Not WS but we’re mentioning it anyway 485 results

Grand Opening day for Full Tilt Ice Cream (and pinball!)


The first pinball (note the circa-1981 Mr. and Mrs. Pac-Man game at right) and video games are in … the ice cream is up at the counter …


… and Full Tilt Ice Cream on 16th SW (detailed WSB preview here with flavors, hours, etc.) is open for business as of a couple hours ago. Co-owner Justin Cline says the party really gets going tonight, with The Blank-Its playing from 9 till about midnight, but you can wander in any time before then and try the ice cream, paletas, and/or pinball. We’ll add a couple video clips in a bit with a closer look at the games; just wanted to post this reminder that they’re officially open.

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

Full Tilt Ice Cream pre-opening updates: Flavors, hours, more


They’re less than 48 hours from their grand opening, but Justin Cline and Ann Magyar made time to talk with WSB this afternoon as they continued getting their much-buzzed-about White Center shop Full Tilt Ice Cream (original WSB report here) in ship shape — appropriate, since Justin’s a boat-builder. They just got the news hours earlier that inspectors cleared them to open Friday; pinball machines were scheduled to arrive any moment. The machines didn’t show up while we were there but we do have the scoop on some of what they’re expecting, plus the flavors they’re planning to open with. We even got to see the first boxes of paletas (mango chili and blackberry cinnamon) in the freezer (photo above)! More ahead:Read More

Remember Nicholas Francisco? A new development of sorts

missingmanfoto.jpgThe disappearance of Nicholas Francisco four months ago was fleetingly a WSB story for two reasons: (a) West Seattle was searched because he was a former Mars Hill-West Seattle church member and (b) for a while, people from all over the country who wanted to discuss their theories about his disappearance used this WSB thread (354 comments) to do it. Tonight, the P-I reports his wife has filed for divorce.

Alert from Boeing Field: Military-jet activity this weekend

Thanks to the Pigeon Point neighborhood mailing list for sharing this alert from Boeing Field management:

Naval Air Station San Diego notified KCIA Operations about four F-18s arriving between 4-6 PM on Saturday, June 14 to conduct over-flights, arrivals and departures, and departing at 5:00 PM on Sunday, June 15.

From June 23-28, one F-21 from Norfolk, VA will visit KCIA to support the Boeing Company’s testing of its Wedgetail aircraft at Boeing’s Military Flight Center. The jet fighter will make a couple operational flights/day during business hours.

Whenever scheduled military flights are known in advance, KCIA will alert surrounding neighborhoods; however, occasional refueling stops occur by military aircraft without any advanced notice to the Airport.
KCIA is an open-access airport and must accommodate all aircraft 24/7. By Federal Aviation Administration regulations, the Airport cannot discriminate against any aircraft because it is a violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

To report noise incidents, please call KCIA’s Noise Information Line at 206-205-5242; or email

We’re no experts but — according to online research, F-18 is a Blue Angels-type jet; F-21 is this.

Possible county crimefighting cuts: Meeting announced

Though this is from the King County Sheriff, whose crimefighting turf starts just over the line in White Center, it’s part of a larger county criminal-justice-funding concern that in the end could affect us all – since, for example, it’s county prosecutors who handle city crimes too – so we wanted to share this announcement of an upcoming public meeting you might want to attend:Read More

Seattle’s liveliest politician-produced blog

Check the latest entry at City Councilmember Sally Clark‘s blog. (Where’s Hizzoner?) She’ll be back in West Seattle next week, by the way, at the Delridge District Council meeting, 7 pm June 18, Southwest Precinct. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: OK, now we know where Hizzoner is.

Two business notes from recent West Seattle departees

Notes from two businesses that recently moved out of West Seattle and headed east — Marilyn Murphy from Murphy’s Furniture Studio e-mailed to say her new store in Pioneer Square is now open at 314 1st Ave S., next to Elliott Bay Books, and she’s offering a 15% discount on any one item this month to anyone who comes in and mentions West Seattle. (If you missed the news, an Italian restaurant called Cafe Revo is moving into the ex-Murphy’s space.) Meantime, Herban Feast, which is now based in SoDo but still has a booth at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on Sundays, is planning to offer barbecued wild-salmon burgers at the market this Sunday, in honor of Father’s Day.

New biz announced just over the line: Ice cream & pinball


This is just across the city-limits line, which is usually the line for our coverage, but we and many other West Seattleites do business in White Center too — so when this just turned up in our inbox, trumpeting the forthcoming opening of Full Tilt Ice Cream at 9629 16th SW (map), we thought you might be interested — read the business owners’ full news release ahead; they also have a MySpace site (more details there on vegan offerings):Read More

Maybe they’ll settle it on skates: Starbucks v. Rat City Rollergirls

According to Slog, Starbucks is asking the Rat City Rollergirls – who have White Center (aka Rat City) and West Seattle roots/ties, so they’re sort-of-local news to us – to tweak their logo. RCR reaction just went live in a PI followup.

