month : 09/2007 210 results

From the inbox: Any other ex-Atlantans?

Received in e-mail today from new WSB reader Maryanne:

Hi! I am new to Seattle and particularly West Seattle. Is anyone out there from Atlanta? I am trying to compare my cool little neighborhood here to one out there… I live in “Cabbagetown” I know it’s strange but it is the best little neighborhood ever! Little “shotgun” houses, everyone has a dog, a porch where we all say hello while walking by, a very unique and not uptight neighborhood. Where is my cabbagetown out there?

Shut up and play yer guitar

Last week’s post on West Seattle’s most famous daddy sparked a lot of comments. He’s back in the news tonight as CNN is reporting you’ll be able to get his latest album with your next latte starting next week.

Starbucks Corp. plans to give away 50 million free digital songs to customers in all of its domestic coffee houses to promote a new wireless iTunes music service that’s about to debut in select markets. From Oct. 2 to Nov. 7, baristas in the company’s more than 10,000 U.S. stores will hand out about 1.5 million “Song of the Day” cards each day. The cards can be redeemed at Apple Inc.’s (Charts, Fortune 500) online iTunes Store.

Also on Oct. 2, Starbucks will start selling iTunes digital release cards that allow a full album of music and bonus material to be downloaded online. KT Tunstall’s “Drastic Fantastic” and the soundtrack to the film “Into the Wild” with new music from Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder will be the first two featured albums, retailing for $14.99 and $11.99, respectively.

Update: Seal untangled, doing OK

Just got an update from Brenda Peterson of the Seal Sitters.

Happy ending for the seal pup on Beach Drive who was tangled up with his back flipper. West Seattle’s own Lien Animal Clinic responded by calling a direct line to Animal Control dispatch who quickly arrived on the scene.

Expertly Animal Control was able to disentangle the pup, only 4 weeks old, from what turned out to be an unraveled cassette tape that had twisted around his back flipper. This could have eventually caused great harm as the plastic might have cut off circulation to that flipper leading to a slow death.

But thanks to the quick response of Lien Animal Clinic and Animal Control, we now have a very healthy, plump pup who can return to his mother without any harm from humans. Thanks to all who helped, including the seal sitters on the scene standing guard.

Alert from the Seal Sitters

Just in. If anyone out there can help - the Seal Sitters, and this pup, need help NOW:

We have a pup on the beach at 64th and Beach Dr., S.W. whose back
flipper is tangled in fishing wire.  Otherwise the pup seems healthy and plump.
His mother is just offshore, so he is viable and under her care. We need a
volunteer who has some kind of wildlife rehab training who can come out
and using gloves try to disentangle the pup from the fishing wire. Because
it is on his back flipper, it will not be affecting his immediate ability to
fish and forage, but over time it may limit his foraging ability. If anyone
can help out, we seal sitters would be very grateful. Please come to the
beach at 64th and Beach Dr., S.W. Bring wire cutters, padded gloves and be
very careful as there are diseases that go between seals and people.

Looking for love – and literacy

September 24, 2007 5:08 pm
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Two flyers up on the window at Garlic Jim’s Pizza in The Junction suggest that Wednesday will be a night to remember at GJ’s: Part of Wednesday’s proceeds will go toward a literacy campaign, as part of the Dish Up Literacy promotion involving restaurants around the area. (Also participating in WS on Wednesday, according to the Dish Up Literacy website: Angelina’s Trattoria and Talarico’s.) The other flyer at GJ’s announced that also on Wednesday, there’s an Under 40 Speed Date event there, 7-9 pm. Checking the website for that event’s organizer, The Professional Dater, we discovered an Over 40 Speed Date event in WS tonight — Alki Starbucks, 7-9 pm. So for anyone out there in WSB-land who’s looking for love — you’ve got the chance to find it fast this week, whatever your age.

Good riddance

Relief for Delridge residents — the burned-out car that had been sitting in front of a house across from Delridge’s northernmost Shell station is gone.


We took that photo over the weekend after a reader e-mailed us about the car; Mike Dady from the North Delridge Neighborhood Council told us action was under way to get it out of there, and that the person whose home it happened in front of, a longtime resident, was chagrined to have had this sort of thing happen outside his home. Mike reported it to SPD on Saturday after their Adopt-A-Street neighborhood cleanup (just too big to have picked this up and stuffed it in one of those yellow bags, unfortunately) and reminds us all that there’s an online form for reporting abandoned vehicles, especially helpful now that city codes allow for faster removal of junk vehicles (more here). Mike says Community Police Team Officer Brian Ballew (honored by the Seattle Neighborhood Group last week with a Community Builder Award — congrats) had this on his to-do list; looks like things moved fast. By the way, this gives us an excuse to mention one loose end from last week’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting — what to do about neighborhood nuisances. SNGi has tons of resources, including this “Take Action” brochure. (Here are other ways they can help you learn what you’re empowered to do to make your neighborhood better.)

