Just in. If anyone out there can help - the Seal Sitters, and this pup, need help NOW:
We have a pup on the beach at 64th and Beach Dr., S.W. whose back
flipper is tangled in fishing wire. Otherwise the pup seems healthy and plump.
His mother is just offshore, so he is viable and under her care. We need a
volunteer who has some kind of wildlife rehab training who can come out
and using gloves try to disentangle the pup from the fishing wire. Because
it is on his back flipper, it will not be affecting his immediate ability to
fish and forage, but over time it may limit his foraging ability. If anyone
can help out, we seal sitters would be very grateful. Please come to the
beach at 64th and Beach Dr., S.W. Bring wire cutters, padded gloves and be
very careful as there are diseases that go between seals and people.