WaMu=Chase: Signs of the sign-switching

From the city’s daily “permit issuance” list, a permit’s been granted for Chase signage to go up at the West Seattle Thriftway WaMu branch; we just went down the hill to check – the illuminated “runner” is already up inside the branch; the sign over the door is in transition; the WaMu sign on the outdoor storefront (photo above) is all that remains. WaMu/Chase has five West Seattle branches in all (counting the Junction drive-through).

2 Replies to "WaMu=Chase: Signs of the sign-switching"

  • miws April 8, 2009 (11:07 am)

    I was just wondering this morning, about the sign changeover, as I was on the treadmill looking across the street at the WAMU sign incorporated into Thriftway’s digital readout sign.


    I love Spring, and trees. but soon they will be full of leaves and I’ll lose that view for several months. :(



  • Sue April 8, 2009 (11:19 am)

    I work in WaMu Tower downtown, and have wondered when I’d start seeing them change the building name and/or at least the bank signage. I’ve noticed in the past month or so that the internal signage at the bank has gone from Chase being a small footnote on the signs to it becoming much more prominent. So I figured the bigger signs are probably not far behind.

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