day : 20/01/2007 3 results

What lies beneath

You’ve seen the divers just off Seacrest a million times. But unless you too have gone into the water — way into the water — you probably haven’t seen what they’ve seen. One is kindly sharing a recent Seacrest six-gill shark sighting with the world via this webpost, featuring video (note that besides the embedded player, there’s a link at the very bottom to a high-res version).

More on Huling Bros. scandal

This morning’s Seattle Times article has many more details, including the contention from Huling’s new owners that they weren’t really briefed by the old owners that this was about to come slamming into them like a tsunami.

Beer bash

Reminder that tonight’s the night for the new microbrewers in town, Schooner Exact, to debut their brew with a party (7 pm) @ Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction.