West Seattle woman’s cat-helping mission gets TV spotlight

From the WSB Forums, and now on TV – a KING 5 story this morning features West Seattleite Pamela Brumell‘s quest to reduce cat overpopulation by trapping feral cats so they can be spayed/neutered. See the story here – and note that she’s looking for translator help.

WaMu=Chase: Signs of the sign-switching

From the city’s daily “permit issuance” list, a permit’s been granted for Chase signage to go up at the West Seattle Thriftway WaMu branch; we just went down the hill to check – the illuminated “runner” is already up inside the branch; the sign over the door is in transition; the WaMu sign on the outdoor storefront (photo above) is all that remains. WaMu/Chase has five West Seattle branches in all (counting the Junction drive-through).

West Seattle Chamber of Commerce presents its annual awards

April 8, 2009 9:59 am
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That’s Todd Carden of Elliott Bay Brewery and Pub, — a mainstay in The Junction for 12 years — accepting the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s “Business of the Year” award this morning. WSCC members and guests gathered at Salty’s on Alki for the annual awards breakfast, at which County Council Chair Dow Constantine presented the awards; he was one of three political leaders in attendance, along with City Councilmembers Tom Rasmussen and Nick Licata. Introducing EBB owner Carden, Constantine listed the company’s distinctions, particularly in environmental stewardship — first King County brewery to go organic, first in Washington with two organic breweries (there’s an EBB in Burien too), a trailblazing composting program. Carden said he was happy to first hear of the award (reported here March 11) but it didn’t really sink in until he and his wife were visiting stops on the West Seattle Art Walk the next night and “people started congratulating me left and right.”

Also honored this morning — the Community Service Award recipient, Robinson Newspapers founder Jerry Robinson (who, it was revealed after his acceptance speech, turns 89 next Monday). With the trademark humor familiar to readers of his column, he quipped that others might have deserved the honor more — perhaps Rolf Neslund, the ship captain whose collision with the old West Seattle Bridge in 1978 broke a longrunning logjam over whether to build a new one. (Elliott Bay proprietor Carden later joked he might have to name a future beer after Neslund.) Jerry Robinson founded the White Center News in 1952 and bought the West Seattle Herald in 1974; at one point, not that many years ago, he tried to retire, but admitted he felt a bit “useless” in his temporary life of leisure, saying, “Nothing is as fulfilling” as being of service to others.

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce’s regular monthly meetings are listed on its website at wschamber.com.

Happening tonight: Food drive; drinking dialogue; 34th Dems

From the WSB Events calendar:

FOOD DRIVE: Tonight’s the night Kiwanis Division 26 volunteers will be at the White Center Food Bank, 5:30-8 pm, hoping to see you drop by with donations of nonperishable food ($ donations welcome too). Here’s a map.

DRINKING DIALOGUE: Last week, we brought you the story of Chris Volkmann of Olympia, who has written a book with son Toren Volkmann about his teen (and beyond) drinking days. She is funny and practical, not preachy, and told us she hopes families will “just come have a dialogue” as she and Toren, now 26, speak at Madison Middle School tonight at 7 pm.

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: Last meeting, they endorsed County Council Chair Dow Constantine in his run for County Executive; tonight, they hear from one of his opponents, County Councilmember Larry Phillips. A resolution about “clean campaigns” is on the agenda too. 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy.

And another Design Review note: Kenney’s next date set

April 8, 2009 12:05 am
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kenneycupola.jpg6:30 pm May 14 is the date tentatively set for The Kenney‘s $150 million redevelopment project to return to Design Review, location TBA – this according to an addition late Tuesday to the “upcoming reviews” page. This fits right in with what The Kenney’s CEO Kevin McFeely told us recently (as reported a week ago). This will be its fourth Design Review meeting; the third one, three months ago (WSB coverage here), ended with the project moving out of the “early design guidance” stage.

How to spend Parks Levy $$? 4 meetings set, 1 in West Seattle

April 7, 2009 10:29 pm
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During our four fun hours at the Gathering of Neighbors on Saturday, we published a bit of news resulting from a chat with Pete Spalding, who (among other things) is on the new Parks Levy Oversight Committee: Pete told us a series of public meetings was about to be announced, giving you the chance to speak out about how you would like to see some of that money (particularly its $15 million “Opportunity Fund” for community-generated projects) spent. Tonight, we get word from Pete that the dates/times/locations of four open houses are now set, including, as he said, one meeting in West Seattle: 7-8:30 pm May 6, West Seattle Golf Course. (The other 3 open houses: 7 pm 5/4, Rainier Community Center; 7 pm 5/12, Green Lake Community Center; 7 pm 5/13, Parks HQ downtown.)

So where DID Lily get her steak?

The WSB Twitter page is a snapshot at any given time of the most recent Twitter messages – “tweets” – from anyone anywhere mentioning West Seattle. We check it often because it offers WS tips and trivia beyond the people we get to interact with via the @westseattleblog Twitter stream. Interesting group of tweets at the moment – singer Lily Allen is still in Seattle after her Showbox show last night and put out a question a few hours ago to her 125,000+ Twitter “followers” – “Where’s good for steak in Seattle?” Among the replies, our WS-specific Twitter sampling shows, four people quickly recommended JaK‘s in The Junction (and this search shows a few more). Lily then tweeted an hour later “Bout to get my meat on” – no word yet (even via Twitter) whether she did that here.

Followup: Where the Junction multi-car-crash investigation stands

It’s been almost a full month now since that pickup truck’s driver hit more than a dozen other vehicles in The Junction, and a few WSB’ers have inquired: What happened in this case? The night of the crash, investigators were looking into the possibility the driver might have been affected by a medical condition, but they also looked into possible “impairment.” We checked with the Seattle Police Traffic Collision Investigation Squad, which has eight detectives charged with investigating crashes citywide, and here’s what Detective Michael Korner tells WSB: The investigation of what actually happened is complete – there’s no question that one vehicle hit the other vehicles, and that police “contacted” the driver at the scene. So now it comes down to state lab test results on the blood drawn from the driver that night. Since the possibility of a medical condition was raised, Korner says, the lab will do a full analysis, and the results might not be back for two months, depending on the lab’s backlog. (If they analyze for alcohol only, he says, it takes up to one month.) Once the results are in, he then completes the case report, and it goes into the city prosecutor/court system for review and a decision on whether charges are merited. The driver was taken to the hospital the night of the crash, as was the driver of the first vehicle he hit, and some of the vehicles were severely damaged – this comment on our original report told one such story. (Photo credits: upper left, Mark Ammann; above right, Christopher Boffoli)

Design Review this week: See the newest plan for 4532 42nd SW

Five months after the demolition of that century-old house at 4532 42nd SW (map), the development that’s replacing it has what could be its final Southwest Design Review Board meeting this Thursday night — and the presentation is now available online, with images including this one:

The six-floor Golden Crest development is at left (at right, Capco Plaza/Altamira Apartments at Alaska/42nd). According to the presentation that’s now available (see it in its entirety here), its 35 residential units would range from studio to 3 bedrooms; they would be built over 3,000 square feet of commercial space and 54 “basement” parking slots. This project has already been through the “early design guidance” phase, so if board members give it the thumbs-up on Thursday, it’s done with design review.

Golden Crest is to be reviewed at 8 pm Thursday at Madison Middle School, following the board’s 6:30 pm “early design guidance” look at Transitional Resources‘ 4-story proposal for 2922 SW Avalon (no presentation online yet but here’s the city permit page).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 3 updates

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009Fourth day of registration for the 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day — one day, many sales big and small all over West Seattle, mapped and marketed by WSB — and three dozen are on the list already, including group and block sales. We extended this year’s registration period to 3 weeks instead of 2 so you’ve got more time to think about it, and hear about it. Today’s other updates: If you haven’t already seen this on the official Community Garage Sale Day site at westseattlegaragesale.com, we have two locations so far offering space to those who can’t or don’t want to have their own standalone sales — Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) and C & P Coffee. Space is limited at both so if you’re interested contact Hotwire proprietor Lora or C & P proprietor Cameron ASAP. Also – in addition to offering online signup/payment (go here) and the link to download a form you can mail in (here), preprinted forms are available for pickup at locations around West Seattle (let us know if your business valbestsign.jpgis interested in having some forms on hand and we’ll drop ’em by): four WSB sponsors — Hotwire, Illusions Hair Design, Stor-More Self-Storage, and Brunette Mix — and two Seattle Public Library branches, West Seattle (Admiral) and Southwest (35th/Henderson). We’ll have contests again this year – including “Best Sign,” for which Val (photo right) was one of last year’s winners. By the way, West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is the ONLY major communitywide sale day this spring — the “granddaddy of ’em all” in Greenwood moved to fall this year (at least one person told us they signed up for WSCGSD because of that – they’re looking forward to spring cleaning!) — and we’ll again be getting the word out regionally. Maps will be available earlier this year too – we’re planning to have them ready in time to start handing them out at the Sustainable West Seattle Festival on May 3 (the Sunday before WSCGSD).

Fauntleroy Place work to resume in summer? “Sale still pending”

While reporting a few notes yesterday about Fauntleroy Place (future Whole Foods/Hancock Fabrics/residential site at Fauntleroy/Alaska/39th), we mentioned we still hadn’t heard back from primary site owners Seattle Capital regarding the status of the pending sale they disclosed two months ago. Once it’s sold, Seattle Capital had said back in January, that would pave the way for construction to resume. So we put in another request for comment today – and just heard back from Seattle Capital’s John Huddleston:

Yes, there is still a sale pending. (currently in the due diligence phase of the Purchase and Sale agreement.) Closing of the sale is anticipated to occur sometime prior to the end of June, 2009.

Construction would most likely begin very shortly after closing. The site itself is currently being actively maintained by the original contractor, Ledcor Construction Inc.

The permit for the Phase II construction has been issued. This covers the underground parking as well as the Commercial floor space above it. The Phase III permit for the residential towers above the commercial space has been applied for and is currently being processed.

Active work on the site stopped last fall; developers BlueStar had repeatedly said the project was simply “between phases” — then, last month, the allegations in two lawsuits (reported here and here) gave the situation a new dimension.

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: An article in today’s Daily Journal of Commerce (only available to subscribers) has some new information about the prospective buyers. We have a message out seeking an opportunity for comment; the article reiterates what Seattle Capital told us – construction is likely to resume midsummer (or later).

Finding education $: Governor’s K-12, community-college plans

With one of Seattle’s community-college campuses here in West Seattle, we wanted to let you know about Governor Gregoire’s new proposal for raising education money — she’s proposing an up-to-7% tuition hike for community colleges, up to 14% for universities, and a levy-lid lift for K-12 public-school districts including Seattle – here’s the official news release:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car-prowl encore in Arbor Heights

Out of the WSB inbox, from KEM … of particular interest if you think “not on OUR street”:

For the second time in as many months, our unlocked cars (shame on us, I know) have been prowled. We woke two months ago to my car doors left open, and a few items had been pilfered – a Polar heart rate monitor, and a few other inconsequential items. I assume I left my car door unlocked the night before, though I’m not totally sure. This morning we woke to my husband’s car having been rifled-through. We think his car was unlocked, too, and, as I said, shame on us for doing it twice. This time they stole a pair of iPhone earbuds, but nothing else. Risking getting caught for some iPhone ear buds? Seems sort of silly, really. Not a big deal in terms of loss of property, but we live on a quiet, dead-end street around 36th and 110th and it’s a little unsettling to think that prowlers are lurking around in the middle of the night and rifling through our stuff. Neighbors, beware! And keep your doors locked. (Duh.)

From the resource list at the bottom of our Crime Watch page, here’s the official advice on deterring car prowlers.

Looking for West Seattle egg hunts and/or Easter services?

April 7, 2009 10:29 am
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Looking for an egg hunt? Holy Week/Easter Sunday service? Our Easter page (see it here) can now be reached from the EASTER tab on the WSB navigation bar, beneath the sunset header. Not too late to add something – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!

Work finally starting on long-vacant site along California

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During the City Hall revenue-forecast briefing we covered yesterday, city Finance Director Dwight Dively noted some reasons for cautious economic optimism. This morning, we’ve got more proof a long-idle site along California SW — cleared in 2006, and with townhouse permits issued one year ago (WSB coverage here) — is finally about to see construction work. First, Anne from Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) tipped us that a telltale sign (a porta-potty) had shown up at the site. Now, there’s a brand-new permit for temporary power to the site. The permits granted for the site span four addresses from 6021 to 6031 California (map), and if our math is right, they add up to 6 live-work units and 8 townhouse units. ADDED 9:36 AM: Just went by to check, and in fact, a backhoe is at work on the site right now:

“Sad day” at Holy Rosary: Longtime principal Kris Brown leaving

“A very sad day for all of us involved with this school” is how this news is described by the WSB’er who e-mailed to let us know: Holy Rosary School‘s longtime principal Kris Brown just announced she is leaving after this school year to lead St. Catherine School in Maple Leaf. In a letter on the Holy Rosary website, Brown writes, “It has been exciting to be a part of Holy Rosary School during its time of tremendous growth. However, at this time in my life, I believe I can sustain the energy required in the role of principal for many more years at a smaller school.” (St. Catherine has 200+ students; HR has 400+.) Also on the HR website is a letter from School Commission president Terry Scanlan, saying in part, “It is difficult to imagine Holy Rosary School without Kris at the helm. … Change is never easy or smooth. But change also brings with it the opportunity for genuine growth.” Scanlan writes that the principal search will start immediately.

Love and laughter now link Lowman Beach with Wallingford

From Wallingford’s neighborhood-news site Wallyhood comes the story behind yellow ribbons and peals of laughter at Lowman Beach over the weekend: The replacement swingset installed last fall was dedicated in memory of Emma Kowalczyk, a Wallingford baby who died one year ago today. (More photos here.)

West Seattle “Shop Cats”: Meet Presta and Schrader

Last Monday night, in our first West Seattle “Shop Cat” story, you met Seth from West Seattle Nursery. Tonight, we head about a mile south on California SW:

By Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Meet Presta and Schrader at Aaron’s Bicycle Repair – the award-winning cats:

Look in the picture windows filled with bicycles at Aaron’s shop in Morgan Junction and you may find a pair of bright green eyes looking back at you. Presta and Schrader, the feline brothers who live at the shop, regularly perch themselves on a bike saddle in the front window to take the measure of the world outside.

Read More

West Seattle Weather Watch: Supposed to be sunny tomorrow too

April 6, 2009 7:44 pm
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 |   King County Water Taxi | West Seattle news | West Seattle weather

One more photo from our 8:50 am King County Water Taxi (WSB sponsor) run downtown this morning … looks like tomorrow will be conducive to commuting via water, too.

Fauntleroy Place updates: Lawsuit response; land-use decision

3 weeks after we brought you first word of lawsuits filed over the stalled Fauntleroy Place project (Fauntleroy/Alaska/39th, future Whole Foods), the site’s owners have filed their response to one of the suits, the one filed by Christopher NeVan‘s BAJ Capital against Fauntleroy Place LLC and stakeholder Seattle Capital (read the suit here). Without much elaboration, the response denies most of the allegations/statements in the lawsuit; the most words of denial come in this passage toward the end of the six-page response:

… Defendants hereby allege the following affirmative defenses:

1. Plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted
2. Plaintiff has unclean hands
3. Defendants have fully performed all contractual obligations
4. Plaintiff’s alleged damages are the result of actions by third parties
5. Complete relief cannot be granted without joining at least one additional party
6. Plaintiff’s claims are barred by the doctrines of waiver and estoppel
7. Plaintiff’s claims are barred by the doctrine of laches
8. Plaintiff has failed to mitigate its damages
9. Defendant had business justifications for the alleged actions

And with that, the defendants ask for dismissal. (Wondering about some of those legal terms? We were. Here’s an explanation for “unclean hands”; here’s one for estoppel; here’s one for laches.) Meantime, you can read the entire six-page document here. We checked, but there’s no similar document available online yet in connection with the other lawsuit, which BlueStar filed against Fauntleroy Place and Seattle Capital. Meantime, one other development: Today’s Land Use Information Bulletin includes the decision officially finalizing design-review approval for the project, following design changes last summer (here’s our coverage of the final Design Review meeting last August). You can read the decision linked from this page, which also explains any appeals must be filed by April 19th. (Still no official word on the site sale reportedly in the works as of two months ago.)

2nd off-leash area in West Seattle? Unleash your support!

That’s Sophia the Italian greyhound, aka the current CityDog Magazine cover dog, companion to Wendy and Stephen Hughes-Jelen. Wendy’s High Point K9 Club has a new mission = a second off-leash area for West Seattle (the only one right now is at Westcrest Park). She explains: “The High Point K9 Club is refocusing its mission to concentrate exclusively on the creation of an off-leash exercise area for dogs in the community. The meetup group that was founded in August of 2007 will be purging inactive members so that all current active participants in the off-leash area project are plugged in and receiving communications as we go through the steps of this large project. You do not have to live within the borders of the redeveloped High Point to participate or use the off-leash area. People and their social dogs living in the surrounding communities are welcome to join and participate in the creation process and use of the park after it is done. If you have always wanted to design and build a dog park, we need you!” Just sign up for the group by going here.

Unofficial 3-day weekend: Sunny Monday at the beach

April 6, 2009 3:39 pm
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 |   West Seattle beaches | West Seattle weather

Thanks to Keith for sending us the view from Alki – we drove by about an hour ago after taking the King County Water Taxi (WSB sponsor) back from downtown, and can confirm this has all the earmarks of a summer day, except for the date on the calendar.