3809 Admiral fire update

While we were out getting “day after” pix of the fire scene @ 3809 Admiral, eagle-eyed WSB readers noted that the P-I is reporting Seattle Fire investigators blame the fire on “smoking materials.” 1st pic is the exterior damage, 2nd pic is the pile of burned-out stuff in the driveway. For those who have been through house fires, provided everyone got out OK (as was the case here), that’s one of the worst things afterward, regardless of who or what’s to blame — that charred mass that was your stuff, sitting for hours, days, maybe weeks, out in the driveway or the front yard.


Update from La Rustica family member

September 24, 2007 9:42 am
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In case you don’t see this new comment below our original post on last Friday’s La Rustica fire, Aimee confirms the October 2nd date heard on their phone recording over the weekend, and provides more information about what happened:

Hi all, I’m Giulio’s daughter. The damage was not severe and they should be up and running by the 2nd of October or before. It was a small kitchen fire but it did destroy one dining room wall. I originally painted that wall so it was hard to see but we’ll have the same look and great food up and running in no time. Thanks all for your concern and support. We love our West Seattle home and neighbors. Salute!

Latest from the Seal Sitters

First, sad news: Seal Sitters organizer Brenda Peterson tells WSB they buried their second pup yesterday, “a newborn, who was very thin, probably only about 4 weeks old.” sealfile.jpgOverall, Brenda says, this has been a “very intense pup season” (photo @ left is from earlier in the season) and they appreciate all the new volunteers who are helping out, including some who came forward after our recent video-enhanced update; if you are interested in volunteering, e-mail WSB your name and phone number, and we will forward it to Brenda (it’s easier for them to make phone calls while keeping watch on the beach). She says there are a few other things the Seal Sitters need:

“We are looking for sponsorship or some Alki Beach businesses to help us out with T-shirts, public education, and training. We would also like to see some very large signs along the beach as there are in Oregon and CA beaches telling the public to stay 100 yards away from the pups as recommended by federal law and the Marine Mammal Protection Act.”

Anybody ready to step up on that count? These little guys and their human protectors need all the help they can get.

On the move: This week’s transportation toplines

smbus.jpgBUS ROUTES: First and foremost, a reminder that changes kicked in this past weekend on the downtown section of several routes that go through West Seattle, leading up to today’s reopening of the bus tunnel: The following routes that used to travel 1st Avenue downtown now travel 3rd Avenue instead — 54 and 55 all the time (their 5th Ave segments also now are on 3rd instead), 56 Express northbound during mornings only, 21 Express northbound during mornings only. Read this carefully for Metro’s complete update, including a list of the routes now running in the tunnel again, and other changes. SCENIC_Alaskan_Way_AWV1.jpgTHE VIADUCT: The city Transportation Department reps at last week’s Alki Community Council meeting said the city and state are now cooperating again in the process of figuring out what’s next for The Viaduct. Whew, that’s a relief. This week, you can participate in a West Seattle “public scoping meeting” regarding the plan to replace the south end of The Viaduct no matter what is decided for the middle part of it; it’s happening 5-8 pm Wednesday @ Madison Middle School, with the presentation scheduled to start at 6.

Fire at 38th & Admiral

Thanks to the tipster who texted us to make sure we had heard about this big callout – fire in a house at 3809 Admiral, affecting traffic in the area for a while too. One WSB reader says she was dining across the bay and could see the smoke and flames from there, at the height of this fire. 10:03 PM UPDATE: TV reports say the house is gutted inside, the couple who lived there got out OK, and investigators don’t know what started the fire. Meantime, here are two photos sent to us by WSB readers who snapped them as smoke poured from the house — first one from Mark (thank you!!!!):


Second photo is from Jess (thank you too!!!!) — you can really see how traffic was blocked off on Admiral (if you didn’t happen to get caught in it yourself):


Here’s some video of crews mopping up — mostly flashing lights — we’ll check back on the scene in the morning too:

From the vine to the racetrack

September 23, 2007 4:23 pm
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Two rounds from the kids’ zucchini races @ West Seattle Farmers’ Market today:

Chief Sealth student attacked near school

Saw this on tv last night but couldn’t find anything posted online till this afternoon: A CSHS student says he was attacked just off-campus during lunch break Friday; no arrest reported.

Barbecue cookoff on Alki: The moment(s) of truth

September 23, 2007 1:58 pm
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Checking back on the Evergreen State Barbecue Championship happening along the Alki promenade all weekend — Yes, there is indeed one vendor selling food (from a $2 corncob to a $24 full platter with full rack of ribs), if they haven’t run out by now! Meantime, the judging is happening hourly; we were there at brisket-judging time, and followed Jonathan from Edmonds as he left his battle station and headed for the judging table holding what he proclaimed would be the prize-winning brisket (plus our videographer asked him to predict the outcome of the Seahawks-Bengals game, which at that point hadn’t started):

Among the most amusing aspects of the Barbecue Championship, from an onlooker’s perspective, is the wide variety of wordplay in the team names and their attire, logos, banners, etc. We caught up with this next guy mostly because of his T-shirt:

Also seen at Alki today, just past the east end of Barbecue Row: The Statue of Liberty Plaza Project crew, selling their $20 fundraising T-shirts. As mentioned at the last public meeting, they’re trying to get all their fundraising done by year’s end.

Sunday morning miscellany

-Today’s Times features West Seattle cancer survivor Anita Mitchell, whose art will be on display Tuesday at Swedish Medical Center.

-Event that didn’t make it to the latest WS Weekend Lineup: Four Aims Center, which took over the ex-Cat’s Eye Cafe near Lincoln Park, has an open house this afternoon/evening, with free yoga, meditation, and refreshments.

-The West Seattle Birdcam has flown away. Sorry to see it go. Can’t believe we have so few linkable live cams in WS; if you know of one that’s not on our WS “Live” Cams page (nothing too “adult,” sorry), please let us know.

-WSB reader Gayle e-mailed us to make sure everyone knows about West Seattle’s newest food option, which you might miss unless you frequent ActivSpace on Harbor Ave: River House, open Mon-Sat at ActivSpace. Gayle says, “They serve crepes (sweet and savory), sandwiches, salads, daily specials, espresso drinks, baked goods and gelato … Also offered are homemade sauces. Try the Fresh Pear – no sugar added. Coffee served is from Vashon Island Roasters. … Yummy!”

La Rustica to be closed for more than a week

September 22, 2007 10:40 pm
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Went by La Rustica tonight, still closed in the wake of yesterday’s fire; then we called and eventually got a recording that says LR plans to reopen Tuesday, October 2nd.

Last evening of summer

Fall begins in a few hours. Post-sunset scenes from Lincoln Park:


Mars Hill’s leader looks back at Hallelujahpalooza

Actually, in his latest blog post, Mark Driscoll calls the September 14th Alki event “baptismalooza,” while also giving a nod to “pajama blogger jihadists” whom he believes are posting from “the comfy confines of their mom’s house.” (We own this ourselves, thank you very much.) His retelling of the seal incident is pretty close to other accounts except for two things: we don’t remember “animal-rights activists” showing up unless he means the Seal Sitters, and his crowd estimate of 3,000 is about 4 times what we got at the scene. SUNDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: MH’s WS pastor Adam Sinnett estimates that same crowd at 2,000 in his latest blog post, which also touts the congregation’s growth, mentions they are moving from “live” to “video” preaching (does that mean MD via video to all campuses? we can’t sneak in to see for ourselves, we’re way out of their demographics), and says they’re having a big bash this Wednesday 9/26 (neighbors take note).

Saturday scenes around West Seattle

Along Delridge, the North Delridge Adopt-A-Street volunteers have been busy this midday — we saw groups mostly in twos and threes, with bright yellow bags, taking the time to make their neighborhood a better place.


On the Alki promenade, the Evergreen State Barbecue Championship participants spent the morning setting up. This photo shows the stack of wood one team brought along. The barbecuers say they will be cooking all night, judging tomorrow; apparently one vendor will be selling food tomorrow, but the others are just there to compete (different health regulations, too). The video clip after the photo is a short walking tour going past about a third of the booths.


In The Junction, construction/excavation crews have taken down most of the graffiti-laden retaining wall at the back of the ex-Hollywood Video/future QFC-Office Depot-apartments megaproject on Alaska:


One other note if you will be out and about — the last leg of Erskine, going southwest from The Junction, is blocked off at the five-cornered intersection (7-11, Uptown, etc.), because of road work just to the west.

Desperately seeking “Singh”

This is one of the most unusual e-mails we’ve received lately. Someone who recently found WSB is wondering if anyone out there can help him figure out whatever happened to a waiter who worked at a now-closed Junction restaurant.Read More

Free, free, get them free

The new Seattle CAN (Climate Action Now) campaign asks us all to take a few simple steps, such as using energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulbs. You can get one free today by going to any of the following:
The WS kickoff event for Seattle CAN featuring Hizzoner, KC Councilmember Dow C, Sustainable West Seattle, Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, the Delridge councils, Chief Sealth HS, performers, and a lot more, at Youngstown Arts Center, 9 am-1 pm (info provided by SWS includes notes about refreshments @ 9, the mayor speaking @ 9:30, and a biodiesel demo @ 9:45)
Public libraries around the city, including the four here in WS (Delridge, High Point, Southwest, West Seattle, all open 10-6 today according to those branch websites) – 1 PM UPDATE, we just stopped by the WS branch to get one, and the people manning the Seattle CAN table there told us they are there until 4.

We saw the signs

-On the door at La Rustica tonight: “Closed For Remodel/thanks for your patience.” (Interesting way to put it.)

-On the gate at Hotwire tonight: Sidewalk Cinema rained out one more time. This was supposed to be the reschedule of last month’s “Monty Python & the Holy Grail” rainout. When the raindrops started smacking the windshield just as we entered The Junction, we were mega-bummed, to say the least.

-On the window at Chuck & Sally’s tonight: The same “closed for several days” sign that’s been up for several weeks. City records show that someone filed a “land use code” complaint a few days after our early September report, but no indication exactly what they’re alleged to have violated, and no resolution of the complaint yet.