Never mind the Oscars, help us win … The Metrobloggies

It’s neck-and-neck; our neck is currently the one behind … we’re not going to be able to pull off the win without you … you can vote here once a day from each and every place you go online … and we’ve added a handy tab at the top of this page (see VOTE DAILY FOR WSB tab) for quick access. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

4 Replies to "Never mind the Oscars, help us win ... The Metrobloggies"

  • MargL February 26, 2007 (10:26 am)

    Argh! I was going to vote and dpolls is down right now… I’ll have to set alarm to remember to vote later today. :-)

  • daPuffin February 26, 2007 (5:13 pm)

    dpolls is still down. =(

  • MargL February 26, 2007 (10:00 pm)

    Some script-kiddie that reads #!/usr/bin/girl probably wrote a script to auto-vote for that site and crashed the poll servers! ;-P

  • dw February 26, 2007 (10:25 pm)

    Sorry kids. You just can’t plan for the glitches, you know? I’m going with another poll-o-matic system; hopefully it will hold together until we’re done in two weeks.

Sorry, comment time is over.