” but the winner hasn’t officially come forward yet. If you happen to be the winner – or if you know the winner – here’s advice from Coe: SIGN THE TICKET. KEEP IT AWAY FROM HEAT SOURCES. AND — Call the nearest Lottery office tomorrow to make an appointment to claim your prize; she says you can’t just show up unannounced – they need to give you some information first to make sure everything will go smoothly when you get there. The office nearest West Seattle is in Federal Way; the number to Olympia headquarters is here. (Of course, we’d love to hear from The Big Winner too, although you’d have to show us the ticket – a former employer got hoaxed big-time by someone telling a [believable but not verified] tall tale.) Winning numbers, by the way: 5, 15, 24, 25, 35, 46.

West Seattle food news: Four notes

ZEEKS PROGRESS: Five months after we first reported that Zeeks Pizza is taking over the former Corner Inn space in Morgan Junction, the company’s applied for its liquor license (beer/wine). Zeeks hopes to open this spring.

SPEAKING OF LICENSES: Also in the new-application file, the new owners of Slices on Alki have applied to take over its existing beer/wine license; the team includes Chris Frothingham, who is executive chef at 2100 Bistro at the waterfront Marriott.

IN CASE YOU HADN’T HEARD THIS: It was first mentioned in the WSB Forums weeks ago, but we haven’t mentioned it here; some Web-wandering early today inspired us to make a belated mention – Talarico’s in The Junction dropped its no-minors policy, and now serves pizza (etc.) to all ages, up till 8:30 pm.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, AND NOT PIZZA: Ama Ama Oyster Bar and Grill (WSB sponsor) is selling tickets starting today for Oyster Madness on February 28th – all the oysters you can eat plus beer/wine/sake tasting. More details here along with info on how to buy tickets.

Today: Farmers’ Market; Super Bowl parties; WSCC open house

February 1, 2009 7:02 am
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WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am till 2 pm today. Here’s the latest Ripe and Ready fresh list; new highlights include sea-salt caramels and sausage!

SUPER BOWL PARTIES: Four are in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup for today (here’s a direct link) – Puerto Vallarta, Redline, Rocksport, and Shadowland.

WEST SEATTLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH OPEN HOUSE: One year after groundbreaking (WSB coverage here), the Junction church is showing off its new activity center today – you’re invited to an open house 2-4 pm. It’s not just a facility for church uses – it’s available for community events too (like the Winter Movies on the Wall series next month), so they’re hoping folks will stop by to envision the possibilities. South of the church on 42nd south of Genesee (map).

New Washington State Ferries plan drops Fauntleroy expansion

As we reported a few hours ago, Washington State Ferries has gone public with the revised version of its Draft Long-Range Plan (see it here). It includes significant changes to the proposals for the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run – most notably, the proposal to expand the Fauntleroy dock is out. Here’s the excerpt:

WSF concurs that the draft Scenario A did not adequately address the growth and operational issues associated with the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route. The revised proposal adds a fourth, small vessel to the route, operating as a shuttle between Vashon and Southworth. This allows the other three vessels on the route to operate in direct service between Fauntleroy and Vashon and between Fauntleroy and Southworth, better utilizing the capacity on those vessels and increasing overall efficiency on the route. It also increases capacity for Southworth, which is one of the areas slated
for high growth.

Based on comments heard at the Fauntleroy public hearing and comments received by the City of Seattle, the concept of expanding the Fauntleroy dock (as proposed in the draft Scenario A) is not viewed as feasible. As a result, the project has been removed from the Revised Draft Plan, and WSF will investigate all possible roadway and right-of-way options, if expanded vehicle holding is needed.

The other major proposal for the Fauntleroy dock, adding an overhead loading system for walk-on passengers, is still in the plan. Meantime, under Scenario A, here are more specifics on what size ferries would serve the broken-up “Triangle” route:

• Two 124-car vessels, operating in direct service between Fauntleroy and Vashon
• The two 87-car Evergreen Class vessels would be retired in 2015 and 2017 and replaced on the route with 124-car vessels

• One 124-car vessel, operating in direct service between Fauntleroy and Southworth

• A small vessel, operating between Vashon and Southworth to allow for direct service on Fauntleroy-Vashon and Fauntleroy-Southworth and increase the overall capacity on both of these routes.

The proposal says that “small vessel” would be the Hiyu, which carries 34 cars, until it’s potentially replaced “in 2027 with a used 40-50 car vessel at a cost of $12 million” (2008 dollars). Next steps: As detailed in our earlier report, both Transportation Committees in the Legislature have work sessions scheduled in the coming week to review the revised WSF plan. The ferry system says it’s also continuing to collect and forward comments at Meantime, the plan’s status also will be on the agenda at the regular monthly FCA meeting at 7 pm February 10th and an FCA-sponsored community gathering at 7 pm February 18th.