Two city traffic alerts that might be of interest

Not in West Seattle but one’s along a popular route (1st Ave S) and the other’s for a variety of events you might encounter elsewhere in the city this weekend:Read More

Summer noise alert from Boeing Field managers

An interesting item forwarded on the mailing list for the North Delridge Neighborhood Council (one of the neighborhood groups having a big sale on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day next Saturday, by the way):

King County International Airport
May 2, 2008

Community Notice

Seattle/Tukwila/Renton metropolitan area residents may experience temporary increases in aircraft noise levels from the Museum of Flight and SEAFAIR celebration events from May-August 2008. Please note the following dates:

May 21-24 EAA B-17 Bomber Visit
May 24 Cascade Warbirds Fly-In
June 21-22 Wings of Freedom 2008 Bomber Tour
July 31-August 3 SEAFAIR Blue Angels Week

For further information about any of these visits, tours and fly-ins, please contact the Museum of Flight at 206-764-5720. The Blue Angels are sponsored by Seattle SEAFAIR, whose number is 206-728-0123.

Your editor here is a total Blue Angels geek so we’ll be pretty much camped out at MofF those days. Last year we only had a still camera; this year we’re video-equipped so watch out…

Avoid Alaskan Way for a while

Sounds like the waterfront march mentioned here is indeed unfolding as expected … listening to the police scanner, which has frequencies from around the area as well as West Seattle, and they’re talking about traffic shutdowns on Alaskan Way, possibly Royal Brougham too.

City traffic alert: Three marches tomorrow

The city just sent out a traffic alert about three May Day marches tomorrow that might affect you even though they’re not in West Seattle – particularly if you use Alaskan Way or East Marginal Way – so we’re passing it along:Read More

Traffic alert: Major crash in South Park

We’re mentioning this because someone just texted us about it and it’s a route many people use to or from West Seattle: Major crash in South Park, 5th S and S Cloverdale (map), described as “multiple casualty incident” on the 911 log. Avoid the area for a good long while.

Miles away, yet close to home: Year-round rescue tug

April 14, 2008 7:55 pm
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 |   Environment | Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

Technically, this is happening more than 100 miles away. tenyomaru.jpgBut the water it protects flows to and from West Seattle shores, and as we were discussing this afternoon with a WS entrepreneur who’s on the governor’s Oil Spill Advisory CouncilGreg Whittaker of Alki Kayak Tours — it’s a big deal for all of Puget Sound. (The last major disaster in that area, the Tenyo Maru sinking [NOAA photo left], happened a few months after we moved here; the memories remain vivid.)

In case you see this ship out in the bay later …


We happened to be on the downtown waterfront a little while ago and just had to go over and check out this ship docked at Bell Street Pier, since we didn’t recognize its flag. Turned out to be the Peruvian navy cargo ship “BAP Mollendo.” Capped an international morning for us – we were by Pier 66 because the World Affairs Council across the street had invited us to come chat with a German delegation touring the US to learn more about how “new media” is utilized here. Talking with the trio (from Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk radio, the Leipzig Public Library, and Der Spiegel) after they asked us a bunch of questions about WSB and community-news blogging, we learned: (a) Not many Germans blog, (b) The Internet isn’t a big deal for kids/teens in Germany the way it is for American kids, and (c) Wikipedia is REVERED in Germany — editors have meetups, etc.

Interested in tech & “social change”? Event tonight

March 25, 2008 11:31 am
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 |   Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

It’s not in West Seattle but your editor here is on the panel (along with folks from the Times and P-I) and in case it’s a topic of interest, we’re mentioning it briefly here: Net Tuesday tonight in Belltown; here are full details.

New website for Nicholas Francisco search, 1 month later

missingmanfoto.jpgNot really a West Seattle story any more, but Nicholas Francisco‘s wife just announced the new website in a comment posted on this WSB item (don’t know where else she announced it; nothing comes up in blogsearch or news search so far), so for those wondering “what ever happened …” (some people asked us about it just yesterday) we’re mentioning it: It’s been one month today since he vanished, and with no obvious evidence of “foul play,” police have long since pulled back on an active search. (There’s backstory in this article from last weekend.) The new site is

With posters still up all over WS, you might be interested

missingmanfoto.jpgFor those still wondering: No official law-enforcement updates in the disappearance of Nicholas Francisco (left), Queen Anne ad-agency employee and former Mars Hill-West Seattle member, but his wife has updated her website for the first time since this all happened, with a post titled “Get the Facts.” The searchers’ site hasn’t been updated in almost a week; no recent updates on this semi-official info site, either.

Nicholas Francisco disappearance update

missingmanfoto.jpgThe friends/family search website says they’re regrouping to look from Burien southward on Saturday, after canvassing an area including the easternmost edge of West Seattle today. (Remember, he has WS ties, including membership until recently at Mars Hill Church-WS, and coworkers/friends who live here.) Meantime, while regional media updates grow more sparse, the national media has jumped in, with ABC network coverage here and a FOX network story here.

Job cuts at Starbucks’ HQ

This isn’t strictly West Seattle but we know many people who work at Starbucks HQ in Sodo live on the peninsula, and this hasn’t gotten wide media exposure yet – apparently big job cuts announced today. An e-mail tipster says a friend is one of those who got the ax. This is the first official word we’ve seen, more to come, we’re sure. 12:21 PM UPDATE: Just hearing a radio bulletin about this now – 200 job cuts at corporate HQ, more than 300 open jobs that won’t be filled. Yet more details here.